"Ken, have you found out?" LuoMing city saw that it was aken's phone and immediately answered it.

"Qu Shao also helped with the investigation and found that his wife didn't stay in any hotel. I checked a lot of things that his wife might go back, but I didn't find them!" Ken replied.

"Keep looking! Find Yao Jun for me Luo Mingcheng fell into his hand and thought when Windsor would make people worry less!

After a while, Maggi came with Xiao Chen.

"Windsor still hasn't found it?" She asked.

Luo Mingcheng shook his head: "looking all night, no news."

Maggi put down the car key: "how could Sasha throw away the car key?"

Luo Ming Cheng suddenly raised his head: "what key?"

Maggi frowned: "I found Windsor's key and this handkerchief not far away!"

Luo Mingcheng rushed out with the handkerchief and drove directly to the hospital. He asked the doctor to check the handkerchief. The doctor just smelled it and confirmed that it had the ingredients of the overpowering drug.

Loming's heart is cold. Now he can almost be sure that Windsor has been kidnapped!

"Aken, help me contact the police. Sasha may have been kidnapped."

Out of the hospital, luomingcheng looks up at the sky, the heart is almost swallowed by guilt.

Arken contacted the police and made a little bit of a call, so that they could mobilize all the resources to find out where Windsor was. Finally, a video was sent out to prove that Windsor had been kidnapped.

"Don't worry, Mr. Luo. We'll save madam safely." Huang bureau chief comfort way, Luo Ming City has been sitting in the police station for a morning, and if you don't find out, maybe you will tear down the police station!

"Director, the location of the car has been determined!" A policewoman came in.

"Where is it?" Luomingcheng stands up!

"In an abandoned house on the outskirts of Donglin, it used to be used for hunting overnight. Almost no one would go there!"

"Call for help Director Huang orders immediately!

LuoMing City couldn't sit still and went with it.

To the outskirts, they have already received Zhao Xiwan's call to withdraw, leaving only the scarred Windsor.

Seeing Windsor lying in a pool of blood, LuoMing city was about to collapse. Regardless of what happened, Windsor was carried to the ambulance first!

Maggi and Xiao Chen rush to the hospital and see Luo Mingcheng blaming himself on the wall.

"How about Windsor?" She asked.

Luo Mingcheng didn't look at her and shook his head.

After a while, the light in the operating room dimmed, the doctor came out, and Luo Mingcheng met him: "how about Windsor?"

The doctor said: "Miss Wen's forehead should have been hit by herself. Except for the whiplash, she has not been hurt, but she seems to have been greatly stimulated. When she wakes up, she may be excited. Your family members should be psychologically prepared. It's better to prepare a psychologist for her!"

With that, the doctor told the nurse to push Windsor into the ward, and Luo Mingcheng and his party followed up!

"You're not going in with me?" Maggi came out of the ward, Windsor didn't wake up after she came out of the operating room, and luomingcheng didn't go in.

Maggi is actually very guilty. She knows Windsor, and she doesn't want to tell others to do anything, let alone for the first time?

Luo Ming City leaned against the wall, with a trace of despair on his face: "I dare not!"

Yes, he dare not! He was afraid to see Windsor's wound. He would be so guilty that he wanted to kill himself!

"What Windsor needs most is not us, but you! Mr. Luo, if you do something wrong, you have to think about how to compensate. I have to clarify everything for Windsor in front of fans, but if you don't help find out, I can't do anything! " Maggi said angrily, she looks down on such LuoMing City, and will only escape when she meets things!

Windsor wakes up from a nightmare. She dreams that many men are picking her clothes. She wants to resist, but her hands are bound. She can't escape!

She struggled, her hands pricking and screaming.

Hearing Windsor's voice, Luo Mingcheng rushed in and saw that she closed her eyes and didn't know what to say. She pulled out the drops on her hand and the wound on her forehead began to bleed again!

"Call the doctor!" Cried loming, and Maggi ran out at once.

"Sasha, wake up quickly. You're dreaming. It's not true!" Luo Mingcheng patted Windsor on the face.

Windsor seemed to hear someone calling her. She slowly opened her eyes. Everything in front of her changed from vague to clear. The moment she saw the city of loming, she pushed him away excitedly.

"Don't touch me!" She let out a scream.

Luo Mingcheng couldn't restrain himself: "Sasha, I'm Mingcheng. What's the matter with you?"

Windsor curled up in a ball, shivering all over, and her sick clothes were soaked with sweat. Luo Mingcheng looked at her like this and did not dare to get close to her. He was afraid that she would hurt herself, so he waited for the doctor to come.After the doctor came, she wanted to check Windsor, and found that she was very unstable. She didn't let the doctor touch her. She was struggling all the time.

Maggi walked over and Windsor was not so excited and hid in her arms.

"Sasha, he won't hurt you. That's the doctor. Shall we let him have a check?" Maggi said softly.

Windsor ignored her and kept saying, "don't touch me!"

"If she doesn't want to, can she change a woman doctor? Maybe she's not that exclusive! I remember there was a doctor named Qin an in your hospital, right? She's my high school classmate. Call her Maggi said.

Seeing Windsor like this, the doctor didn't dare to force him to call Qin An.

Qin An got a general idea of Windsor and came to check it.

"Windsor, don't be afraid, let's have a check!" Qin An coaxed her out of Maggi's arms, looked at her wound and found that it was inflamed, then gave her a tranquilizer and let her sleep.

"How's it going?" Asked Luo Mingcheng.

"The wound is inflamed and has a low fever. Just give her a drop! But I heard that the patient was greatly stimulated. Although she was not invaded successfully, she was also frightened. I think this is the reason why she rejected men. I suggest that she find a psychologist, preferably a woman! " Qin An said.

"Please keep it a secret in your hospital. It's said that Windsor has been ruined all his life!" Maggi said.

Qin An nodded and went out.

Maggi looked at the pale and fragile Windsor, really unable to connect with her usually strong.

"Do you doubt her now?" She asked.

Luo Mingcheng covered his face with one hand: "I want to kill myself now!"

"I don't think Windsor can contact you in this situation. I'll keep it from her parents for the time being. Otherwise, things will get worse and worse. I can't be with you 24 hours a day. Please ask a reliable nurse. I have to go back to the company to help Windsor deal with the aftermath!" Maggi explains.

She should have no right to blame loming City, but she just can't help it. If he chases out, won't Windsor have an accident? She doesn't know what happened to Windsor, but it's no small thing that can make her look like this!

Luomingcheng nodded and watched Maggi go out. He wanted to get close to Windsor, but he didn't dare.

Lin Qian at the other end gets the news that Windsor has been rescued. She doesn't know how much she hates it. Then she realizes that Luo Mingcheng is sending someone to find Yao Jun. she knows that something is going to happen and calls Yao Jun in a hurry.