"You, are you ok?" Ban Hua was surprised to see that Lu Qingping didn't seem to have a reaction. Did the medicine given by that man fail?

Lu Qingping was even more confused: "what can I do for you?"

Ban Hua began to feel something wrong. He got out of bed and wanted to leave, but he saw the door pushed open and an adult and a child appeared at the door.

Lu Qingping was a little surprised: "Xiaomeng, why are you here?"

Seeing Lu Xiaomeng and Yu Zhiruo, ban Hua recognized them and changed her face.

"Dad, I don't trust you. Let my sister take me to see you." Lu Xiaomeng steps forward and pours into Lu Qingping's arms.

"He Is he your child? " Ban Hua points to Lu Xiaomeng and asks in surprise.

Lu Qingping nodded.

Ban Hua's face became more ugly. He was about to say that he had something to go first, but he heard a roar coming from the next room.

Then someone woke up and asked, "what's going on?"

Lu Qingping also looked out strangely.

"Dad, come out and I'll tell you one thing." Lu Xiaomeng pulls Qingping's hand and drags him outside.

Ban Hua also wants to go, but Yu Zhiruo stares at her all the time, complaining in her heart.

Outside, surrounded by many people, a man was rolling on the ground.

"Dad, you ask them to call the doctor quickly. There's something in that man's juice. That's what your female classmate put in it.

Lu Qingping looked at Ban Hua in shock, strode up to the monitor and repeated what Lu Xiaomeng said. The monitor quickly called for an ambulance.

Lu Qingping went to ban Hua again and asked coldly, "what's the matter?"

Lu Qingping, whom ban Hua saw all the time, was smiling. The first time he saw him talking with a cold face, he stammered: "yes Sorry, I didn't mean to

Lu Xiaomeng sneered: "why didn't you mean it? Didn't the man tell you what it was when he gave it to you?"

Ban Hua's face turned pale. Unexpectedly, these two people have been following themselves since then.

The monitor winked at Lu Qingping and called everyone into the room. There were many other guests outside. They were all classmates and could not let outsiders see jokes.

"What's going on?" The monitor looked at Ban Hua with a serious face. Although he organized the party, ban Hua also insisted on it. He had no intention of meeting ban Hua in the morning exercise. Ban Hua said that he had not had a party for so many years and joked that he was incompetent as a monitor. When he thought about it, he called to organize the party. Who knows what happened.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. You must not tell me about it." Ban Hua fell down on his knees in front of the monitor and Lu Qing. He was in a state of confusion, and his previous bashful appearance disappeared.

Lu Qingping felt suffocated and annoyed. He said in a deep voice, "come on, what's the matter?"

It turns out that ban Hua's husband passed away last year, and her life was a little difficult with her children alone. However, she was very beautiful, and many people wanted to matchmaker for her. However, the child did not allow her to remarry. She had no choice but to refuse those men who were interested in her. She wanted to wait until the child was older.

But there is a lot of work at home that can't be done without a man. The brother of the next door neighbor often comes to help her. After a long time, the child likes him very much, so he becomes more and more bold.

"At that time, I didn't know what kind of person he was. I just knew that he was single, too." Ban Hua regretted later and cried bitterly. Knowing that there would be today, he would not agree to be with that man.

The man also has no money, and occasionally asks her for money. One day when she was watching TV, she saw Lu Qingping appear in front of the camera. She didn't mean to say that this man was my high school classmate. At school, he seemed to like me very much.

He said it unintentionally, but the listener meant it.

That man knows that rich people are actually nostalgic. If ban Hua is dressed up and let her stand in front of Lu Qingping's plane, maybe Lu Qingping will fall in love with her. If he falls in love with her, he will give her a lot of money and spend it himself.

"Why don't you go to the police and sue him?" Lu Qingping looks at Ban Hua pitifully. Unexpectedly, there is such a story behind her bright light.

"He He took a lot of pictures of me and said that if I dare to say something about him, I will take out my pictures and show them to everyone. I'm afraid that I didn't dare to sue him. " Ban Hua said, covering her face.

The monitor stamped his foot: "Xiao Zhu, you are really confused. You are a crime. Do you know that? Mr. Lu, no, and Mr. Zhang can sue you. "

Ban Hua was said by the monitor and cried more loudly.

Later, Lu Xiaomeng didn't know how to deal with this matter. He took his father's car home. His father didn't say a word all the way. He thought his father was angry and worried that he would be beaten when he got home. He was thinking about what reason he wanted to avoid his father's anger when he got home.

Unexpectedly, when I got home, my father sat on the sofa, sighed heavily, and praised his contribution today.

If Lu Xiaomeng hadn't followed them on a whim and discovered Banhua's secret, he might be threatened by Banhua and her man now.As soon as the media came to light, the bad news spread far and wide, and soon everyone knew about it. Then it spread to Nan Junlan, and he would divorce him.

However, I have to make it clear to my son that the purpose of his going to the party is not to do anything, but to realize a dream.

I didn't expect my son to say, "Dad, don't worry. I won't tell mommy about it, but you should realize that what Mommy said is right. For example, the women around you like you so much because you are Mr. Lu. If you are not Mr. Lu now, do you guess they will not go around you?"

Lu Qingping really didn't expect his son to say such words, which made him deep in thought.

Yes, if he was not president Lu, what would people think of him?

It's time to get paid again, but Lu's employees are informed that the salary of this month is delayed. Why should it be delayed? For Lu's employees, for so many years, they have never worried about Lu's economic problems. Because this time they are delayed in paying wages, we suddenly feel that Lu's economy is in trouble?

Finally, it came out in the grapevine that a mistake made by President Lu in his overseas investment led to problems in the company's working capital. I heard that President Lu had to pay a lot of money for this mistake. Let alone pay a salary, whether the company could continue to run was in danger.

Lu's company is in a panic.

President's office.

Secretary Cao looked helplessly at Qingping: "Mr. Lu, is it really good to blackmail yourself like this?"

Lu Qingping said with ease: "it's OK. I just want to see how everyone will behave in response to the economic crisis. Remember, no one is allowed to disclose my plan to anyone

Secretary Cao knows that anyone Lu Qingping said refers to his girlfriend, Secretary Zhang. In fact, Secretary Zhang called him to inquire about it, but he said he refused to answer. Secretary Zhang thought he was in a bad mood, but he didn't blame him.

"How is Mr. Lu going to save the company? Now people are in a panic and the stock market has fallen sharply. It's not a good phenomenon."

Lu Qingping mysterious smile: "who said it is not a good phenomenon, you wait."