As Kyrie and Ren neared a corner on their way to the dorms, they heard, "L-leave m-me alone!"

Kyrie stumbled. Was that Jasper? Shit his aura's near. It's him. And him.

Kyrie sprinted for the corner.

Ren followed. She watched as Kyrie's aura level spiked for a moment when he stopped. Then dropped to the same level as before he rounded the corner.

Kyrie groaned. Yep it was him. It was both of them, again.

Caleb, Masaki, and two others were surrounding Jasper. Jasper was pinned against the wall with his shirt bunched up in Caleb's hand, as Caleb glared at Masaki.

Kyrie growled, "I thought we talked about this already?" As he clamped his hand around Caleb's arm.

"Fuck it's you."

Ren rounded the corner, and scowled at Caleb as she said, "Caleb, what do you think you're doing?"

Caleb groaned as he released Jasper's shirt. What were those two doing together? And why did they have to show up now?

"Caleb," was all Ren said.

Caleb glared at Jasper, sighed, and stepped back. "I was just trying to help keep an idiot from getting himself Killed." Caleb shook his head at Jasper before he turned and walked towards Ren. "Let's go."

Ren watched Caleb for a moment. Why had she only seen Caleb bully Jasper?

"Alright…" She didn't like Caleb's approach, but she'd used it before on Amity and another friend of theirs.

Kyrie turned his attention on Masaki. "And, what, exactly is your part in all of this?"

Masaki grinned, "Teaching this magician his place."

Kyrie narrowed his eyes at Masaki as he stood protectively in front of Jasper.

Jasper snapped, "I'm fine. I don't need you." Why'd this hero need to be such a hero?

Kyrie shifted a bit, he was uncertain whether he should stay or go.

Masaki sneered, "See he's fine. You and your blood magic aren't needed here." Masaki took a firm step towards Kyrie. "Scram before I get you kicked out of my city."

Kyrie watched Masaki as he said, "Do you really think you can kick me out?"

Masaki grinned, "Of course. My father is in charge of the cities magical defenses." Masaki gave a slight shrug as if fulfilling his threat was as simple as breathing. "One word to him that you're a threat and that's it. Because poor little Kyrie lost it and attacked me." Masaki took another step forward and drew his hand across his throat. "Next thing you know you're just another traitorous hero."

Kyrie grimaced inside but showed nothing. "Do you really think you can gather enough strength to remove me from this city?" He thought of Null, surely he'd help. But this wasn't something Kyrie wanted to drag others into. He let some of the strength of his aura leak out.

Most people don't bother masking their aura unless in combat. Ren kept hers repressed to trick others into believing she was weak. But Kyrie, repressed his because it was easier for him to keep his ability under control.

"No-one our age could be that much of a threat." Masaki shrugged and continued, "Everyone knows the LegendSlayers guild manipulates official LegendSlayer ID's." He took another step closer, and towered over Kyrie. "It's common knowledge that you're a lot weaker than they say you are."

Kyrie huffed and looked up at Masaki. "Your right." He grinned at Masaki. It was a look Masaki would never forget as he stumbled back. It was the look of a monster.

Kyrie buried one hand in Masaki's shirt and continued, "Careful there, we wouldn't want you to go crying to daddy now would we."

As Jasper watched Kyrie, he was confused – uncertain and wary of the side he hadn't realized his teammate possessed.

Kyrie paused in thought as he said with the slightest of headaches, "Where was I?" He turned to Masaki again, the grin was still there. "I remember. You're right. The LegendSlayer guild does manipulate my ID." Kyrie took a step further into Masaki's personal space. "It makes me appear weaker."

Masaki shuddered as he thought of the epic rank aura level on Kyrie's ID. But then he stopped. Kyrie's ID was updated by the Headmaster, in front of everyone. He grabbed Kyrie's wrist as he said, "Yeah but your ID was updated by Headmaster Raven Clof. Masaki wouldn't alter your ID." Masaki grinned and tightened his grip on Kyrie's sensitive wrist.

Kyrie repressed a grimace at the increasing ache, and at the reminder of Corson's fate. The air around Kyrie grew warmer with anger. Not now. He couldn't lose it now. If he did, he'd be falling for Masaki's plan.

One of Masaki's friends said, "Uh… Masaki, wouldn't that mean he really is epic ranked?"

"Sure," Masaki tried to remove Kyrie's hand from his shirt. He failed his first attempt and Kyrie tightened his grip. Masaki frowned at the so-called hero before him. "But Aura levels the only thing evaluated. He's probably only B rank." Masaki shifted his grip on Kyrie's exposed scar tissue. He pulled again.

Kyrie grimaced and released Masaki.

"See, B ranked at the most," Masaki said to his friends as he grinned, and remained stupidly close to Kyrie.

"They don't tend to fudge the ability rank, Masaki," Kyrie said as his wrist hovered between them. Kyrie let his arm fall to his side as he glanced up at Masaki. "You do realize the updating system for ID's was made for easily fudging aura levels, don't you?"

Masaki rolled his eyes and tried to shove Kyrie back. Kyrie didn't budge.

"I'll take that as a no. The system has a registered feel for the quantity of aura you poses. When the number personally acquainted with the value is lower than the true number the system calculates a difference and adds it to the registered number. A convenient glitch the guild takes advantage of. After all who would want to appear weaker?"

Kyrie shoved Masaki away from him. "If you were smart, you'd take this knowledge and go."

Masaki glared at Kyrie as he scrambled to his feet. "I will get you executed as a traitor."

"Good luck with that. I'm sure those in charge of the city will be tripping over themselves to help you rid this fragile city of my traitorous presence," Kyrie said sarcastically as he grabbed Jasper's hand and glanced at Masaki. "If by some chance they realize helping you with your petty vengeance is an idiotic move, don't go back to picking on my teammates." Kyrie slid his hand across his throat. "Or I might just give them a reason to believe you."

Jasper's face was bright red and his were cheeks warm as he stumbled after his hero. They were headed to their dorm. And his hand was still clasped in Kyrie's gentle and warm, but firm grip. Maybe this wasn't so bad after all.