Zhang Xiaoxi had a miserable childhood. He was born without a father. He heard that his mother was raped, so he didn't know who his father was.

Oh, by the way, Zhang Xiaoxi's mother is a fool. Everyone in the village knows that she has been a fool since she was a child. But fortunately, she also has her grandfather and grandmother.

Grandma and grandfather said that their mother picked it up, just on the street. At that time, they were picking up rubbish. Suddenly, they heard a baby crying. They hadn't had a baby for many years. Because grandma was infertile, they picked up their mother to raise them.

It was only when their mother was three years old that they discovered the change of her mother. She didn't like to talk, she didn't know how to deal with people, she was motionless, and she was sent to the hospital. The doctor diagnosed her as a child with low IQ.

No wonder her parents abandoned her and were picked up by her grandmother. After three years, it's not true that she has no feelings. Grandma is not willing to abandon her mother again. What's more, she is so young that they are reluctant to give up.

As a result, grandma and grandfather raised their mother by picking up garbage. Their work was very busy at ordinary times, and their mother was free to raise. The tragedy still happened when their mother was 17 years old.

His mother gave birth to Zhang Xiaoxi. A person was born, but also cut their own umbilical cord.

Her screams spread all over the alleys. When grandma heard the sound, she saw her mother in bed with blood stains and a naked baby crying beside her.

She subconsciously understood something. That night, her mother gave birth to Zhang Xiaoxi, but she didn't know who her father was. It spread all over the small village. When the neighbors saw her mother, they all pointed out. Occasionally, a few enthusiastic farmers came up to ask. They were all scolded and beaten away by her mother.

Mother has a natural sense of responsibility, she seems to know that the baby is his own flesh and blood, tightly held in his arms, not to let strangers close.

After six years in a muddle, Zhang Xiaoxi spent six years safely under the protection of her mother and the care of her grandparents.

She began to understand the truth of human nature and cheated people everywhere. She was already a famous "little liar" in the village. She often used people's sympathy to cheat the sympathy of tourists in the village by telling the story that her mother was a fool without her father.

At this time, the village is not the previous small village, but a small town.

Because there are some places of interest in the town, and began to have tourists, gradually became famous.

There are many tourists coming, so Zhang Xiaoxi will come to the tourists, pretend to be pathetic, and then cheat them out of sympathy. How can those tourists bear it? They give Zhang Xiaoxi some money, some food and some daily necessities.

Zhang Xiaoxi also wants to make her life better by doing this. She is only six years old, so she comes out to beg. In other people's eyes, she is nothing but poor. They all think that she has no parents, and then everyone in the village knows her virtue.

In other people's eyes, she lives better than at home, but it's not like this. She was afraid to go home, because when she went home, she would see her strict grandfather, her grandmother who ignored her, and her mother who was locked up by her grandmother and grandfather. She grew up not knowing her mother's name.

In my impression, there are few things about mother.

There was a real conversation with her mother. After Zhang Xiaoxi came back, she rushed to her room with the food in her hand. She heard the sound of smashing things in the next room and the crazy scream of the women in the room. Every night, it was not peaceful.

She swallowed.

Inside, that's the mother in custody.

Many people say that mother is a fool, so many children in the town will call her a little fool, but he knows that she is not stupid at all, she does not inherit the kind of silly mother, just I heard it's hereditary? Zhang Xiaoxi could not help but be afraid. She crept to the door and listened. The crazy woman seemed to be talking to herself, but she couldn't hear what she was saying.

Zhang Xiaoxi did not know where the courage came from. She slowly approached the door, took down the wooden block on the door, wiped it with a click, and gently opened the door. She went in to have a look. It was so dark that she could hardly see anything clearly. She could only shine on a corner of the room in the daytime sunlight.

In the corner, there is a woman squatting. In short, it is her mother, Zhang Nie.

She squatted in the corner, her hair was messy, her clothes were ragged, and she was in a trance of timidity. She didn't dare to look at the light that suddenly opened the door. She was a little unprepared and suddenly hid in the corner, and her body was shaking all the time.

Zhang Xiaoxi raised her courage, quietly walked in, closed the door backwards, and then walked into the woman. She looked at the woman carefully and saw that she did not dare to move. She looked at the woman in front of her. She couldn't believe it was her mother.

Her mother It's a fool It's a lunatic Is it a woman who can't take care of herself, and she is a monster nobody wants? You don't even know who your father is?

At the thought of this, Zhang Xiaoxi also squatted down and wept gently. At last, he began to cry, so scared that Zhang looked up and looked at the child in front of him in panic."Little Little Xiaoxi Zhang Nie asked tremblingly, and he stuttered a little. It seems that he hasn't spoken for a long time.

I don't know whether it's the greatness of maternal love or something. Zhang nienie recognizes Zhang Xiaoxi. After all, it's the flesh that falls from him. Anyone can recognize his own child.

Zhang Xiaoxi's shoulders trembled.

"Xiaoxi I I I'm mom... " Zhang nienie climbs up to Zhang Xiaoxi and hugs him in his arms, which makes Zhang Xiaoxi struggle.

"Let me go! Let go of me! I don't have a mother

She plucked up her courage and bit Zhang Nie's arm. Zhang Nie screamed in pain and released Zhang Xiaoxi. Zhang Xiaoxi was so scared that she immediately opened the door, ran away and locked the door again.

Zhang Xiaoxi's heart can't be calm at this moment. Her little body is shaking and panting, as if it was just like a nightmare. A demon wants to take her away. She's afraid and she panics. She even hears that Zhang nienie in the door is out of control, smashing things again, shouting Zhang Xiaoxi and smashing again and again.

There was no one in the family, just the two of them. Zhang Xiaoxi was even more afraid to go back to her room and did not dare to come out. She hid all the things she begged for, for fear that once Zhang nienie escaped from prison, she would rob her things.