When Wei Ran regained consciousness again, he found that man was standing high in the harbor under the night sky.

The devil kindly didn't let him run naked and gave him a military green vest and jeans for free. It's summer, but I don't worry about the cold.

Of course, the devil's kindness is only here. Don't expect any more pieces of paper in your trouser pocket.

Looking at this strange city, there seems to be no high-rise buildings. In the distance, there are many devices similar to boilers. Floating coal ash and steam diffuse over the whole city.

He is a little confused about his geographical location and era, as well as what he will do.

Of course, the devil won't let him be so idle.

"How does it feel to regain your body?"

Hearing the evil sound with a little evil interest again, Wei Yancai really understood his situation.

But this is his choice and the second chance given by fate. He must cherish it and live up to it!

"It's never been so cool!"

"It seems that you are satisfied with this transaction. Next, you have to satisfy my desire."

"Oh? What desire does Lord devil have? "

"It's a losing deal for me to trade your soul for your body at the peak, because your soul is nothing but interesting."

Wei Ran remained calm and waited for him to finish the following words.

"So I want you to strengthen your soul in the heavens and raise its value so that my business will not lose money. Understand? This is a venture capital. I hope you won't let me down. "

"Lord devil, you are really wordy. Just tell me what to do. I like simple and direct."

"Hahaha, good! Like your world, this world is a world without many miracles, but there is a power to surpass the limits of mortals all over the world. Find this power and you can strengthen your soul. "

"Power beyond the limits of mortals?"

"Finally, I would like to remind you that there is power beyond the limits of mortals in the world's largest underground fighting event. Try to pursue it."

"I see... But it doesn't matter if I pursue it all my life in this world?"

"Hahaha, don't think about more children. You are not a person in this world, and the will of the world will gradually exclude you. The devil can't figure out when it will repel you into the void. So good luck! "

Wei Ran shook his fist. It seems that he can't relax.

As the strongest human on the surface of the world, he can be said to be the top in all aspects of physical quality, but he is definitely not the top.

After all, his strength can't be compared with the weightlifting champion, his speed can't be faster than the sprint champion, and his flexibility can't exceed the gymnastics champion.

But on the contrary, the weightlifting champion can't have his flexibility, the sprint champion can't have his endurance, and the gymnastics champion can't have his strength.

The human body is like this. When all aspects of the body develop balanced to a certain extent, and then improve the quality of one aspect, it will inevitably lead to the decline of the quality of other aspects.

Therefore, if we want to say the limit of mortals, it probably refers to the overall limit after balancing all aspects of physical quality!

Therefore, what Wei Ran's comprehensive fighting champion can represent should be the ceiling of mortal physical quality.

The power beyond the mortal limit is the ability to surpass Wei Ran's current state in all aspects of physical quality.

Wei Ran also looks forward to seeing such power, but he cherishes the present.

Paralyzed in bed for ten years, once he got a new life, he wanted to exercise crazily and completely release all his physical strength.

So I ran, hit in the air, duck step, frog jump, and even somersault. I was sweating like a fish out of the water.

Although he is very tired, he also feels very happy. Every cell in his body is cheering. There is nothing more meaningful than this real life.

Wei Ran's cry attracted the attention of a gang member on the wharf when he drank and vented his feelings.

They followed the sound and were surprised to see Wei Ran, a strong man of 1.95 meters.

Wei Ran also noticed these uninvited guests and looked back. Among the more than a dozen gang members, black, white and yellow accounted for a balanced proportion. The leader was a black, wearing a big gold chain and very vulgar.

"Hey, yellow boy, who are you? How dare you shout in the middle of the night on the territory of our 4K Gang! "

Wei Ran knew that the other party spoke Spanish. He didn't understand this language at first, but now he somehow knew the meaning. He felt quite magical.

He ignored the gang members and walked out of the dock.

But the other party didn't seem to want to let Wei Ran go. A dozen gang members took out machetes and crowbars and began to surround Wei Ran.

The black leader wanted to shout something, but Wei Ran, who felt hostile, would not wait for the other party's siege to take shape.

Although he is called the strongest human on the surface, the human body can never resist the attack of metal weapons, and the knife will bleed on his body.

Therefore, to deal with a group of enemies with cold weapons, we should not be in the situation of being besieged, but we need to take the initiative.

Wei Ran didn't wait for the leading black man to speak. He suddenly approached with a cushion step, raised his crotch and legs, and kicked him on the side.

Because of the precise penetration of power, the black man ate all his strength. Instead of flying upside down, he fell back without saying a word. Blood gushed from his mouth. There were obvious signs of bone collapse on his chest. He fainted on the spot. His life and death were unknown.

When all the gang members were stunned, Wei ran quickly approached a white man with a machete and raised his fist to fight.

The man subconsciously waved his machete, but unexpectedly, Wei Ran just shook falsely, made a hidden low sweep, and kicked his left leg knee with his strong and practical foot tibia.

Hearing the sound of broken bones, the white man covered his deformed and bent knees and sat back.

Instead, Wei Ran was stunned. He hadn't moved for too long. His strength was uncontrollable, which made him bigger. But the other party moved the knife, and they can't blame themselves for being too cruel.

The rest of the gang members were even more timid, and most of them were stunned and did not dare to move. Only two brave and cruel people still went up with a knife.

Wei Ran caught the time difference of their action sequence and hit the solar nerve center between his chest and abdomen with a quick close elbow for the one close to him.

The man was in a coma and shock on the spot. Wei Ran grabbed him as a shield and pushed the man who rushed back. The man paused to catch his companion, and the right wrist holding the machete was kicked by Wei Huo. The wrist bone was broken on the spot, and the machete flew out.

In the blink of an eye, he knocked down four people, shocked all the gang members present, and no one dared to move again.

Wei Ran clapped his hands and was ready to leave. Suddenly a voice came from the rear.

"Hey, man, under the guidance of my revolver, you'd better not move."

Speaking the same Spanish, Wei Ran did see the other party holding a gun through the shadow on the ground. He frowned, stopped in place, raised his hands and turned slowly.

The man with the gun was a white man, wearing a very old striped sailor's suit, bulging muscles and strong. But compared with Wei Ran, nature is nothing.

"Ha ha, look, it's an East Asian. No wonder you can fight so well. Are you from the Ming dynasty or the running dog of the Ming Dynasty, the Japanese? "

This very casual remark revealed a lot of information to Wei Ran, so that his brain didn't respond for a moment.

Ming people? What era is this? Is it the Ming Dynasty? But why can't you see the ancient Chinese architecture? Is Japan the running dog of Ming Dynasty? Why are there trichromatic people in this steamy port?

Thinking about this information in his mind, the white man approached a range of about four meters.

Wei Ran frowned and expected the other party to be two meters closer. In such a close distance, he was sure to subdue the other party even if he had a gun in his hand.

This white man seems to be very experienced, especially when dealing with practitioners like Wei Ran. He was stuck at four meters and didn't move a step.