229 Placeholder 4

The Demon looked around. It was surprised. Normally it wouldn't be released outside unless there was a battle going on but from the looks of it there weren't any enemies around.

It could sense only two pesky ants which it could with a punch and that was about it. Leslie wouldn't summon it for such a simple task. There had to be a life and death battle so who was the enemy.

Wait! It could actually feel something but it was faint. It felt disgusted. It was feeling divine power, its natural enemy. So that was why Leslie summoned it. 

Normally he wouldn't show up in front of divine power for fear of getting killed but from the looks of it, this divine power was really weak. It figured it must have been just some idiotic believer who discovered it inside Leslie and tried killing her.

Since it was like that the demon didn't mind giving her a hand. After all, she was its host and as every good tenant, it had to pay rent from time to time right?

[Hell Spell: Grade 3 Pestilence Swarm]

Black smoke started to ooze from the demon's head scaring Luke. He did not forget that even though the thing in front of him used to be Leslie it was still a different entity altogether. That was why he had to be on guard.

As if they were drawn over by the smell of the black smoke countless bug started to swarm the demon. It was fine before but now they couldn't even take a step without squashing some bugs. If you were someone that was not good with bugs you would probably have a breakdown upon seeing this scene.


The Demon screamed with an unholy voice and all the bugs scattered. Soon Five figures jumped from the ground covered with bugs.

"You filthy creature from hell! How dare you desecrate this place with your dirty presence" all five of them shouted at the same time.

[Earth Razor]

All five of the Leons raised their hands and shot attributed magic towards the Demon. Seeing that the Demon snickered at itself. Did this idiot really think that he would be able to hurt him with a spell that didn't even carry a speck of divinity? It knew that those affiliated with the gods would always be idiots but it never imagined they would be this dumb.


The Demon screamed once more. Actually rather than screaming Luke felt like it was speaking but couldn't understand what it was saying. 

After the scream, a demonic circle covered in otherworldly runes appeared behind it and all of Leon's attacks disappeared before even touching its body.

That was the moment Leon remembered something crucial. He was not in hell anymore so it couldn't hurt demons in this plane without using divine power. He could not be blamed for that though as it hadn't been that long since he escaped from that place thanks to his believers.

As Leon was thinking about his next move he noticed he lost his connection with one of his golems. He turned around to see why but saw two swords sticking out of its chest.

"Tch! It wasn't the real one huh?" said Lance then he took another shot one of the remaining Leons and it crumbled as well. Right now there were only three Leons left. After picking his next target Lance cocked his rifle again and started to stack his spells. It was not easy to one-shot kill someone at the level of [Earth Lord] Leon and each shot consumed close to one-third of his prana. This was his last shot. After it, he would be spent.

As for Luke, he was not aware of how he was able to kill Leon's clone so easily. Since Selim's attack couldn't bypass his defences without Hayato's buff he had thought it would be extremely tough and that was the reason why he was stacking so many spells onto his bullet. Then why did it feel like for Luke it was as easy as cutting butter?

Actually, now that Lance thought about it he had not really asked Luke about his ability before. He knew that he could create shields and weapons from thin air but that was about. Did he go through a qualitative change or rather an evolution just like the others or was he always this strong?

Luke pulled out his twin jet black swords from the chest of the golem Leon which returned back to being dirt on the ground. Then without saying anything he started to walk towards the closest Leon next to him. His ice-blue eyes were spewing chill everywhere he looked.

[Earth Lord] Leon felt threatened. Then he became angry. How could be afraid of a mortal again? Again? When was he ever afraid of a mortal? They were just beings born for the sole sake of pleasing the gods. With the sense of shame turning into anger Leon's eyes spewed flames.

He didn't like owing people favours but he could not accept this and had to get rid of everyone here.

[Acridias' Tremor]

The trembling of the ground started once again and this time getting even stronger. However, unlike the tremor that destroyed the school infirmary, this one was way stronger. Soon a giant hand ripped apart the earth and headed for the Demon.

At first, it thought it was just another one of this crazy believer's antics but soon it felt it. It felt the burning sensation of divine power surging through the hand. 

Oh no!

This was divine power and a pure one at that! It was in trouble and had to find a way to stop it quickly. 

The swarm of bugs flew into the air and clashed with the hand. They were crushed endlessly but as soon as one bug died another one replaced its place.

Since the Demon was aware that it couldn't defeat the divine power in quality it decided to overwhelm it with quantity instead. That fanatic didn't possess much divine power so he shouldn't be able to keep up this attack for long.

[Earth Lord] Leon was also aware of it. This divine power he was using to attack did not belong to himself but he still had to spend some divine power to open the channel.

Lance and Luke looked at each other. Now that the Demon and the False God were fighting each other it was the perfect time to put the Plan B into action.

"Jin he is in position just shoot!" Lance said on the comms.

This was the only chance they had on defeating Leon. He wasn't sure if Jin's so-called trump card was as strong as he claimed to be but they had to bet their chance on that.

Heck if he could help it he would go back in time and definitely wouldn't join this operation. When he said yes he had never thought he would be fighting against someone they couldn't even harm let alone the fact that he could create copies of himself.

Though after seeing Luke's attacks taking care of them easily and Selim taking one of them out by himself he was certain that the clones or rather the puppets were way weaker than the original article.


Lance counted the seconds in his mind. There were still 42 seconds left until Jin was able to attack. For now, everything seemed okay.

The Demon and [Earth Lord] Leon was still in a stalemate. If nothing goes wrong they should be able to take him out but if they couldn't it would spell trouble.

The big guy was their sole trump card and if it was defeated Lance was not sure that they would be able to keep Leon down. Still, just in case Lance put his hand on the trigger finger. The moment things started to go awry he would be ready to put all the remaining in his body to one last bullet and shoot.


Lance noticed something peculiar. The bugs were starting to get pushed back by the hand but they were still standing strong.


The bugs were about to be destroyed and the hand was about to grab the Demon. Not good.


The bugs disappeared all of a sudden and the hand grabbed the Demon. No! It wasn't the Demon it was Leslie. She was looking around all confused.


Lance pulled the trigger and shot one of the three Leons. It was another dud.


The Hand started to lift Leslie up into the air.


"Hahaha! You filthy demon of the underworld! Did you think you had a chance against me? Me! A GOD!" Leon shouted. He was basking in his victory.


Luke attacked one of the last two remaining Leons


The one he attacked turned out to be another clone as he was able to stab through him.


Wait! Why didn't this Leon turn into dirt and crumble? How was he able to hurt the real one!?


"How da-"

As soon as he stabbed Leon Luke left his swords there and jumped backwards. Suddenly, there was a giant pillar of light falling on top of Leon's body cutting his words short. He was disintegrated. 

[Ex-Burst: Pandora's Box: Hope]