At night, Wei Ran lay on the bed in the infirmary and meditated quietly.

During the Yu family's practice, there were two meditations in the morning and evening.

In the morning, it was to get into the training mood faster, while in the evening, it was to assist the medicine bath to repair the physical injury.

However, after mastering the overdraft mode, Wei Ran entered the meditation state again, and the situation was different.

In the past meditation, he would concentrate his thoughts on the breathing rhythm to eliminate all distractions and gradually restrain his spirit, so as to achieve a state of mind as quiet as water.

But it will stop in a state of mind as quiet as water, and there will be no other abnormal state.

When meditating after mastering the overdraft mode. You can go further, even forget your breath, and completely enter the state of forgetting things and me.

In this state, you will perceive that consciousness has been sinking and is penetrating an ocean. There is nothing in the sea, but the deeper you dive, the greater the resistance. Some forgotten fragments in your memory are mixed in a mess.

If you pay attention to these memory fragments at this time, you will have a lot of distractions, so that you can break the state of meditation and return to reality.

It is also thanks to his practice of the method of general door. The art of meditation is very simple and has nothing unique and dangerous.

If you focus on the cultivation of internal skills, after you settle down, you can't resist the temptation to pay attention to those memory fragments, you will immediately become possessed and become insane.

Since the practice of Wei Ran overdraft mode, every meditation will be blocked by these memory fragments, sometimes even if you don't watch.

But in those fleeting pictures, he always reminds himself repeatedly that there are important information that has been forgotten and needs him to watch and recall.

In this way, the meditation was completely interrupted, and finally he could not remember any important memories except some familiarity.

He has failed so many times that since Wei Ran participated in the boxing wish competition, he simply did not enter meditation, so as not to affect his competition state.

Today, I got a hint from Yu Yanzhong. I know that if I want to further the method of closing the door, I need to touch the ceiling through meditation.

Therefore, while there are still two days to enter the semi-finals, I decided to break through the deep sea of knowledge by constantly entering the final.

After settling down, the process of consciousness sinking gradually deepened, and finally came to the place full of memory fragments.

Here is full of forgotten memory garbage, and there are also some strange and inexplicable temptations to induce themselves to actively explore the neglected side hidden in the shadow of self-consciousness.

Wei Ran has had quite a lot of experience in this process, silently reciting things and forgetting me, guiding the consciousness to sink hard and slowly.

It seems that there are bursts of whispers in my ears, and the words I say seem to be clear, and the most critical part will always be missed.

This is the temptation to know the depths of the sea. Wei Yan has had many experiences facing it, but he is defeated by its whisper every time.

After all, the current state of consciousness is the most erratic and difficult to control. Many times, it will instinctively follow the sound of temptation. Self control can't work when I forget things.

However, the situation seems different this time. Perhaps because of this period of time, Wei Ran has a more thorough grasp of the overdraft mode, and his spiritual will has been greatly improved.

In the state of being seduced, he was more able to maintain his original heart than before, struggled to break away from the guidance of whispers, and continued to sink.

Sneaking into the bottom of the unknown depth, the whisper gradually disappeared, and the surrounding darkness became more chaotic, and the sea became more viscous, as if nothing existed, and as if swallowed into the stomach by some terrible existence.

Vaguely, he felt that there seemed to be an end under the sea, where the ground was indestructible.

However, there are three terrorist beings, lurking quietly in the ground, seemingly waiting for Wei Ran's consciousness to come, and then being swallowed directly by one of them.

The fear from the depths of my heart, unchecked, impacted Wei's consciousness of burning things and forgetting me, and then knew that the sea was boiling and spewing like a volcanic eruption.

Wei Ran was like having a nightmare and suddenly sat up in a cold sweat.

His heavy breathing came from the quiet Infirmary, like a man who struggled to get rid of the pressure of ghosts.

This heavy breath woke up Liu Wenfei, who had been sleeping by the bed. She opened her bleary eyes and looked at Wei Ran's frightened face. She was very surprised.

Liu Wenfei had never seen this brave man invincible in the boxing ring. She showed such a look. She was a little surprised for a moment.

She hurriedly came over and gently comforted Wei Ran. Through some psychological techniques, she gradually calmed down Wei Ran's mood.

Wei Ran looked at Liu Wenfei and smiled bitterly, "Miss Liu, why are you still here so late? I had a terrible nightmare just now, so I lost my temper. "

Liu Wenfei clasped Wei Ran's wrist and touched his pulse. She felt that his body was normal and was repairing the damaged injury on her own.

She said, "maybe you feel too stressed. You'd better not think about anything and just sleep quietly. It will be much better for the injury."

Wei Ran lay down slowly and said, "Miss Liu, there are corresponding nurses in the infirmary. You don't have to work so hard. You'd better go back to your room and have a rest."

Liu Wenfei showed a gentle and charming smile, just like a coquettish kitten, bent her head and quietly pasted it on Wei Ran's chest, "I just don't want those western nurses to take care of you, so I watch the night for you myself."

Wei Ran didn't know what to say, but her breath smelled the lavender fragrance from her hair, full of a gentle and quiet smell.

"Brother Wei, don't worry. Let me hypnotize you? In this way, you can enter deep sleep and can't even dream, which is very helpful for your recovery from injury. "

Of course, Wei Ran knows the benefits of deep sleep, but he has some resistance to being hypnotized.

Liu Wenfei saw Wei Ran's unwillingness, close to his face, gently close the falling hair, smiled and whispered, "brother Wei, if you don't want to be hypnotized, let Feifei sing a song, you can be calm."

Without waiting for Wei Ran's response, he looked at the eyes, smiled and hummed.

This is a song mixed with eastern and Western cultures, with the charm of ancient style and the flavor of western music.

Most importantly, Liu Wenfei's voice is very soft and pleasant, singing softly and lingering.

The song is gentle and quiet, elegant and beautiful. There is hidden resentment in the shallow singing. There is no lack of joy in the low singing. It is full of sadness and turns a hundred times. When you see a gentleman, Yunhu is not happy