He deliberately raised his voice, so that the two of them could hear more clearly: "I don't think our kitchen is commonly used. Otherwise, we should lock it up directly. Anyway, it's more blocked there."

After that, he immediately told the servant to take a lock and lock it in the kitchen.

Sure enough, as he expected, Gu Qinglan screamed: "don't touch my kitchen!" Said, immediately ran to the servant, a grasp of the lock in his hand, tightly protect in the arms.

Gu qingkong smiles: "if you want to keep your kitchen But you two will be my servants. Every day when I get home, I'll beat my shoulders and pinch my thighs for my use. "

They were speechless and had to agree.

Therefore, this battle is clearly a: "landlady..." The deal with a maid turned into a big landlord A deal with two little maids.

In the twinkling of an eye, it's Gu Konghai's birthday and Gu konglan's birthday. In the face of the annual coming birthday party, the two kids are excited and nervous, especially Gu konglan. They are so excited that they roll around on the bed, just like insomnia, let alone let her fall asleep now. It's hard. Guan Yike, if this little guy doesn't sleep, then she can't want to sleep It's too late.

"Ouye, I can eat a lot of things and receive a lot of gifts again..." Gu konglan exclaimed excitedly. Seeing that tomorrow is her birthday, she thought that she could receive many gifts and have many children to play with. Gu konglan jumped from the bed to the bed, from the sofa to the table, just like an uncontrollable elf, which was very sad for Guan Yike.

"Baby, if you are so excited, you will have a nightmare at night..." Guan Yi looks forward to her daughter, who is very excited. She can't help worrying. Whenever her daughter is too excited before going to bed, she will have nightmares and cry at night. Finally, the family has to accompany her and coax her.

"I'm not afraid to have mommy and daddy here. At most, let mommy and daddy come to sleep with me." Gu konglan said with indifference, as if she had been used to these things for a long time?

Guan Yi can be a black line, dare feeling this little girl is really used to: "baby, let's go to bed first, when you open your eyes again, it's your birthday, oh, at that time, shall we celebrate?" Guan Yi can patiently advised, God knows how sleepy she is, really want to head in bed, sleep to death in the past, tomorrow the two little guys and invited many students, by then, I'm afraid the most tired and busy is her and Gu Qing Kong, carefully think about the scene, it's really a bit chilly.

"No, Mommy, I don't want to sleep at all. Mommy, what gifts have you and daddy prepared for me?" Speaking of gifts, Gu konglan's eyes began to shine. He opened a pair of big round eyes and looked at Guan Yike excitedly like a wild animal seeing prey. Guan Yike even more trembled. Please, she didn't eat. As for looking at her with this kind of eyes?

Guan Yike rolled a big white eye in her heart, but she still had a smile on her face. She gently touched Gu konglan's head and said, "Mommy and daddy will naturally prepare a big gift for your baby, and my brother's, to make sure you are satisfied with your baby."

"Really? Great, Mommy. Can you tell me now? " Gu can't wait to find out. Every year mommy and daddy give her the best gifts, from dolls to beautiful skirts These are her favorite. I don't know if mommy and daddy will continue to surprise her this year.

Seeing that her daughter was so anxious, Guan Yike shook her head with a smile and said, "this can't be done. The gift has to be opened on her birthday to make sense. Otherwise, there won't be any surprise? Baby, you're good. Now you're good to sleep. Only when you have enough spirit can you have fun with the children tomorrow. Look, how good my brother is. He's lying on the bed without saying a word... " Guan Yi is expected to go to Gu Kong Hai on the other side of the bed and says with a smile. Compared with his own daughter, the son is more calm and normal.

"Hello, Gu Konghai, why aren't you excited at all?" Seeing his brother lying on the bed with his eyes closed tightly, as if they didn't exist, Gu konglan pouted.

"Idiot, don't you have a birthday? It's not like you haven't had one. What's so exciting? Do you think everyone is like you?" Gu Konghai opened his mouth leisurely, but his eyebrows moved and his eyes never opened.

See Gu Kong Hai said he, Gu Kong blue some not happy, she is not excited, excited a little bit, there is nothing wrong with ah, why say she idiot?

"Well, I'm excited. What does it have to do with you? Every day, like Daddy, you know how to be cool. Hum Gu konglan pouted, his head almost tilted to the sky, grumbling discontentedly.

But it happened that this sentence was falling into Gu qingkong's ears. Gu qingkong frowned slightly and then turned his mouth. He was usually cool, but he didn't pretend to be cool? A black line passed in front of him. His daughter said that. It's really I can't tell

"Lan Er, daddy, I'm not pretending to be cool. I'm really cool. Do you understand?" In order to change her daughter's mind, Gu qingkong couldn't help but put in a word.Seeing his father come in, Gu konglan was surprised. His head, which was just about to go up to the sky, fell down in an instant. It was like a balloon without air. He sent out a charming smile towards Gu qingkong and called weakly: "Daddy..."

Gu qingkong doesn't say a word. He picks Gu konglan up and goes to the other side of the bed. He puts Gu konglan down and tucks her little body into the quilt. Then he gently covers the quilt. It's done! What a simple thing.

Gu konglan didn't react to her action. When she came back, she had already been stuffed into the bed by her father: "Mommy..." See father don't let her play again, Gu empty blue Nu mouth angle, a face wrongly looking to the side of Guan Yi can.

"If you want a present tomorrow, if you want a cake, just go to bed. Otherwise Daddy gave the gift to other children.... "

Gu qingkong, like an ultimatum, raised his voice slightly and watched Gu konglan firmly.

As soon as I heard that I couldn't receive any gifts and I didn't have any cake to eat, Gu konglan was naturally anxious. She didn't dare to play any more and lay still in bed. For her gift and cake, she had to endure it!

Seeing that her daughter is no longer noisy at last, Guan Yi is relieved. She looks at Gu qingkong gratefully and gives him a grateful look. If it wasn't for her husband's help, she really couldn't do anything with her aunt.

Finally settled the two little guys, Guan Yi can gently turn off the light, close the door, quietly back out, now she just want to have a good sleep, enough sleep to meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Yes, for the two little guys, tomorrow is a happy and exciting day, but for her and Gu qingkong, tomorrow is a weeping day, tired like a dog.

Recalling every bit of last year, Guan Yi is really hard to say, but for the sake of the children, as long as the two little guys are happy, she, as a mother, is willing to suffer and tired.

Soon, the sun rose, warm sunlight into the room, mottled on the two little guys.