Nina has heard something about President Lu's wife. Although President Lu hasn't mentioned it, there is no impenetrable power in the world. There is a rumor that President Lu's wife has run away from home.

Lu Xiaomeng shook her head, sobbed and whispered, "it's Mommy..."

"Mommy's killing you?" Nina frowned slightly. Is the rumor false?

"It's daddy who's killing Mommy Mommy, don't be cute. I haven't been home for a long time... "

While crying, Lu Xiaomeng secretly observes Nina's expression. Sure enough, on her face, Lu Xiaomeng sees a trace of joy.

He decided to add another fire to completely burn Nina's fox tail.

"Daddy and Mommy are going to divorce. Xiaomeng is going to have no Mommy Poor little Meng... "

Has it come to this? Nina is a little incredulous, but Lu Xiaomeng is only a few years old. How can she lie to herself?

Do you want to take advantage of Mr. Lu's empty window?

Next, Lu Xiaomeng's words undoubtedly add a weight to Nina's shaking balance.

"Aunt Nina, would you like to be Xiaomeng's mother?"

"That's not good Xiaomeng, daddy and Mommy are just fighting. They don't want Xiaomeng. Don't cry. "

"But Daddy said that Aunt Nina was better than Mommy, so they quarreled... "

Nina was obviously surprised to hear Lu Xiaomeng say so.

There is no pie in the sky, but if there is pie in the sky, who doesn't want it.

Looking at Lu Xiaomeng with an expectant face, Nina is a little bit adrift. What does it mean to be his mother? It means her dream lover will be her lover

Such a possibility made her unable to refuse.

Nina has always refused to pay too much attention to Lu Qingping in the company, not because she does not love Lu Qingping, but because she is not a woman who wants to turn a sparrow into a Phoenix.

She thought her feelings were pure, and she didn't want to show the ugly face of other women.

She thought that she had no hope. She just wanted to have a night with Lu Qingping. She had better leave a child secretly. But now, maybe the chance has come?

Maybe she can stand beside him in a fair way? Have a child of theirs in the open?

"Xiaomeng." Nina repressed her inner excitement and gently asked, "how about Auntie being your mommy?"

There are only her and Lu Xiaomeng in this room. Even if she has a dream, it's good

I'm hooked!

Lu Xiaomeng is more excited than Nina now. He calms down his mood carefully for fear that Nina will see the clue.

But where does Nina want to focus on this now? She is just waiting for Lu Xiaomeng's answer.

It's just not enough. Lu Xiaomeng thinks that Nina is just trying to make herself happy. No, she has to say more things that can't be refuted.

"Aunt Nina, do you like Daddy, too?" Lu Xiaomeng stops crying and looks forward to Nina.

Of course, he is full of expectations. If Nina goes according to his idea, he will finish the task soon! I miss mommy so much. She's gone so long. It's time to go home.

"I don't know how to be ashamed of children." Nina never thought that Lu Xiaomeng would ask such a question. I was unprepared and blushed.

"I don't care, aunt Nina, you have to answer me." Nina's shyness caught Lu Xiaomeng off guard. Even though he was a child and didn't understand the complex emotions of adults, he could still feel the difference between Nina and the previous women.

Anyway, daddy already has Mommy. Those women who still miss Daddy are bad women.

But maybe Nina is one of those bad women, isn't she?

"Yes." Nina nodded quietly.

According to Lu Xiaomeng's original intention, he wants to set up more words, but looking at Nina like this, he suddenly has some heartlessness.

"But aunt Nina, although you are very good, daddy already has Mommy. You will also have a husband who belongs to you... " Lu Xiaomeng gently hugs Nina, ignores her amazement and runs out.

Sure enough, or not?

Nina fell to the ground and cried softly

Lu's other assistants and secretaries have been dismissed, leaving only her. Maybe she will come to this stage.

She doesn't have too much extravagance. She only hopes to be with President Lu. It seems that even this will become extravagance

Lu Xiaomeng ran out of the office and found a corner. She took out her mobile phone from her pocket, plugged in her earphone and listened carefully to the recording in the office just now.

Very good. He gave a sly smile. With this recording, daddy will certainly agree with his suggestion.

But He hesitated for a moment. Dad said Nina was a very good employee. It would be cruel to fire her.He suddenly thought of his father's good friend uncle Ouyang, who is also the president of a company, but he is still single. Lu Xiaomeng decides to advise her father to transfer Nina. Maybe there will be a good future.

After the meeting, Lu Qingping began to look for Lu Xiaomeng. However, he found that there was an audio file and a message on his mobile phone. After listening, he could not help sighing.

Great assistant, too bad.

The message is also from Lu Xiaomeng: "Daddy, let Nina work in Uncle Ouyang's company. Mommy is with aunt Su Yan, and now she is in Jiangping. Aunt Su Yan's phone number is... "

Lu Xiaomeng's suggestion made Lu Qingping less embarrassed. The following words were a real surprise.

He took a deep breath, called the vice president of the company, simply arranged the work of the company, and called Ouyang to confirm Nina's personnel transfer.

"Please book me the nearest ticket to Jiangping."

This is Lu Qingping's last work order to Nina. As soon as he gets on Jiang Ping's plane, the personnel transfer letter will reach Nina.

Goodbye, Nina.

Nan Junlan, my wife, I'm here.

At the moment, Nan Junlan is still at Su Rui's home, playing with little orange dutifully. Maybe it's the maternal brilliance left on her body. Besides Mommy, little orange likes her best.

Every day with little orange, Nanjun Lanfang Buddha looks at Lu Xiaomeng again.

Yesterday, she couldn't help contacting Lu Xiaomeng with Su Yan's mobile phone. As for her own mobile phone, in order not to let Lu Qingping find her, she didn't bring it out when she went out.

Originally, she didn't plan to tell Lu Xiaomeng where she was, but she didn't take precautions when talking to her son.

Although the righteous words warned Lu Xiaomeng not to reveal her whereabouts, there was still a faint worry in her heart. This kid won't sell her, will he?

Nan Junlan has been out for a long time, and a little orange is wandering in front of her every day. In fact, she already has the idea of going home, but she really doesn't think about how to return and when.

"What are you doing? Miss your little cute? " Su Yan has a crab roe soup bag in her mouth, which makes her grin. A lift an eye to see South Jun orchid again run God.

Good run! She has never been at her cousin's house for so long, just to let Nan Junlan see the scenery and think more about her son. Now it seems to be very effective.