I don't know if all women are hostile to their predecessors. After Ms. Luo Chengyan completed her cooperation with Xiao Senyu's predecessor Jiao yaoyue, not only did the company's net profit increase by 10%, but also she felt that she was promoted from a good position to a little angel.

This morning, Luo Chengyan came to the company early, leaving Xiao Senyu who was going to turn over and continue to sleep. He reached out but didn't touch Luo Chengyan beside the pillow. He still didn't touch Luo Chengyan again. He remembered that he had a dream last night that Luo Chengyan was caught by the kidnappers and killed her unless he ate Luo Chengyan's excrement. Later, Xiao Senyu ran away in Luo Chengyan's expectant eyes. He sat up, only to see the label beside the pillow: my Xiao Senyu scum, your queen of Chengyan has been waiting for you in the company.

Good morning, director Luo One side of the Secretary said hello, Luo Chengyan stepped on hate Tiangao professional dress, she dressed like Victoria's secret.

"Good morning, my Secretary..."

Deng Deng Deng went to the president's office for a turn and found that Xiao Senyu had not come yet.

"The president, hasn't he come yet?"

Elevator door just opened, Xiao Senyu wore a coquettish shirt, "hilove" gave Luo Chengyan a kiss.

Luo Chengyan looks around and walks into the president's office like walking on the red carpet.

As soon as I came in, the elegant look on my face disappeared, and a green light flashed in Luo Chengyan's eyes.

Went to the desk "pa" and Jiao yaoyue copywriting photographed, "director, I ask for a pay increase!"

Xiao Senyu didn't seem to see it. He said to Luo Cheng, "love, this brandy tastes very good." Look up and drink the brandy in your hand.

The clerk at the door peeked over to have a look. The secretary gave them a look that they wanted to sneak.

Luo Chengyan stares at him straightforwardly, "I want to raise my salary."

"Love, I saw the note you left me. You really look like a queen today. MYQueen。”

"But I want a raise." Luo Chengyan really had no patience. He photographed the document in front of Xiao Senyu's eyes and said word by word, "I want, work, capital."

The staff laughed, and the secretary next to them turned over (damn, this situation is not new anymore. Thank you for laughing. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

"Think, all, don't think." Xiao Senyu threw the document directly into the shredder.

"Xiao Senyu, you broke a document of mine. I can print more. Believe it or not, the documents waiting for you to come to your office in the afternoon will pile up into hills."

"Martha, tell the reference room that director Luo can't use the copier today. The one in her office moved to me, and all the documents in the information department were given to me."

Martha on one side wrote down, "well, good president."

Luo Chengyan had a thousand grass mud horses galloping by in his heart.

She put her hands in front of Xiao Senyu and rolled her eyes at him seriously, "You Jin."

"Love, you look sexy today." Xiao Senyu looked at Luo Chengyan with great interest.

She changed a more attractive posture, hooked hook frustrated, Xiao Senyu leaned over, Xiao Senyu came over, she whispered in Xiao Senyu's ear, "go to your sister's, I want to increase my salary."

She jumped off her desk, clapped and went back to her director's office.

Hum, Xiao Senyu is a little whore. If she doesn't get a raise, she won't get into bed tonight.

Coincidentally, there are many projects that need the design of the advertising department today. Xiao Senyu lowers his head and scolds the grass, putting the Secretary's report aside.

So the atmosphere in the advertising department was like this all morning.

"Director Luo, the president asked you to design an advertisement for the new property. He said that a new concept is needed this time, which will be more popular." Xiao Senyu's secretary gave me a document.

"Go to tell your director that the workers in this building were so low paid that they were wandering around with grievances. This is an unknown place. No matter how creative the advertisement is, it can't sell at a good price. It's better not to do it." Luo Chengyan and his serious nonsense.

The secretary looked up and said, "but you said a few days ago that the location here is great. Kindergarten, primary school, junior high school and senior high school are just past. The air is fresh and the environment is beautiful. It's really a good place."

"Oh, if you don't pay your wages, no matter how good your house is, you won't be able to pay the mortgage."

"Director Luo..."

"Ask your president to give me a raise!"

The Secretary repeats what Luo Chengyan said to Xiao Senyu. The loser mother makes her husband's money, but the last cooperation project was really great. Even the people who bought the shares of their company brought two piggy elbows home happily.

"OK, no problem, pay increase!"

Luo Chengyan heard that Duolaimi, who was stepping on Hentian high, came to Xiao Senyu's office and stared at him again. "I heard that you agreed to increase people's wages.".


"You lost."

"No, I'm just rewarding my good wife.""Hum!"

"We're going to have chicken and mushroom today."

"Ha? Good

As soon as he got off work, Luo Chengyan took Xiao Senyu's arm and walked out of the company. Suddenly he saw Jiao yaoyue.

Luo Chengyan suddenly and unnaturally switches to the elegant mode and turns his smiling mouth into a knife.

"I hear you're going to dinner?"

"Well, yes." Luo Chengyan's ending goes up.

"Do you mind if I come with you?"

"All right, let's get together."

Open the door and sit in her exclusive co pilot, Jiao yaoyue is not embarrassed to sit in the back seat, very naturally found the topic, three people all the way still talk and laugh straight to "boss Wang".

"Honey, you should eat more seafood. It's good for your health..." Xiao Senyu gallantly gave Luocheng a dish.

"Yes, you have to eat more of this dish. What's it called? Anyway, it's aphrodisiac." She looked at Xiao Senyu affectionately, the tenderness in her eyes could trickle out.

Xiao Senyu suddenly remembered a movie he had seen before. He forgot what he said, but there are two words to describe his and Luo Chengyan's current state.

The sword is full of love, the sword is full of eyebrows. Luo Chengyan specially gave him a lot of peppers. He hummed to feed them to his mouth. What Xiao Senyu ate was peppers, and what he left was tears.

I love you so much.

Jiao yaoyue asked them, "I heard you two had a fight today?" Xiao Senyu wiped his mouth with a paper towel. "It's just a small matter. It's not a bitter and bitter contradiction. It's a fight between husband and wife."

Jiao yaoyue's thoughtful "Oh..." "Senyu," he said, "I can see that you are really happy when you are with Chengyan. You are very suitable. I wish you an early birth."

Xiao Senyu laughed and showed his white teeth, "you are still so sweet, two people together, the enemy is narrow, but the enemy is also family."