"No way, who let them screw things up. If there is no battle like Raccoon City, I will combine my magic with the science and technology here, and slowly show the results to those huge forces, and then spread out.

Then the Tom family can also become my family and be allowed to retain their self-consciousness. It's a pity that they are more confident than me and dare to negotiate terms with the most powerful ruling group in the world.

I don't think any ruling group with normal mind will let go of the main culprit of huge losses for the sake of some scientific research achievements. You know with your heels that the Tom family is bound to die.

And I, it's not time to realize the ultimate ideal, so give up them and clean up the black pot, so I can safely cooperate with the forces behind you and the federal government. "

"Your idea is too self-confident. No one who can be in the top ruling group in the world is a fool." King ADA mocked.

Wesk laughed. "Of course I know, so I will never appear in the open after the raccoon city is over. And agents, such as you, such as Chris, the traitor of the Tom family, are good candidates. "

Wesk stood up and stretched out his hand. A translucent "cloud" appeared in front of him. Wesk jumped up easily.

King ADA looked carefully at the "cloud" that appeared out of thin air. He was surprised. When he looked carefully, there were all wailing souls on the cloud!

"It's a pity that I didn't break through my strength before. I can only control the old guy who is the president of the Tom family. Otherwise, Chris wouldn't have messed up the whole plan.

However, I don't intend to kill him. Watching him betray his faith and justice a little, and then gradually close to collapse, and finally sink into darkness. This is the way of revenge in line with my values.

Having said so much, you'd better go back early to finish your task if you don't want a nuclear bomb. "

King ADA stood up, but he looked at Ambra's headquarters, and wesk vaguely understood her idea.

"Are you thinking about the Oriental? Ha ha, if he didn't inject G virus stock solution, it might cause some trouble. But after he had been injected, it was just my slave. However, I am not interested in a person who is about to be destroyed by a nuclear bomb. "

Then he rode on the spirit cloud and didn't know where to fly. The zombies gathered downstairs also left with him.

There should still be fierce fighting on the edge of the city. After all, some unknown members of the Tom family are still directing the zombie attack. They did not lose command, because the real power was not in the president, but in the demon man.

In the experimental base, Chris finally used William's authentication card to open the door of the command room and face his father.

Naturally, the members of the Tom family were unwilling to wait to die. Apart from Simmons, other family members as researchers and engineers killed them at the moment of opening the door, with the intention of dispersing and fleeing.

As a result, Wei Ran killed most of them on the spot, leaving two weak soldiers who broke their hands and feet and threw them into the command room.

Chris and Claire looked at their father, and the atmosphere was silent with impending tension.

Finally, Chris gave a wry smile, "I want you to apologize to your mother, but I don't want it. It's very contradictory."

Simmons was sitting in the middle seat. It seemed to have been adjusted from a desperate state of mind.

"Why contradiction?"

"Because I hate your indifference and conceit, but I can't bear to see your tough image collapse! Didn't you teach me from an early age that I must be a man? I've done most of it, but I can't learn your selfishness and coldness! "

Simmons laughed. "Well done. You've really become a great man, so kill me yourself. I can't apologize to a mean woman."

Chris gasped, walked forward, grabbed Simmons by the collar with one hand and put a gun on his forehead. His sister Claire seemed at a loss. She didn't know how to face the feud in the family.

Chris had a lot to say, but at this time, all the words reached his throat, but he couldn't spit them out.

He stared into Simmons' eyes. "Why don't you even have a little regret, damn old man! You gave my mother and Jill to wesk? I went to his laboratory, which is not a laboratory at all, but a execution ground! "

Simmons smiled again, but turned his head and looked at Wei Ran, "why should I regret? Just like a proverb in the East, it's just like becoming a king and defeating an enemy. Your mother and your fiancee who have been infected with T virus still care about what they encounter on the execution ground? "

Wei Ran sneered, "do you only know this proverb? Then you've really missed your studies. No wonder you've failed in politics for the first half of your life. "

"If it weren't for you!"

"Then why don't you say that if it wasn't for Wesker, you would still be the loser who can't even run for governor."

Simmons was stimulated to the pain point, and his green veins jumped on his forehead. "What do you know? What does this have to do with wesk? That's a opportunistic villain! The great is my uncle, the president of ambrera! "

"Eh? You don't seem to know that wesk is the real culprit who led your Tom family to today. "

One of the two researchers who were still alive was kicked by Wei Ran and said, "every time he meets a bottleneck, wesk can always come up with some seemingly unscientific methods. Although he doesn't know a lot of biochemical knowledge, sometimes he does play a key driving role. He often stays with the president and may have secrets we don't know."

Simmons looked at Wei Ran and said, "what do you know? Who is it? "

"I'm here to investigate wesk. I have a grudge against him. I must kill him. Hey, do you know what wesk has? "

Simmons was betrayed by wesk before. Although he doesn't know that all the family members outside have been killed by wesk, it doesn't prevent him from telling Wei ran all the information of wesk.

Coupled with the supplement of two other disabled researchers, Wei Ran probably knew some information about wesk, but it was basically what he knew. Wesk hid well and didn't expose his ability at all.

This guy appeared in ambrera company last March, participated in the research projects of T virus and G virus, and both exerted influence in key places.

Then a researcher found that this guy has a special hobby, that is, he likes to stay with the dead. Sometimes he will draw some inexplicable and special patterns next to the body, acting like a cult.

On one occasion, he even saw him pull a translucent object from the person who had just died, which looked like a soul. However, the researcher was soon discovered by wesk, who also stopped his action and even taught the researcher a lesson. Since then, I have never seen him carry out such work, which seems to be hidden deeper.

When Wei Ran heard this, he remembered that the devil had mentioned that this apprentice from the Austrian and French parliament might learn to summon complaining spirits. Now it seems that they have learned, and complaining spirits are immune to physical attacks. They must use the energy in the blood to hurt them.