Nan Junlan starts to pack up. She wants to save her son. She thinks that although she doesn't have two million yuan, Lu Qingping does. She goes to replace her son first and let him report to his father.

She was naive enough to think that she could replace Lu Xiaomeng.

"58 Chinatown, no, 458." Nan Junlan shivered, wrote down the address of the other party, and hurried out of the bedroom.

"Sister Li, if Su Yan comes, you tell her that I have a friend coming, and I'll pick him up." Nan Junlan didn't tell her what she was going to do.

After going out, she walked for a long time before she found a taxi. She asked, 458 Chinatown is at the northernmost end of the city. It's far away by taxi. It's better to take a train.

Damn, 480 Chinatown. It sounds like downtown. How can it be far from here.

Nan Junlan took a taxi to the railway station and bought a ticket to Chinatown No.2.

The fastest way is to arrive at 5 p.m. for four or five hours. It's no use worrying.

Nan Junlan got on the train and only hoped that the train would arrive at Chinatown No.2 now.

She didn't use her head to think about it. How could Lu Xiaomeng, such a small child, come abroad alone, and how could the kidnapper know the phone number of Suyan villa?

It's true to say that care leads to chaos. In Lu Qingping's opinion, this is a play full of flaws, and Nan Junlan has just entered the play.

Nan Junlan wipes his tears and pulls his heart together. But if he doesn't go, he won't be sad. Xiaomeng is still waiting to ask for money. Xiaomeng must be thinking of herself. She sneaks out to find herself. If she knew that, she would not sneak out and would not cause this.

She wanted to cry, but she saw that foreigners were all around her. If she cried, they didn't know what had happened to her. Foreigners were very nosy, but she couldn't tell them. If she said that, they would ask her to call the police. The man said that if anyone knew about it, she would never see her son.

If he said so, he would be sure to withdraw.

Therefore, she can't harm Xiaomeng. After she finds them, she will persuade him to trade herself for Xiaomeng and leave. She will hint Xiaomeng to go to the police and Lu Qingping. As long as Xiaomeng is safe, she will not be afraid.

Nan Junlan thought she was very considerate, but she forgot that the kidnapper asked her to bring money.

Chinatown, Second Street, this is it?

Nan Junlan doesn't know anything about n country. If Su Yan hadn't married here, she might not have come here all her life, because she has no chance to travel. Xiaomeng wants to go to school and teach her husband and children.

Nan Junlan looks at the scenery in front of her. If she doesn't have something in mind, she will praise it loudly. It's really beautiful.

Everywhere is green, yellow, crops, flowers, grass, and streams.

Is this a farm?

The sign next to it says 458 Chinatown, with the arrow to the West below.

Walking West, you can find Xiaomeng. Nan Junlan takes a deep breath, holds his head high and strides forward. Xiaomeng, mom has come to save you.

When she left, an adult holding a child's hand, appeared in the place where she stood.

"Uncle Peter, you say, my mommy is so stupid that she really came alone. I would call the police the first time." Lu Xiaomeng shook her head and sighed.

Peter said in stiff Chinese, "your mommy cares about you, but caring is messy. Have you ever heard this sentence?"

Lu Xiaomeng raised his face and gave him a thumbs up: "Uncle Peter, you use idioms very well. It's not bad that you've lived a good life in China."

Peter laughed happily: "yes, yes, when I was in China, my favorite is Chinese culture."

"Shall we listen to the wall?" Lu Xiaomeng said with a smile.

"No, let's not disturb the reunion between your father and your mother. Shall we go herding the sheep?" Peter shakes his head and disagrees with Lu Xiaomeng.

"Well, well, I'll listen to Uncle Peter. Anyway, as long as Dad and Mommy are reunited." Lu Xiaomeng said in an old voice.

Two people, big and small, hand in hand, walked towards the farm in the distance.

Nan Junlan walked a long way, thirsty to death, but still did not see the 458 house in Chinatown.

How can this damned kidnapper kidnap his son in such a beautiful place?

Lu Xiaomeng is such a lovely child that everyone who sees him can't help but fall in love with him. How can this damned kidnapper have the heart to kidnap him.

Nan Junlan thought of his son now do not know what is the situation, anxious, insist on moving forward.

It's not easy to see that there is a European style white building in front. Nan Junlan is very happy and runs forward in a hurry.

"This woman actually came alone."

Sitting in the study, seeing Nan Junlan appear in the surveillance screen alone, Lu Qingping really doesn't know whether to praise her for being brave or stupid.If Lu Xiaomeng is really tied up, can she solve any problems when she comes alone?

Not only can not save Lu Xiaomeng, she will follow the whole army.

It seems that his wife is a lot more stupid than before. It's his fault. She shouldn't know how to cook and take care of her children at home. He should take her out for travel and relaxation. Only in this way can she give him a smart daughter.

He has decided, isn't the son facing her? Well, he will have another daughter. They all say that his daughter is the lover of his father's previous life. If he has another daughter, he will hurt himself more than the two of them.

Hum, at that time, no matter where they go, he will have a little cute with them, and will never miss them again.

However, he still doesn't know whether Nan Junlan will be willing to have another daughter with him. However, from now on, it's not too late to start working hard, is it?

Looking at that beautiful face full of sweat because of running, Lu Qingping suddenly felt a little scared. If Nan Junlan knew that it was just a prank, would he really be angry with himself and ignore himself?

He wants to take advantage of this opportunity to say to her, don't be angry.

In the picture, Nan Junlan has gone to the door of the villa.

Nan Junlan held her breath and looked inside along the glass door. The living room was quiet and empty.

Does she want to go in?

If she goes in, can she save Lu Xiaomeng?

But if you don't go in, isn't Lu Xiaomeng more dangerous? Does Lu Qingping know that Lu Xiaomeng has disappeared? Is he still with his yingyanyan? Maybe he hasn't come home yet. He doesn't know that Lu Xiaomeng is gone.

Lu Xiaomeng has only himself left. If he doesn't save him, who will save him?

At the thought of so much, she was so excited that she plucked up her courage and pushed the glass door open.

After pushing the door open, she crept in.

The door squeaked and closed, startling Nan Junlan. She resisted the impulse to rush out and stood in the living room, shouting: "people, let go of my son, I'm coming."

For a long time, I didn't hear anyone talking or Xiao Meng's voice. When Nan Junlan saw the stairs, he was biting his teeth to go up the stairs. Suddenly, he was attracted by a bag on the table next to him, with a pink note on it.