In this hospital, the power system has completely stopped working, and it is not peaceful.

After all, before the disaster, many patients infected with T virus were concentrated here for treatment.

Then, naturally, the patient passed it on to the nurse, and the nurse passed it on to the doctor. At the earliest time, it became a zombie concentration camp.

When Wei Ran stepped into the clinic, it was like putting a sheep in a group of hungry wolves. These hungry zombies lying on the ground pretending to be dead stood up one after another.

All kinds of nurses, patients, doctors, zombies swaggered close to Wei Ran. Even outside the clinic, I didn't know when they were blocked by zombies turned by security guards and some creepers.

Then, in the dark, I heard Gatling's barrel rotate. After a little slow, the flame spewed out quickly and played a cruel metal storm sonata. In the blink of an eye, the broken limbs and arms covered the whole corridor of the hospital.

Since Wei Ran stepped here, an induction has been generated in his brain. The devil said that as long as he is within 100 meters of the life box, he can automatically sense its position.

So Wei Yanshun rushed to the bottom of the ground from this feeling. When he met groups of zombies along the way, he used Gatlin to shoot them. He now learns how to save ammunition, so he will take the initiative to control the shooting rhythm and rely on the bullet time to take the way of accurate shooting.

If you encounter a small number of zombies, you don't even shoot at all. You open the way with a knife and keep going. You enter the basement and go down four floors in a row to a morgue.

Wei Ran didn't want to be disturbed, so he closed the door of the morgue and locked it. As a result, the loud noise caused changes in the morgue.

There was a riot in every cabinet where the body was placed, and there was a violent sound of knocking on the cabinet door. At this time, Wei Ran's nerves were very thick. Otherwise, he was arranged in a strange world. He was afraid that every minute would make people cold in the back and sweat in the forehead.

Instead of taking care of the corpse riots in the morgue, Wei Ran touched the ground for a while by virtue of induction, and then repeatedly knocked and listened.

It was found that a layer of cement was laid under the solid steel floor, but there was still an inconspicuous hollow in one place.

If ordinary people don't use instruments, they can't find the hollow here at all.

Wei Ran groped on the floor. Sure enough, the steel floor was not a whole piece, but spliced and welded. He touched the joint position of the gap and smashed the welding scar at the gap with an engineer's shovel. He was about to pry open a corner and tear it by hand.

In the 200 square meter morgue, several closed cabinet doors opened, and the zombies howled and rushed to Wei Ran.

One of the zombies opened his dry throat and began to speak.

"How did you know the location of my life box?!"

Wei Ran was too lazy to answer. He got up and waved with an engineer's shovel. All the zombies around him were separated. Then continue your work and pry open the iron floor.

Then they hit the ground with their fists. At this time, more and more zombies came out of the morgue, and the zombies outside the morgue hit the door more madly.

Wei Ran could only continue to smash the hollow concrete floor and pick up the zombies with an engineer shovel.

After several smashes, the cement floor was smashed through, revealing a vertical pit of 4 square meters and 10 meters. Wei Ran cleared all the furious zombies here, blocked the door with the morgue, and then jumped down.

The life box is sealed at the bottom with a layer of cement and a layer of lead.

Wei ran directly fired a C4 bomb, set it to explode in two minutes, and then pulled it up with a rope gun.

Carrying Gatling and shooting at the gate, the man was crazy, his tongue protruded outward, and beat the narrow corridor of the morgue into a flesh and blood alley. The man also ran out of the explosion range in time.

Boom! The ground shook violently, and the morgue was filled with flames, which stopped for a long time.

Wei Ran rushed back, and half of the four square meter hole dug out was buried.

Wei Ran took the time to dig it through with an engineer shovel, thinking that wesk was so relieved of his life box that he was not afraid of being destroyed by a nuclear bomb?

However, he didn't gather zombies to the hospital, and the nuclear bomb usually wouldn't detonate with this as the core. It's buried on the fourth floor, plus ten meters, and encapsulated in cement and lead layers. There's really no need to worry about nuclear explosion.

However, wesk should be completely sealed with cement, so Wei Ran can't take out his life box through a ten meter deep cement layer.

Just thinking of this, he was ridiculed by the devil.

"If his body is destroyed and his soul returns to the life box, he needs to give up again to be reborn. If he is buried so deep and blocked by the cement layer, how can he find someone to lose? Staying in the life box all your life is no different from dying. "

Wei Ran answered. He always felt that wesk had a deep meaning for burying his life box in the morgue.

He remembered that when he came in, the bodies in the morgue were still very honest. Until he began to do things, he rioted one by one.

Wesk must have influenced the corpses here. Once he dies, he can be attached to a corpse here with the help of a life box to resurrect.

I was shoveling out the waste residue and saw a black unknown metal box the size of a mobile phone at the bottom.

When Wei Yangang wanted to touch the box, his body temperature suddenly dropped and he was stiff. Every move was very difficult.

He lowered his head and saw his chest, printing a translucent roaring evil spirit from the inside!

The devil suggested, "the necromancer will leave a mechanism on his life box. I'll teach you a good boy this time. Don't be so reckless next time."

Wei Ran didn't bother to pay attention to the devil's hint with ridicule, which was a hindsight.

He recalled that he could use the special energy in the blood to hurt the spirit body immune to physical damage, so he bit the tip of his tongue and sprayed the blood from the tip of his tongue to the head of the evil spirit in his chest.

It was hurt by the energy contained in the blood at the tip of the tongue and sent out a harsh scream. At this moment, Wei Ran took control of his body, cut the surface of his body with his fingertips and stained his skin with blood.

The evil spirit couldn't stand it at once and rushed out to confront Wei Ran in this narrow space.

Wei Ran immediately picked up the life box and ejected the rope gun outside. A large space range is more conducive to Wei Ran's strength.

He pulled out the Taidao, wiped the palm of his hand, filled the blade with his own blood, and fought with the evil spirit chased from the bottom of the earth.

This evil spirit was arranged by wesk to deal with ordinary humans to prevent the life box from being accidentally found. So it's not a high-level thing. Spiritual ability is an attachment.

Now the surface of Wei Ran's body is his own blood, which is equivalent to wasting its ability. When he is cut off by Wei Ran's blade, the evil spirit will be quickly destroyed and dissipated without trace.

According to the estimation of time, Weike's Zombie army is almost here. Let's get tough first and see if we have a chance to kill this guy.

Instead of destroying the life box for the time being, he put it in the ammunition box, carried Gatlin and rushed out.

At this time, in the shelter, many armed helicopters and soldiers from airborne cables were surprised to see the corpse tide receding in one direction, which seemed extremely urgent.

Taylor and Leon ran out of the shelter and looked at each other.

Taylor was about to ask what to do next, because he found that the communication was still not restored, indicating that the bat king was still suppressing communication.

Leon was about to say something when two big black men in suits came from the side.