"Little Joe, if anything happens to Windsor, I swear I'll make your life worse than death!"

Little Joe's hand stagnated, and then he laughed: "I have nothing left. I'm going to jail soon. Will I be afraid of this?"

"What about your parents?" "I'm really disappointed in you, Little Joe," cried Windsor. "Do you never think of your parents when you do things?"

"Yes! If Windsor dies, I'll be the first to ask your parents to be buried with me! " Luo Mingcheng said.

Little Joe heard her parents, a moment loose, but the hand did not put down, sharp fruit knife or against Windsor's neck.

Little Joe couldn't help crying: "I'm sorry for my parents, I can only repay them in the next life! Now, I just want Windsor to die with me! "

"In return?" Windsor sneered: "you've done so many wrong things in your life. It's estimated that you can't even be human in your life. How can you repay your parents? Do you remember when you fell and broke your bone when you were a child, and Joe's mother took care of you in all her clothes and kept crying every day? You've been hurt a little. She's heartbroken. Have you ever thought about what she would do if she knew what you're doing now? "

Little Joe's face was a little confused, and he obviously listened to her.

After a while, there was a roar outside the door: "Qiao xiang, put down the knife for me!"

Little Joe, look out the door. It's her parents!

"Little Joe, what are you doing? How can you do this to Windsor? She grew up with you Qiao Mu wiped tears, persuading a way.

Xiao Qiao's knife fell in response to the sound. Luo Mingcheng immediately pulled Windsor back to his side, and then asked the doctor to deal with the wound.

Joe's father walked over and slapped her in the face: "how could I have given birth to a daughter like you, who was pregnant before she was unmarried, and now I dare to kill her!"

Little Joe was weak and fell to the ground after the slap. His mother hugged her immediately.

"Little Joe, how can you be like this? Come on, apologize to Sasha!" Joe's mother helped her to sit on the bed.

Xiao Qiao excitedly pushed away Qiao's mother: "I don't apologize! I didn't do anything wrong! I hate Windsor, why is it all her! I'm not reconciled, I'm not reconciled! "

When Joe's father heard her, he wanted to hit her again, but he was stopped by his mother.

"What other people have is made by her own efforts. What qualifications do you have to say that she is not reconciled! You will always think about how to calculate others, a little bit of vision will not take a fancy to you Father Joe roared.

Little Joe didn't retort. No one understood her. Even her parents couldn't understand what she did!

Seeing that his father was so angry, Qiao's mother gave him a piece of comfort. Then she knelt down in front of Windsor and said, "I beg you, Sasha, please let little Joe go. I have only little Joe's daughter in my life. What happened to her? What can we do?"

Windsor turned away. Mother Joe always hurt herself. She couldn't bear it.

Luo Mingcheng stood in front of her: "aunt Qiao, I don't think you know what Qiao xiang has done. She bought someone to go to the hospital and drugged Windsor. Then she drugged Windsor in the bar to destroy her innocence. She published rumors on the Internet to slander Windsor. I won't say anything else. You can judge. What's the reason for us to let her go?"

Qiao's mother also wanted to ask Windsor, but Luo Mingcheng interrupted: "don't ask Windsor, you know she's soft hearted, but just because she's soft hearted, how can you be willing to embarrass her?"

"Ah Cheng is right!" Joe's father said in a deep voice, "I'll take responsibility for my mistakes."

"But she is our only daughter! If something happens to Little Joe, how can I live? "

Looking at Qiao's mother who is hiding her face and crying, she can't bear it. She's not a cruel person. She's a little respected. If Xiao Qiao doesn't do these things, they'll still be friends and everything will be fine.

Qiao's father pulled Qiao's mother up, and then said to Luo Mingcheng, "we won't plead for her any more, just ask you to save her a cheap life!"

Seeing Luo Mingcheng nodding, Qiao's father took the crying Qiao's mother out.

Little Joe smiles hopelessly and goes to the window. Windsor seems to know what she wants to do. She runs to her side immediately, but only catches a wisp of Little Joe's hair at last!

She just watched Little Joe jump!

Luo Mingcheng put Windsor in his arms, let her face buried in his arms, don't let her see: "it's OK, don't think about it!"

As soon as Qiao's parents came out of the hospital, they saw Xiao Qiao jump down from the upstairs and cry twice. Qiao's mother couldn't help but faint.

Windsor suddenly pushed away loming city and ran down until she stopped at the gate of the hospital. Little Joe is lying in a pool of blood, his eyes are still open, and a strange smile is still hanging around his mouth!

When Mrs. Qiao woke up, she kept crying. Seeing Windsor standing by now, she rushed up to fight: "you return my daughter! My daughter was killed by you. Give me back, Little Joe

Many people recognized Windsor and took out their mobile phones to take pictures of the scene. What did Mrs. Qiao say? Windsor killed the girl. It's big news!Windsor did not move to let her fight, until loming City ran down and pulled away Joe's mother.

"It's none of your business. It's Sasha. She deserves it!" Loming comforted him, knowing that it had left a shadow in Windsor's heart.

Joe's father hugged his mother, nodded apologetically to Windsor, and then left with little Joe's body.

Windsor couldn't stop crying: "I didn't think Never thought of Let her die

Luo Mingcheng patted her on the back: "I know, I know, we go home, things here have been solved!"

Luo Mingcheng has no sympathy in his heart. He doesn't sympathize with anyone who has hurt Windsor, but he feels a little sorry.

When Windsor came home, she was not in good health, so Luo Mingcheng asked for leave for her and Wang An, intending to let her have a rest for a few days. But she didn't expect that Windsor's condition was getting worse and worse, or she couldn't sleep, had nightmares when she fell asleep, and cried out that she had killed Xiao Qiao.

Luo Mingcheng was so worried that he invited a psychologist, but Windsor didn't cooperate at all.

Just when LuoMing city is sad, Xiao Chen comes to see Windsor. In fact, LuoMing city doesn't want Xiao Chen to get in touch with Windsor, but when people are coming, you can't blow people out and just force them in.

"Can I speak to Windsor alone?" Xiao Chen proposed.

Luo Mingcheng took a look at him, then nodded: "turn left to the second room upstairs, she will stay in it."

Xiao Chen put down the fruit basket, and then went upstairs. When he entered, Luo Ming City followed him. He just stood at the door and did not dare to enter.

"Windsor, I've come to see you! I'm afraid you didn't want to see me at all, so I didn't dare to tell you in advance! " Xiao Chen walked up to Windsor. She was haggard. There were dark circles under her eyes. She was not angry at all.

Windsor looked at him without expression, and made no sound.

"Why torture yourself like this? You know little Joe's death has nothing to do with you Xiao Chen continued.

Windsor's face changed when she heard Little Joe's name, but she didn't speak.

Xiao Chen said with a smile, "can I tell you something about my experience?"

Windsor finally gave him a response: "what's your experience? How to be famous? "