Qianyurou wakes up from her dream without suspense.

It was already ten o'clock in the morning.

No matter how much she likes the feeling, she's going to get up.

When I got out of bed and went to the bathroom, I thought that washing my face with cold water could sober me up, but

When the cold water was sprinkled on her hands, she was nostalgic for the warmth in the quilt.

She didn't know what happened to her, so she ran straight back to her bedroom and jumped into bed without thinking about it.

Then, I fell asleep.


Scientists have had relevant research, when people sleep in, the more time they sleep, the more they feel sleepless.

At this time, qianyurou is in this state.

Therefore, she is equivalent to cooperating with Lu Junming's plan to facilitate him to influence her way of thinking and attitude through the dream world.


new dreams, new world, new life.

This time, her identity is Luo Chengyan.

It was another beautiful morning. Luo Chengyan got up early. Because it was only half past five, her husband, who had been tired all day, was still asleep. She couldn't bear to wake her up, so she changed her clothes gently and walked out of the room.

Open a French window in the living room, the breeze of summer morning is coming, which makes luochengyan feel fresh and comfortable.

"The morning air is fresh! I need to breathe more! " Luo Chengyan expressed this emotion while accepting the breeze bath.

It's time for Luo Chengyan to fulfill his duty as a wife and mother. That's to prepare a hearty breakfast for his family.

"Milk, sandwiches, hot dogs, and By the way, there are still poached eggs not taken out! " Luo Chengyan stares at the table and counts her breakfast with fingers.

As a result, she really missed one thing and only four things. Luo Chengyan's memory is not so bad, but she doesn't think so.

Every time someone said that she had a bad memory, she always gave birth to a child as an excuse, and she always said, "try to have a child.".

Yes, the one who has always said that she has a bad memory is her dear husband, Mr. Xiao Senyu.

When breakfast is ready, I have to call my husband and son up. Luo Chengyan went to the bedroom door, pushed the door open, just saw Xiao Senyu changing clothes, and pajamas just off, naked.

"Ah, ah, ah!" Luo Chengyan was startled and cried, "you, why don't you wear clothes!"

Xiao Senyu was a little helpless. What's the point of screaming? "What's the fuss? It's not like you haven't seen it. "

Xiao Senyu's words made Luo Chengyan's two cheeks flush, "you've become a father. How come you haven't got a proper shape! Get dressed and go downstairs for breakfast

Luo Chengyan quickly finished, and then quickly ran to Xiao Xiao's bedroom. She put her hand on the door handle, took a deep breath, and pushed the door in.

Xiao Xiao is still sleeping soundly. Luo Chengyan looks at Xiao Xiao who is sleeping soundly. Her eyes are full of love. She is still a child. Every time because of her work with Xiao Senyu, she neglects him a lot. Luo Chengyan still feels a little guilty for her son. So now, she has to take advantage of this rare vacation time to make up for her son .

"Xiao Xiao got up. Get up, Xiao pig Luo Chengyan goes to Xiao Xiao's children's bed and pulls him out of the bed.

"Why do you sleep in the summer? Even with air conditioning, it can't be like this. It's bad for your health. " Luo Chengyan looks at Xiao Xiao who is sitting on the bed, sleepy and slightly angry.

"Pay attention next time." Xiao Xiao rubbed his eyes and ordered Luo Cheng to leave. "Mom, let's go out. I want to change my clothes."

What, a six-year-old kid doesn't dare to show his mother his body? How can children be so

Luo Chengyan has some helplessness, but there is no way to refute, so he has to go out obediently. When he comes to the door, he does not forget to say: "so Xiaoxiao, you should come down for dinner quickly, or you will be late for school later."

Luo Chengyan went downstairs and saw that Xiao Senyu was already sitting on the dining table and eating a sandwich with a big mouthful. "Why don't you wait for Xiaoxiao and me to eat on your own? I'm still hungry when I get up more than five. "

"Then you eat, no one makes you hungry. Besides, if you are hungry, I will be very distressed." Xiao said after swallowing the sandwich.

"It's good to know the heartache." Luo Chengyan is a little satisfied.

"I love Xiaoxiao. If you are hungry and sick, and no one will cook for us, I don't care. I will be hungry." Looking at the expression of Luo Chengyan's satisfaction, Xiao Senyu comes to a merciless God mending knife, which cuts Luo Chengyan's satisfied expression to pieces.

"You..." Luo Chengyan is angry and wants to say something, but his son Xiao Xiao grabs a sandwich and puts it in Luo Chengyan's mouth.Even if you treat your mother so rudely, you can still say solemnly: "you can't eat, you can't sleep." Then he climbed to the table and ate it gracefully.

Luo Chengyan and Xiao Senyu see their son's performance. The corners of their mouths are twitching gently. They think in their hearts: I knew I would not let him learn the Three Character Classic.

After the three finished their breakfast, Xiao Senyu was going to work, so he took Xiao Xiao to kindergarten by the way.

Luo Chengyan gave each of them a big kiss at the door of his home. He watched their father and son leave home and went back.

Now that she is on vacation at home, she has to be a real housewife, so her first task is to clean the house!

Luo Chengyan is very energetic. After finishing the dinner table, he takes all the clothes left in the toilet after the family took a bath last night Hand wash.

It's not that they don't have an automatic washing machine, nor do they hire an aunt. It's simply because Luo Chengyan wants to be a conscientious housewife, so she has to do a good job.

Is this the legendary masochist?

After a busy morning, Luo Chengyan just cleaned the table, washed the dishes, and washed a few clothes. The whole morning passed inexplicably. At noon, Xiao Senyu and Xiao Xiao didn't have to go home for dinner, so Luo Chengyan made some for himself.

After lunch, Luo Chengyan had a whim. She wanted to clean the whole house and do it as soon as she could. Luo Chengyan is a hardworking example of a housewife.

She wiped the frames one by one, and finally saw a picture of the whole family. It was taken when Xiao Xiao was three years old. Xiao Senyu and Luo Chengyan were wearing wedding dress and formal dress, and Xiao Xiao dressed up as a flower boy. It was so cute, and the whole picture looked so warm.

Seeing this family photo, I can't help but remind Luo Chengyan of the wedding, which was very grand.

Luo Chengyan will never forget the day of marriage.

It was the most hectic and nervous day in her life, because she was going to get married, and she wanted to really marry the person she loved in her heart.

A few days before the wedding, the major media reported that "the president of Guangyin group and the director of Advertising Department of the company are married" and so on. The whole s City knew that she was going to get married, and this topic also exploded in the BBS forum of the company.