Three days passed in a flash.

Qian Yurou took Xi'er to school early to ask for leave. Today is a matter of Xi'er's life, so Qian Yurou doesn't want to make any mistakes because of some small things.

"Where are you going today?" Cheng Hongyu looks at Qian Yurou, who usually goes to work early. Today, it's almost nine o'clock and hasn't gone to the kindergarten. He looks at them with some doubts.

Qian Yurou helps Xi'er clean up while answering Cheng Hongyu's questions.

"Today is the time for the custody trial of HIL. I have to appear in court."

Hearing custody, Cheng Hongyu's eyes were wide open, and there was a meaningful smile at the corner of his mouth

This is what he is most concerned about. Because his interests are blindfolded, he has never considered why qianyurou has to go to the court.

"It's very big. If there's no accident, Hill's custody should be on our side."

When Cheng Hongyu heard Qian Yurou's reply, he was relieved. He didn't think about the meaning of "we" in Qian Yurou's words.

His brain capacity is not big. He is trying to figure out how to break contact with sun Ruiwen.

Anyway, the taste has been tasted many times, and repeated eating is just like that.

In comparison, qianyurou is better than sun Ruiwen in any case.

Unfortunately, no matter what he said, qianyurou refused to do those things with him before marriage.

Hum, it will be OK soon. Maybe it will be interesting to open a luxurious presidential guest room in the evening when they get the money!

At 9:30 in the morning, Lu Junming took Jiang Tianyu to meet them downstairs.

"By the way, didn't you take action? Why is there no movement? " Jiang Tianyu originally wanted to take the co pilot, but Lu Junming, who was driving the car, gave him a strong dislike.

Finally, I had to sit in the back.

For Lu Junming, who has always been reticent, it's common for him not to answer Jiang Tianyu's words.

"Come on If you don't talk, you won't succeed... "

Jiang Tianyu is very worried about the way his friends make friends.

In spite of his worries, he can do nothing to stand aside!

Qian Yurou receives a call from Lu Junming and takes Xi'er downstairs.

"Hello, big and small beauties." Jiang Tianyu greets the two co drivers.

Qianyurou didn't expect that Jiang Tianyu would also sit on the car. At ordinary times, she would only be able to see him pick up the child in the kindergarten. In this way, she could get along in private because of Lu Junming.

Xi'er shows her little tiger teeth shyly, "Hello uncle"

"Xi'er, you are still better. Your thousand mother doesn't know how to take care of her uncle."

The voice falls, still don't forget to make a face to Xi Er, let her laugh.

Qianyurou is embarrassed by the joke between them. It's not that she doesn't say hello. She just doesn't know how to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Jiang."

Lu Junming, who was watching, was a little happy to hear her cry. At least she treated everyone like this, not just him.

Ha ha ha

"Miss Qian, you are as lovely as ever!"

Cough, cough

After hearing Jiang Tianyu's words, Lu Junming, who was driving in front of him, suddenly coughed hard!


Jiang Tianyu immediately shut up and knew that he was warning himself. If he said that again, he might be driven out of the car.

Qianyurou didn't see Jiang Tianyu's strange, but looked at Lu Junming very worried, "Mr. Lu, are you ok?"

Lu Junming waved his hand and gave Jiang Tianyu a small look when he turned his head.

Let Jiang Tianyu for it mercilessly tremble!

"I'm fine."

Hearing this, qianyurou relaxed and held her in a different position.

It's just Xi'er suddenly said, "mother Qian, you are so busy. You should not only take care of me, but also your uncle and father Lu."


Jiang Tianyu, sitting in the back row, completely laughed.

"Ha ha ha Why are you so cute, HIL? How do you know your mother will take care of us? But I tell you I don't want your mother to take care of me. Let your mother take care of your father Lu. " Jiang Tianyu said jokingly.

Lu Junming exchanged a look with his friend in the rearview mirror, which was obviously different from what he had just seen.

By the time we got to the court, we would have been surrounded by reporters from all walks of life.

Qianyurou didn't think how strange it was.

As Lu Junming, this kind of thing has long been known to all.

Lu Junming got out of the car and waved to the bodyguard to stop the reporter who rushed forward regardless of everything.Clearly blocked the news, how there are so many reporters.

Jiang Tianyu gets off the bus with Xi'er in his arms. Lu Junming comes forward, embraces Qian Yurou and protects her in his arms.

It's not that he has never been so close to Lu Junming. This time, qianyurou is still blushing.

Aware of the change of the woman in his arms, Lu Junming smiles at the corner of his mouth and hugs Qian Yurou's arm to protect her face.

In the lounge.

Lawyer Wang is making final preparations.

Lu Junming stood beside Lawyer Wang, looking at the information in his hand and occasionally asked a few words.

Perhaps aware of the atmosphere is not the same, sitting in the arms of a thousand soft language of Xi'er Na Na asked: "thousand mother, Xi'er afraid."

"She's not afraid. She'll be with you. She's not afraid." Thousands of soft language patted Xi'er, comfort way.

"Xi'er doesn't want to follow her aunt. She wants father Lu and mother Qian." The small hand of Xi'er tightly drags the Cape of Qian Yurou's clothes.

Lu Junming looks back and sees Qian Yurou saying this to Xi'er.

A few strands of green silk fell from his forehead, and Lu Junming's heart suddenly softened at this moment.


Just as he was about to walk towards qianyurou, the door behind him opened and Jiang Tianyu came in from the outside.

"What's the matter?" Lu Junming obviously doesn't like such an "uninvited guest.".

Jiang Tianyu looked at his friend who frowned slightly. What did he do wrong?

"Ready for the court session..." Jiang Tianyu said carefully.

Lu Junming's temper is not hot and cold for a day or two. He has been used to it for a long time.

"Teacher Qian, are you nervous?" Jiang Tianyu asked.

Thank you, Mr. Jiang Thousand words soft polite said.

"HIL, remember how my uncle gave it to you? If someone asks you later, you answer like that. " Jiang Tianyu said to Qian Yurou and then to Xi'er.

"Remember, uncle Jiang."

Lu Junming doesn't know why. He always mind Jiang Tianyu and qianyurou being so close.

"Let's go." Lu Junming ignores his discomfort.

"Good." Qian Yurou holds her little hand.

In court, qianyurou sees another Lu Junming.

Although Lu Junming is only one of them, his eloquence is no less than that of the lawyers present.

Not much was said, but every sentence was full of awe.

Even the defense lawyer of the other party was speechless several times.

When she called the witness, she was unexpectedly clever, and the lawyer answered whatever she asked.

Occupying the right time and place, now even people and have custody smoothly fall into the hands of Lu Junming.

On the way back, it is obvious that Lu Junming is in a good mood.

Jiang Tianyu said: "the success of this matter, to talk about this great meritorious person, only teacher Qian, although this matter, I did not do anything, but Lu always how to say also have to celebrate, ah, in thank teacher Qian, is also let me follow the light?"

Lu Junming's smile is obvious. Jiang Tianyu is right. The greatest contribution to the success of this event is qianyurou.

If it wasn't for their own "marriage", this custody is really not sure to get it.

Thinking of this, he said to qianyurou, "Yurou, what do you want to eat?"