216 Missing?

"Wait, wait, wait, wait! One thing at a time. You said TBB went missing?"

Linri cared more about Drake than a bunch of students he hadn't met before. TBB was like a little brother to him. Even though they fought most of the time in the club it was fun. He never had any ill intention towards him and TBB didn't hate him either. As he said TBB was a troll and that was why he liked fighting with Kasaix so much.

"Yes, we don't know where he went but nothing should have happened to him right?"

"On paper yes. He is the heir of an ancient dragonkin clan. He is also very strong but there is one tiny problem. We think it was church of the sun that brainwashed him. So tell me, is it really such a big deal?" Linri said sarcastically.

He hated how Jaime was so nonchalant about the subject. A friend of theirs were missing and she was like yeah nothing should have happened bla bla. Look here you @%+^^'^+\u0026

"Um what?"

"Didn't he explain to you guys? The reason Drake had split personalities was because church of the sun had brainwashed him and during the process something had gone wrong. And after we lift his hypnosis you suddenly tell me he goes missing. Can't you see any correlations between two subjects?"

"But he didn't tell us..."

Linri rolled his eyes at her answer.

"Did he ever tell anyone anything? Did you ever ask him about his life or anything of the sort? All of you are the same! Just because you think you know someone, you stop caring about them. Wake up Jaime. When are you going to learn to care someone other than yourself? I might be the same but at least I have the decency to not act like I care" said Linri before rushing out of the room in anger.

Why does it always feel like he is the one dealing with other people's mess? And she was supposed to be the fucking Sword Maiden. Her friend is gone missing and she thinks its alright just because its TBB the troll of Autumnfall. This not a fucking game! And they were certainly not their online personalities. Hah! Sword Maiden my ass!


The old pervert was also missing so there was no way to ask him about this either.


Linri punched a hole in the wall.

*Breathes in*

Okay, calm down. Remember your rules. Emotions are always a hindrance and cloud your judgement so discard them. In the future you will have enough time to get angry in your leisure. For now take things one step at a time.

There is a high chance that Drake was kidnapped by church of the sun but why? Most likely because they either wanted to brainwash him again or to interrogate him about how he was able to break it.

Second question how did they know Drake broke his brainwashing? It wasn't the magical kind so it's not like they triggered a trap or something. The most possible answer was there was a spy who reported this to them. Then who might be their spy? The most obvious answer was Rondo but as he said that was the most obvious one and in the books the culprit was never the first choice.

Since it wasn't Rondo there was only one possible answer and that was the fact that there was probably a hidden church agent in this school. However this answer didn't do him any good.

Third question why would they want to brainwash Drake again? Were they afraid that he would remember something dangerous or that he would report this to his family? Linri did not know the exact details but he guessed an ancient dragonkin clan would be very strong.

Last question why did they brainwash him in the first place? He wasn't sure about this but he remembered TBB saying something like Drake being their hitman or something? But they wouldn't take this big of a risk for a hitman. They brainwashed an important heir why would they just use him as a hitman? Maybe they wanted to secretly control Drake and through him control his clan?

That sounded like a complo theory but also something that a church would really do. Then what now? Was he supposed to just wait for them to return Drake? No way in hell! But could he find where he was? Probably not?



Linri punched another hole in the wall. His eyes started to give an eeire red light. He was breathing heavily and the aura surrounding him had changed. He wanted to shout with all his might and let his rage out.


Linri punched the wall couple more times. IF he didn't stop soon he was going to turn it into swiss cheese.

He felt like punching the wall was not enough. He needed some other way to let out his rage. He wanted to appease the fire burning his heart but how? The church was already gone and he couldn't find their trail, he wouldn't even be able to with how much time had passed... wait how long had it been since he went missing again?

Linri noticed he didn't ask this question. Maybe Drake wasn't gone for long? Maybe it had only been a day or so? Haaaaah, who was he kidding? If it really was like that Jaime would say he didn't attend not he was missing. For someone to be missing they should be gone for at least 3 to 4 days which was enough for their trail to have gone cold.

He really wanted to punch all those idiots. Weren't you guys supposed to stick together? Be a team? Help each other to find a way back home? How could you have made such a big fucking mistake!?

Asking them this question face to face was even better and since this was LEon's next location of attack Linri should be able to find them hiding somewhere close. At this point only beating the shit out of them would make him feel better.