Wei Ran dismounted and put down ah Li. A Li has not grown much in recent years. The development of a normal fox is almost slow. It was the size of two palms five years ago. Now it is the size of two and a half palms.

However, the hair color becomes more bright. The tail is as red as fire. It goes all the way to the head, and the hair color gradually becomes lighter. At the head, it changes to orange. The hair color is the most complex and amazing at the waist with excessive orange and fire red.

Although it is rumored to be a monster fox, it is very popular at home because it is full of spirituality and understanding. No one really regards it as a monster, although it is indeed a monster.

A Li went straight to the western region Hu blanket under the cherry tree, where there were all kinds of snacks. The maid is feeding him snacks and playing with Li Jianxing and Li huaimeng.

Li Guangsi didn't like the fox very much. He was deeply influenced by Feng Xinyuan. He once heard his master say that it was a demon fox. In addition, he often stayed with the big brother he didn't like, so he was very biased.

But he didn't act very obviously. He just never took the initiative to tease ah Li, making people think he doesn't like small animals very much. No one, including Wang, knows what strange ideas Feng Xinyuan instilled in him.

Wei Ran said hello to his adoptive mother Cheng Shi. He also sat down to eat snacks and drink water. He also told some stories to nine year old Li Jianxing and Li huaimeng.

Since the first meeting, they have known each other in the form of story telling. Whenever they have time, Li Jianxing and Li huaimeng will come and ask the big brother to tell them some stories.

Over the years, Wei has basically finished telling the stories of the Arabian Nights, the Arabian Nights and the Grimm fairy tales that he can remember. Now he can't even tell some of the online novels he still remembers.

When the family was enjoying themselves, someone suddenly screamed not far away.

"A thief has attacked!"

As soon as the words were shouted out, an arrow was shot in the distance, which made the man pay the bill on the spot.

Wei Yanshu stood up and looked into the distance. He saw hundreds of thieves with knives and swords, even with bows and arrows, in a fan-shaped shape, surrounded by the cherry blossom forest.

There was a man dressed as a scholar at the bandit's side. He approached him with a negative hand and asked the Quan GUI's family: "Xiao Sheng Shi Bowen, my father was an aide to the festival envoy of Longyou, and later died under the divine plan sword. Xiaosheng came here not to find trouble for you, but to find Li Chengye's family, so that he could also experience the taste of family destruction. "

Wei Ran's eyes were gloomy and thought of a lot of things.

First, the other party's self acceptance of his identity and name is obviously to cut off his own way back, so there is no need to expect mercy from the other party in this revenge;

Second: the spring outing out of the city today was decided only yesterday. The other party led more than 100 people to take revenge. The swords and soldiers were complete, and even many bows and arrows and horses. Obviously, they were well prepared. They must have learned the news in advance, so someone in the house must have sold the news;

Third: when the imperial court annexed Longyou five years ago, the shogunate of Longyou Jiedu was abolished and most of the people in the shogunate were dismissed. Anyone involved in the beheading list is an unforgivable crime of collaborating with the enemy. According to the imperial court's will, basically all families should be killed. Even if someone gets caught, he will be wanted all over the world.

He not only lived for five years, but also pulled out a hundred Jianghu men who were willing to take revenge with him, and hid in the suburbs of Chang'an. This really rubbed the face of the six doors of the Tang Dynasty on the ground.

If there was no shelter, Wei Ran would never believe that these people could do so. The people who secretly took in these people began to deal with dad at least five years ago. Today's attack is to kill the father's family and force him to become crazy? How are you going to use it later?

When Wei Ran was thinking, the guards of many powerful families were killed one after another. Someone immediately stood up and identified the place where the relatives of the Li family were located. Wei Ran saw that he identified his family, but it was one of the people who had been stripped off and hung on the peach tree. It was Zhang Jing, the nephew of eunuch Zhang Zhen, the right Shence general.

Wei Ran saw obvious malice and ridicule from each other's eyes. He was intentional. At this time, it was spreading everywhere that there were many invincible thieves and that the gentleman did not stand under the dangerous wall, which flustered the families of many powerful people who were temporarily unaware of it and hurried to retreat.

The bandits came for a purpose. Naturally, they let go of the powerful family members who are not members of the Li family, which makes those powerful family members who clearly have enough guard force escape faster.

However, Wei Ran's plan to organize these dignitaries to resist together failed. Seeing that all the thieves bypassed the escaped dignitaries' families and surrounded them here, Wei Ran had to pull out the horizontal knife and struggle through the current dilemma first.

Although Wang was flustered, he couldn't be like other servants. The man lost his sense of propriety, asked the family guards to form a battle array, and asked for help from the nearby dignitaries' house.

However, in the face of these thieves who do not want life or future, who only want revenge, who dare to participate in this matter, they all avoid one after another, such as the God of plague.

The scholar surnamed Shi came forward, looked at Wang and laughed: "today, Li Chengye is a thief woman. Brothers can play at will! It's said that it's from the king's family in Taiyuan. I'm sure the brothers haven't tasted it yet. "

At this time, a middle-aged swordsman in the Li family guarding the shaft suddenly popped up his long sword. The sword Qi was like a white rainbow running through the sun. He crossed a distance of seven feet and cut at Shi Bowen.

Wei Ran saw the light in front of him. He knew that there were two guest Qing wearing civilian clothes and a long sword. He had received great kindness from his father in his early years, so he stayed in the Li family to protect his family. I heard that they used to be famous swordsmen in the Jianghu. Their martial arts have been through four strange classics, and their swordsmanship is high and reliable.

This move was really extraordinary. The sword Qi flew seven feet, and the distance was more than 20 meters.

Seeing that Shi Bowen was about to be cut into two parts by the sword Qi, suddenly a palm wind waved from the side, and the sword Qi like a white rainbow disappeared without a trace.

An old man in a black robe came out with his back on his back, "Li Chengye killed all my wolf mountain stronghold. If he can't kill him, he killed all his family, cough..."

The swordsman whose sword Qi was blocked was dignified first, then sneered and walked out with a sword.

"Hum, the wolf mountain stronghold harbors filth, abducts and sells Han people to Hu people as slaves, and the county Marquis killed well that year! Only you, the greedy stronghold leader, escaped. Today, I just did what I didn't do in those years! "

"Great Xia Qiao, I'm too confident. Why don't we investigate your accompanying experts when we're prepared?"

The old man in black robe came out again with a sword. His face was gray, his lips were purple, and his whole body seemed to emit a green spirit.

"Poisonous sword Nie Yuanliang!"

The swordsman surnamed Qiao looked dignified and another swordsman with him walked out.

This man carries a Epee, which is different from the three foot long sword with two fingers wide of the swordsman surnamed Qiao. His sword is five fingers wide, and it is also the thickest and heaviest octahedral Han sword.

"Jin Yun, experience Mr. Nie's poisonous sword."

Shi Bowen laughed: "these are the two people who can fight with the Li family today. Feng Xinyuan's ox nose just didn't go with him, which saved a lot of things.

But, two great Xia, even if you can stop boss Wu of wolf mountain stronghold and Mr. Nie, who is a poisonous sword, can you still tell your mind and can you stop me, a hundred heroes who are incompatible with Li Chengye! "

When the two swordsmen of the Li family changed their faces, Shi Bowen raised his hand and said, "kill, kill all Li Chengye's family! Let him also feel the pain we have endured over the years! "