Chapter 82 - [Collar] [Remarks]

Name:Leanna Author:MiuNovels

We arrived in Bijoux Jewelry store and were greeted by broad, anxious smiles and stiff looking retail jewelers.

I paid them no mind and went directly for the stunning, sophisticated middle-aged woman who stood out from the rest. I ignored the fact that the middle-aged lady looked like Estela when older. I stared at her name tag and smiled. "Hello Miss Lily, I would like to have this made please."

I brought out my designs for Little Pluffy's collar, oblivious to the woman's fiery stares and broad smiles that almost made her eyes disappear.

"I want the strap to be pure pastel aquamarine-colored leather and have a name 'Pluffy' carved inside an emerald cut Alexandrite diamond. The pendant is mounted on an 18k white gold, flanked by two pave set brilliant diamond-cut Tibetan Mastiff joined by four strands round white cultured pearl necklace," I said in one breath.

Ignoring the other's daze expression, I focused my attention on Lily, who maintained her smile. Her face didn't show the slightest bit of surprise nor contortion.

As expected –– an experienced woman!

Lily gave me her most dazzling smile. "We'll see to it that your designs and requirements are fully met. May we have a copy of your blueprint as a reference?"

"Sure, how much will it cost me and when can I have it?"

"Ohohoho!" Lily's hand covered her mouth as she laughed. "It won't cost you a thing. We can have it made now so you can take it home within the week."

. . .

. . .


"Uhmm . . . What did you say?" I looked at Lily, confused. Asking her with my expression to repeat her words because I think I misheard her.

Estela signaled something to Lily with her eyes, and Lily cleared her throat. She composed herself and said, "I mean . . . we can't give you the exact quotation now. Will e-mail you within the day after our jewelers assist your designs. Once you gave the down payment, we will proceed with the crafting of the collar. It will be finished within a week."

"Oh, alright. That will be all then." I flashed a relieved smile.

"Why don't you take a look around and see if there is anything else that catches your fancy?" Lily motioned her hand and urged me to take a look at the gorgeous sparkling displays of rare stones and stunning pieces of jewelry.

Since I'm here, might as well take a look around.

I smiled at her and made my way through the line of exquisite pieces of jewelry. All the while, little Pluffy walked beside me in obedience.

"I can't believe you don't even recognize the mother of your fiancé," Zhane murmured.

I looked at him. "What was that?"

Zhane flinched as he shook his head. "I-it's nothing!"


"Mother! What are you doing here?!" Estela hissed when Leanna was already meters away from them.

Lily frowned. "What?! You and your father can meet Leanna and I can't?"

Estela eyes constricted. "Does brother know you're here?"

Lily flinched at the mention of her son's name. "W-what's wrong with seeing my future daughter in law? Spying and watching from afar is not enough for me."

"Mother, if you don't return to New York now, I'll tell brother. Knowing him, I think he already knows."

Colors drained from Lily's face. Teary eyes, she sniffled as she half-ran to a secret door.

"You and your brother! Ah! How did I ever give birth to such uncaring children?" Lily said with aggrieved voice before truly disappearing from sight.

Estela sighed as she shook her head.



Bijoux Jewelries were known for their quality and rare stones, as well as, their exquisite, and one of a kind designs. Owning at least one set of this jaw-dropping jewelries was enough to ticket your way into the circles of elites.

I was carrying little Pluffy so he could enjoy himself with me as we gaped at the sparkly stones when a familiar voice disrupted our enjoyment.

"Tsk! What is she doing here?! So poor yet trying to act rich?!"

I peered over, and my brows met in one line. The one who spoke was my classmate, Lucia in her Gucci dress together with Julia in her Chanel summer outfit.

Sensing hostility towards me, little Pluffy growled, and they recoiled in fear. I smirked and resumed looking at the line of exquisite zodiac carved stones while petting little Pluffy to calm him down.

"Hey, don't you think that guy is cute?" Julia elbowed Lucia and pointed a finger to where Zhane was.

Zhane was at the watch section for men, a few meters behind me. He was trying on a different wristwatch while Estela remained in the customization area on the other side.

The girls giggled and swayed in the section of set jewelry not far from me while throwing flirtatious glances at Zhane from time to time, hoping they would catch his attention.

The saleslady greeted the two with broad smiles. The two pointed out a set of jewelry and tried them on.

"I'm so excited about Sophia's debut that I've already had my dress made."

"Me too! I was like going to Italy tomorrow to fit my dress and just have to buy the latest set of jewelry at Bijoux. If you don't buy now, all the good stuff will be taken since Sophia's birthday is nearing."

They licked their lips and flicked their attention to me.

"Miss, you should be more mindful of the store's image. Letting poor people in will ruin your reputation."

"Lucia, don't be like that. You know that the common people can't afford Bijoux, so they just contented to gape at them from the side."

They snickered. The saleslady remained all smiles but secretly wiping away the sweat on her forehead.

As much as I wanted to ignore them, their high pitch tones irritated my ears. Even little Pluffy was on alert. He didn't retract his large eyes on them even for a second like any moment now, he would leap and bit off their necks.

I went to where Zhane was.

"Let's go," I said.

Zhane looked at me and grinned. Then he flashed an endearing smile at the saleslady. "Sorry I have to go. I'll buy next time."

"That's alright, come back anytime." The saleslady smiled with a blushing face.

I rolled my eyes and walked to where Estella was, ignoring the frowns and glares from the two girls.

"Who is he? Is he her boyfriend?"

"No way! Didn't you see the man's outfit? A complete set of Armani! He wouldn't go out with someone like her. A nobody."

"What a waste of a cute guy."

We were nearing Estela when Zhane whispered near my ear, "Why do they think that you're poor. You don't look poor."

I shrugged. Most of the time, I didn't wear branded clothes, not because I couldn't afford them, but because I didn't fancy them. I knew exactly what I wanted, even in clothes. Most of my dress were custom made for me by Eva Hart or bought from other fashion designers. Or if I was too lazy enough, I procured them on quality clothing shops in the mall.

"Let them. It's more fun that way," I said, fighting a yawn.

Zhane looked at me funny. "You know, if you just say that you and Cain are dating, no one will dare bully you."

My bored face didn't change.

"You may be right," I said, "but I want my relationship, as much as possible, to remain private. Those girls are all bark and no bite. No use in exerting too much effort on them."

Zhane shook his head and didn't say anything more.