Koniko is also stunned when she hears the speech. She knows the advantages of the company in YH group as soon as she thinks about it, including making Zuo Chengnan more difficult to run the company, so that he can know how much he has. She was not sure what the old man was looking for: "I can't figure out his old man's idea. It's natural for him to do that. You want to know, you can ask him."

"All right." Zuo Chengnan has some myocardial infarction. He feels like his father is playing with him. During the conversation, Xiaoqing bid farewell to them and went out.

Koniko asked Zuo Chengnan what to do next, whether he wants to choose other places to open a company, or whether he will succeed in going to work. Of course, Zuo Chengnan won't fool around with any company any more. He also knows his own shortcomings. It's the best way to learn skills first.

He decided to go back to Kaisheng to work, but this time he had a request, saying that he didn't want to be a secretary when he went back to work. He had to be given the position of president to participate in the company's top level meetings and decision-making.

this point Ke Nicole did not embarrass him. After all, the company has the final say that he decided to go through a big shareholder meeting. After the agreement, Zuo Chengnan decided to go to work the next day.

Xu Zhiming was on his way out of the company after work. In the afternoon, he held a meeting. Most people felt that it was not worthwhile for him to spend 230 million on Zuo Chengnan's company. Among them, some professionals went to see it specially and said that no matter how much money Zuo Chengnan's company spent, it would not exceed 200 million. Of course, this was said alone with Xu Zhiming. When Xu Zhiming thought of this, he was not in a beautiful mood. Ah, what a Zuo Chengnan. He made me 30 million yuan.

At this time, a girl stopped him. He knew the girl. She was Xiaoqing. She was a hometown with him. He arranged for Xiaoqing to work as a nanny in Zuo Chengnan's house. She gets two salaries for one job and is willing to work for him.

When Xu Zhiming saw Xiaoqing's eyes shining, he pulled her to the car and asked, "what's the news?"

"Well Mr. Xu, you may not be happy with the news. " Xiaoqing said.

"It's OK, you say it."

"Before, didn't you spend 230 million on Zuo Chengnan's company? I heard from their husband and wife that they lied to you when they said they would open 20 branches in the north of the city. In fact, the company Zuo Chengnan opened is not a branch. His father opened it for him in order to give him a chance to exercise. " Xiaoqing said.

After hearing this, Xu Zhiming had already clenched his fists. However, having seen the storm, he still restrained himself and asked, "is there anything else?"

"Well, Zuo Chengnan is going back to Kaisheng to work. He says he wants to be president. I don't think he and Kenny get along very well. It seems that this is the reason why he quarreled before."

"So, Zuo Chengnan is eager to prove himself, but his wife's ability is too strong to give him a chance..." Xu Zhiming analyzes himself. In this case, it makes sense for him to set up his own company.

Xu Zhiming suddenly thought of something, took out a step of money from his pocket and gave it to Xiaoqing, saying, "well, this is good news. This is a reward for you."

Xiaoqing thanks Xu Zhiming and takes his sunglasses with him. He gets out of the car and goes away.

Xu Zhiming hates and is happy now. He hates that Zuo Chengnan's small company, which could have driven him away from his territory without spending a cent, has now spent 230 million, which is obviously put together by that boy. The happy thing is that Zuo Chengnan and his wife don't have the same feelings, and it's because of the position in the company and the conflict between them. That's all he has to do. He just needs to add fuel and give them a fuse, and they will tear it up.

Being fooled alive and cheated out of more than two hundred million yuan, Xu Zhiming was very vindictive. He immediately called them and asked them to meet.

The next day, Zuo Chengnan went to work on time. Because of his joining, the company held an early meeting. Koniko also gave him enough face and introduced him as the vice chairman of the company. The following burst of applause, the company's boss and subordinates do not agree with Zuo Chengnan, his company was acquired by YH group, we all know. I just thought that he could not get along with it, so he was acquired. The details are not clear.

In this way, Zuo Chengnan's image as a dandy has risen to a higher level in the hearts of the company's employees. The reason why everyone clapped was to give koniko face.

Among them, two shareholders know the whole story, and they know that Zuo Chengnan made a fortune, but it's just that they didn't applaud. Xu Zhiming told them the whole story last night. Of course, in addition, they talked with him about other things. The two shareholders are Chen and Luo.

At the beginning of the meeting, several important figures in the company went up to speak, and Zuo Chengnan naturally wanted to go. He said something about the company's planning and future. Before he finished, Chen Dong interrupted and asked, "I heard that the company Mr. Nan opened a few days ago has just been acquired by other companies. Is this also your final blueprint for our company?"

The following burst of snicker, Luo Dong said after laughing: "don't say that, Mr. Chen, it's not bad that Nan general management company can be acquired."

The two major shareholders took the lead in sarcasm, and the people below even laughed blatantly. Zuo Chengnan blushed with embarrassment on the stage. After he calmed down quickly, he asked the two humanitarians: "if Mr. Chen and Mr. Luo also go to the heart area of YH group to open a company, they can guarantee that they will not be acquired and will not go bankrupt. I'm very good at that.""Only Mr. Nan will go there to start a company. Ha ha, we don't have the courage." When Chen Dong finished, they burst into laughter again, which made Zuo Chengnan come to an end. Connie saw the situation and stood up to mediate: "the past can only represent the past. We should not look at people with old eyes. Especially for businessmen like us, everything is changing. We should focus on the present and the future."

"That's what Ni always says." The two shareholders nodded and accepted.

Although it solves the embarrassment for Zuo Chengnan, it also proves that Zuo Chengnan is lack of ability, but he thinks the opposite of koniko.

Koni doesn't know what medicine the two shareholders took today, or did they have a grudge against Zuo Chengnan before? Or do they dislike Zuo Chengnan and feel that he is not qualified for the present position? Cornell thinks that the last one is much more likely.

On the first day of work, Zuo Chengnan encountered such a thing. He was very unhappy. He has been working so hard in the past six months. Can't they see it? When Zuo Chengnan comes home, he kicks the sofa while no one is kicking him. However, he doesn't want nanny Xiaoqing to witness his violent temper in the kitchen.

"Mr. Nan, what's the matter?" Xiaoqing asked.

Fortunately, it's not his son. Zuo Chengnan looks up to see Xiaoqing and says, "it's OK. Are you there? Is the meal ready? "

"Yes, I was cleaning just now. I'm waiting for you to come back for dinner." Xiaoqing said.

"Well, you can do it first."


Zuo Chengnan sat alone on the sofa, thinking of the two faces of ridicule today with his eyes closed.

He couldn't figure out how they would take the initiative to say hello to themselves when they met him. How did they change their attitude today? Was it because of his promotion or because they were worried that he would bring down the company and drag them down after he took control of the company?