"Please give us a box." Li Jinglin responds to the waiter and looks at the little orange anxiously.

He worried that little orange had reached the limit of his patience. Don't cry. As soon as you cry and drink milk, you will burp. Every time he saw his daughter's little body burping, he felt the same pain in his heart.

She was so small, so soft, so fragile. Although everyone said that baby burping is a normal thing, Li Jinglin still can't bear it.

Maybe this is the voice of all the fathers in the world. Looking at the soft daughter, I always want her to get the best of everything and not to be hurt.

The waiter seems to have guessed their embarrassment. Without extra greetings, he quickly leads them to a corner.

"I'm sorry, sir, there's no box now, but it's a more secluded place. We will also be careful not to let other guests come

Su Rui can't take care of so much for a long time. Holding a small orange, she comes to the corner. Nan Junlan and Su Yan are also standing in front of them, slightly shielding them.

"Thank you. We'll order later." Li Jinglin saw Su Rui's action and said to the waiter.

The waiter left first.

At this time, they have time to observe the surrounding environment. This is the innermost corner of the coffee shop. The dining area next to it has not been opened yet, so no one else has come.

A few ornamental landscape trees just block this position. It's really as quiet as the waiter said.

"Sit down." Li Jinglin pulls a chair at the door and sits down. He also greets Nan Junlan and Su Rui.

Nan Junlan sits down beside Su Rui and pulls Su Yan who is still standing there: "why don't you sit down and be a door god?"

Looking at Su Yan, Su Rui can't help laughing.

"Don't be so nervous. In an emergency, you have to feed even in the street. You are willful and can not feed a mouthful of milk."

"Nan Junlan, was it the same with Xiaomeng at that time?"

Su Yan didn't forget her intention of taking Nan Junlan to Jiangping this time. She took the initiative to mention Lu Xiaomeng.

If you can let Nan Junlan see Lu Xiaomeng as a child in little orange, maybe she will go home for a moment. But

She suddenly thought of the sad expression Nan Junlan showed on the plane. Perhaps, she should contact Lu Xiaomeng first and make a set of remarks in his mouth? Although he may not understand the complex feelings between adults, he can at least judge whether the relationship between daddy and Mommy is good or not?

A child will not lie. He will tell himself the truth.

Su Yan, who hasn't contacted Nan Junlan for a long time, has made a low-level mistake She underestimated Lu Xiaomeng's IQ! Lu Xiaomeng not only understands the complex emotions between adults, but also interferes

One side of the South Junlan did not realize that this is a trap, she was unprepared by Su Yan's words into the memory.

Lu Xiaomeng's arrival is without warning. At that time, Nan Junlan and Lu Qingping had just held a wedding ceremony. According to their expectations. It will take at least two or three years to think about children's problems.

After getting married, Lu Qingping suggested that Nan Junlan resign. In his words, the first standard for a man is to be able to support his wife and children.

I'm in charge of making money to support my family. You're in charge of beauty.

Nan Junlan is rightfully at home every day in the sun, raise fat. The weight quickly soared to three figures.

"Mr. Lu, do you still love your wife if she is fat?"

"I will love her whether she is rich or poor, sick or healthy. If she gets fat, forget it... " Lu Qingping thought seriously and replied.

"Lu Qingping!" Nan Junlan angrily hit the pillow on his head.

Lu Qingping, with a serious face, can't hold back and turns over to crush Nan Junlan.

"What are you calling me for, my wife?" Lu Qingping, with a banter on his face, gently imprinted a kiss on Nanjun Lan's mouth.

"I love you."

Nan Junlan in his eyes, slightly shy. But still firmly expressed their love.

The ambiguous atmosphere is fermenting. The atmosphere is just right


His wife, who was shy just now, suddenly covered her stomach and felt uncomfortable, which frightened Lu Qingping. Although I don't know what happened to Nan Junlan, I still have to go to the hospital at this time!

Lu Qingping is not even in the mood to change his household clothes. He runs out with Nan Junlan in his arms and slippers.

When he started the car, Nan Junlan felt that the pain had abated. In fact, the pain was not so strong, but all of a sudden, she was more frightened than hurt.

"I feel much better. Shall we go home?"

Lu Qingping, who has always been steady, has already run several red lights, and Nan Junlan is very frightened. She stretched out her hand to touch Lu Qingping's tight right hand and gently comforted her."I'm really OK. Maybe I just ate the wrong thing."

Until Lu Qingping's tight right hand returned to normal, she put her hand back on her leg.

At the insistence of Lu Qingping, they still came to the nearby hospital. Although feel no need, but in order to let her husband at ease, South Junlan or cooperate with the routine examination.

When the results came out, both of them were shocked.

"Four months pregnant?" Nan Junlan feels that the corners of her mouth are cramped. She reaches out her hand and pinches Lu Qingping. Eh?

Another pinch, eh?

He didn't show his teeth, and he didn't jump and jump. There was no change in the expression on his face, so was it really a dream? Great How could it be that I was pregnant

"Ah The sudden pain on his arm made Nan Junlan jump up, but he was gently held by a warm embrace.

"Do you feel the pain this time?" Lu Qingping's expression is very calm. Only his eyes betray his inner tenderness.

Nan Junlan suddenly did not know how to react, so she was not sick, but pregnant?

How careless is she? She's almost four months pregnant, and she doesn't even notice it? Last month, I went to play the jumping machine with Lu Qingping. She didn't break the water at that time. Is it her life?

Maybe Lu Xiaomeng is a gift prepared for her by God. Since it is a gift, it must be received safely.

"What would you like to eat, Nan Junlan?" Su Yan's voice brings Nan Junlan's memories. It's also her voice that brings Nan Junlan back to reality.

In her trance, Suri has successfully fed the little orange and coaxed her to sleep.

"A sea and land, seven mature, black pepper juice."

"I envy you I can only eat well done... " Little orange has fallen asleep in Li Jinglin's arms. Suri lay on the table full of resentment.

Due to breast-feeding, she now has to pay attention to many places, can eat steak is good, also dare not extravagant can be unscrupulous. But her favorite is the tender beef. She used to eat medium rare beef Just think about it.

Before Nan Junlan, the others had already finished ordering. Su Yan waited until the waiter left and asked curiously, "Nan Junlan, were you in a daze just now? Do you think of Xiaomeng by touching the scene? "