"What do you mean?" Qiu Shiyun pats the table and stands up.

"It doesn't mean much. I told you at the beginning what I wanted to express. I want you to help Leng Haoran's company through this difficult time." Xu Xiaotong's expression and tone are sincere.

“…… All right, I got it! I don't want to fight against him Qiu Shiyun's tone is very impatient. He grabs the picture on the table and turns to leave, as if there is a beast chasing her behind.

Xu Xiaotong breathed a sigh of relief, sat down on the chair, and finally got one. Then came the mysterious boss of the foreign enterprise. But now Xu Xiaotong is a bit at a loss. All the methods have been tried, but there is no way to know anything about that person.

After walking out of the coffee shop, Qiu Shiyun is more and more angry. He pulls the photo into a ball and quickly dials Leng Haoran's phone.

Leng Haoran just picked up, and before he had time to say anything, he was scolded by Qiu Shiyun. Finally, he hung up the phone.

However, Leng Haoran didn't find a chance to say a word until Qiu Shiyun hung up, but he still caught several key words: "threat": "foreign enterprise" and "Xu Xiaotong".

Leng Haoran frowned, picked up his coat and walked out of the president's office.

However, at this time, Xu Xiaotong has no idea about the phone call between Qiu Shiyun and Leng Haoran. She only thinks that Qiu Shiyun has been settled, and she is worried about where to start.

Suddenly her phone rings suddenly, and Xu Xiaotong comes back to answer the phone.

"Hello? Is that Miss Xu? "

The sharp voice is mixed with some distortion. It's the voice after voice changing. Xu Xiaotong is stunned and looks at the mobile phone screen, which shows the encrypted strange number.

She said to the phone, "well, it's me. What can I do for you?"

"I hear you've been looking for me." The person on the other end of the phone uses affirmative sentences. It seems that he already knows a lot about Xu Xiaotong.

"You are..." Xu Xiaotong already had a guess gradually in the heart.

"I'm the one you're looking for."

The guess in the heart got the affirmative answer, but Xu Xiaotong didn't panic. After taking a deep breath, she said, "what are you calling me for today? Don't you want me to go further? "

The person on the other end of the phone said with a few low smiles, "no, I just want to say that if Miss Xu wants to see me, it's very simple. I can give you a hint."

"What does that mean?" Xu Xiaotong is a little confused.

"It means I want to play a game with you. If you find me according to those tips, I'll..." His voice pauses, as if he hasn't thought about the reward for Xu Xiaotong.

Xu Xiaotong quickly added: "if I find you, then you can't fight against Leng's group any more."

The person on the opposite side of the phone hesitated for a few seconds and agreed? He said with a smile, "it seems that I can't lose."

Xu Xiaotong can't help asking: "why do you want Leng group so much?"

"Why does it need to be? Because you don't like it, because you want it, because it's on the spur of the moment. There are many reasons. You can choose at will. " The man's voice was relaxed, as if they were talking about when to eat.

Xu Xiaotong felt that she had nothing to say with this kind of person. She directly asked, "you can tell me what the prompt is."

"The hint is that when I was in China and decided to put pressure on Leng group, I had already come back." He replied.

"It's impossible, or I've hired so many private detectives, how can I not find out your whereabouts?" Xu Xiaotong began to doubt the correctness of this tip.

"Of course, private detectives are the most unreliable. They don't listen to anyone but money." He seemed to think of something and laugh.

Xu Xiaotong was stunned at first, then suddenly realized, "you gave them money to tell me the wrong information?"

"I can only say that. Try to find me and make the game more interesting, Xu Xiaotong."

Xu Xiaotong's ear came the busy tone when the phone was hung up. Xu Xiaotong was stunned and turned off the phone blankly.

Looking down at the time, after checking out, I went out of the coffee shop and took a taxi to the company.

Now everything in the company is on the right track. After all the previously stacked materials are finished, Xu Xiaotong enjoys a rare leisure, and she spends her time looking for the boss of a foreign company.

Xu Xiaotong didn't tell anyone about looking for the boss of the foreign company, even Leng Haoran and Yu Siyi. She wanted to do something for Leng Haoran through her own efforts.

Xu Xiaotong got out of the elevator, went to the door of the office, reached for the door and was stunned.

Leng Haoran sat on the chair behind the table and looked at some information. Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked up and said, "are you looking up the information of that foreign company?"

"Ah? No No Xu Xiaotong stands at the door, her eyes are flickering, and she doesn't dare to look at Leng Haoran. She didn't expect Leng Haoran to find out.According to Leng Haoran's character, she will definitely feel that she is meddling in her own business, and then scold herself. Xu Xiaotong is a little depressed when she thinks about it.

Suddenly, the soft big palm caresses her head. She is stunned and looks up at Leng Haoran who doesn't know when to walk in front of her.

"It's because you're worried about me that you're secretly helping me, isn't it?" Leng Haoran's expression is warm.

Xu Xiaotong is intoxicated with Leng Haoran's black eyes and murmurs, "well, I want to help you, but I don't know how to help you, and I dare not tell you."

Leng Haoran stretched out his hand and put Xu Xiaotong in his arms. He hugged her tightly and continued: "thank you."

Xu Xiaotong's face turned red and she was a little embarrassed. She suddenly thought of the person in the coffee shop who changed his voice with a voice changer. She broke away from Leng Haoran's arms, looked directly at him and said seriously, "I received a phone call before, which should be from the boss of the foreign enterprise."

"What did he say?" Leng Haoran was a little surprised that the mysterious boss of the foreign company would call in person.

Xu Xiaotong told Leng Haoran about their conversation. After hearing this, Leng Haoran thought deeply and said, "if the boss of a foreign enterprise is someone you don't know, why does he use a voice changer for you?"

After thinking about it, Xu Xiaotong was surprised and said, "do you mean the boss of a foreign enterprise is someone I know?" At the thought of this possibility, Xu Xiaotong couldn't help getting goose bumps.

Leng Haoran nodded thoughtfully and said, "it's very possible." He turned to look at Xu Xiaotong and asked, "have you met anyone or any old acquaintances who have suddenly started to contact you?"

"People I know recently It seems that there are quite a lot of them. " Xu Xiaotong tried to think, but came up with a lot of names, for a time did not know how to screen.

"Think about those who have just returned from abroad?" Leng Haoran reminds me.

After another screening in her mind, Xu Xiaotong said: "there are three people, one is Qiu Shiyun, the other is Ye Qingzhuo, and the other is the boss of the company. Didn't he go abroad on business before?"

"Yes, but he should be on the flight next Wednesday at noon." Leng Haoran turned over the address book and the phone number and said, "I'll call and try."