As soon as the sun is in a trance, a figure will come down from the sky and block between Mingyao and several big men. Xu Yuanbao, with his monkey on his back, barked a few times and put on the airs of Chinese Kung Fu to some big men.

WOC! this man! After Mingyao found out that it was Xu Yuanbao, his eyes were as big as those of Niu. The last fight was a tug of oil by Xie Linghan. This time, an alien came!

After being reflected by the big faced man, he stepped on the money and twisted his feet ferociously. They show the guys in show's hands and rush towards them one by one

On the van, Mingyao's hands were tied behind him with adhesive tape, and his rope was tied several times. Xu Yuanbao's face was painted and tied aside.

"Tut Tut, aren't you very powerful?" A big man with a proud smile wanted to touch Mingyao's chin provocatively. Mingyao hides to the side and makes a "tut" sound.

"Oh, how dare you when you are caught..." The man raised his hand angrily and was about to shake his mouth when a telephone rang.

The big man found the mobile phone in Mingyao's pants pocket and frowned after looking at the name of the caller. Mingyao has not been hidden well now. We can't let others know that Mingyao has been captured. However, it seems good to have one more person. He gave an ugly smile and told Mingyao, "answer the phone and let this woman come."

"Of course I know you're outside. Where exactly are you?" Xiao lvshi calmed down and said softly, "are you lost? You can tell me what's around you..."

"Don't come to me." Mingyao suddenly became impatient again, and his tone was a little harsh. "Go home and stay well!"

As soon as he saw something wrong, he immediately put away his mobile phone, cut off the call and slapped it on Mingyao's face.

"Hello! Why do you even beat children, or are they not things? " When Xu Yuanbao saw it, he immediately yelled at it.

The big man snored like an angry cow, opened the car door, threw Xu Yuanbao out like a chicken, and then threw out Mingyao's mobile phone.

"Damn it! What kind of dog are you

After being thrown out, Xu Yuanbao rolled awkwardly on the suburban road several times, his face was ferocious with pain. It's really not a thing. It throws people out of the car without stopping! What if someone dies!

Xu Yuanbao shakes his head and suddenly feels that the rope tied to his hand is a little loose. He was also a smart man, and he soon liberated his hands.

Just after two steps, I was thinking about what to do. Suddenly, I remembered that when the man threw him out of the car, he seemed to have lost something.

That thing is hard, but also hit his head! Xu Yuanbao walked back a little, and sure enough, he saw something reflecting in the sun. Go and have a look, ah, that little brother's cell phone!

Xu Yuanbao picked it up and miraculously found that although the little brother's mobile phone fell out of a few cracks on the screen, it was still firmly "alive". Doesn't it show on the screen that someone is calling again?

"Xiao LV Shi..." Xu Yuanbao narrowed his eyes and thought, this woman is so familiar

He knows this woman! This is the lawyer who lives on the top floor of the commercial building. It's said that he is a talented girl with a glib tongue! How does she have anything to do with this little brother?

Anyway, this is a big man. It's right to find her when something goes wrong!


Three hours later

Baixi police station

"Ah! I'm not really involved in kidnapping! Why don't you believe me Xu Yuanbao's voice burst out from the interrogation room.

The two officers sitting opposite him showed a unified expression of distrust.

"I said, Xu Yuanbao, you're not going to be a policeman, and you're going to do something devious? It's just to ruin the reputation of our people's police! " A said the policeman with a look of hate.

Xu Yuanbao rolled his eyes and said, "how many times do you want me to say that I'm not a kidnapper! I am not! Why do you leave me here alone? What about Xiao's poems? I want to see her

A policeman looked disgusted and said, "you can't see it now. You are a suspect!"

"I'm not a suspect!" Xu Yuanbao stood up angrily, scared another policeman to jump up like a frightened rabbit, and "whoosh" drew the pistol from his waist and aimed it at Xu Yuanbao.

He is a new policeman, but he has heard a lot about this notorious ex policeman. In a word, he is a super dangerous person!

Xu Yuanbao and the police have been in a stalemate for a long time. Finally, Xiao lvshi feels that there is something wrong and takes the initiative to ask for a talk with Xu Yuanbao. Because of the special situation, the police did not participate in the conversation between Xiao lvshi and Xu Yuanbao. However, Xiao took a recording pen in at the request.

Two people sat face to face in the interrogation room, the atmosphere was a bit dull and serious.

The two talked about the course of the matter. When Xiao lvshi proposed to inform Mingyao's parents, Xu Yuanbao objected.If you tell Mingyao's parents, it is likely that his parents will not accept this fact for a while. Incidentally, even if Mingyao knows Xiao lvshi, in Xu Yuanbao's impression, Mingyao is still a poor child living in an alley.

So they reached a consensus and told Ming Tianyou and Liu Xingyan about it when there was a complete clue.

Ah, Liu Xingyan When Xiao Lushi thought of this, she felt that her head was so big that it was about to explode! If Liu Xingyan knew that her baby son was kidnapped, or was kidnapped by someone who didn't know the origin, he would take it as an argument, and then he didn't know how to exclude her.

But after all, what Mingyao will cause trouble is within the psychological range of Xiao lvshi. She knows in her heart that Mingyao is not a man of self-discipline.

Anyway, it's a kidnapping case. We can't do without the help of the police. But it's obvious that Xu doesn't want to have too much contact with the police. When it comes to cooperation with the police, Xu frowns and says he is not willing to join.

"That's why the police chose to ask me to use a tape recorder instead of interrogating you head-on?" Xiao lvshi felt a little funny and a little speechless. While waiting outside, she listened to the police talk about Xu Yuanbao, so she knew something about his deeds.

Because Xu Yuanbao, like a magic wand, is not very popular with his superiors. During a mission, Xu Yuanbao suddenly changed his strategy and didn't follow the command. Although he said that the hostage was rescued and the prisoner was also arrested, it caused huge property losses. The relevant departments used millions to compensate the merchants.

Xu Yuanbao laughed and said, "I'll help you here. I hope you can save the little brother."

He stood up and said, "I owe this little brother a favor. If you need any help, please call me." With that, he took a business card from his coat pocket, put it on the table, straightened his skirt, and walked out.