Chapter 321

The old man was named Morse. He was obviously of mixed blood between China and the West. He had the tall figure and outline of the west, but he also had the introverted manner of the East, especially the pure black eyes. Although they had gone through the years, they no longer had the brilliance of youth, but their wisdom and openness made people look very amiable.

Because of his ambition, the old man and Mo an had been estranged for several years. However, when Mo an came back to visit the old man, he found that the old man was terminally ill and the cancerous cells had spread all over his body. With years of Taoism and cultivation, Mo an used forbidden surgery to save the old man's body, So he began to constantly look for all kinds of sacrifice suitable for refining the forbidden arts. In this case, Lingkong also learned a lot of forbidden arts that he should not have learned, and completely inherited the mantle of mo'an's Taoism.

The old man's health began to improve because of the use of forbidden techniques. Even the doctors called it a miracle in medicine. They thought it was the perfect ending, but Mo an found that he began to get retribution. Because of the use of forbidden techniques for a long time, he, who was proficient in Taoism, was acutely aware of the changes in his body, which was a kind of decline, Mo an was a few years younger than his good friend Yin Rongzhang, but because of his early decline, in less than a year, his appearance and physical function were like an old man in his 50s and 60s, and he became more and more powerless.

Knowing that his time was coming, during the last time with the old man, Mo an brought Lingkong back to the Mohr family and asked the old man to help him take care of his beloved child. Unfortunately, Lingkong was ten years old at that time. His natural intelligence and experience in Yin's family made him more precocious than his peers. Although he was young, he was very independent, The old man is also impressed by his determination to do things.

After Mo an's death, Lingkong insists on returning to Fengshan with Mo an's ashes. The old man originally refused. First, he had just lost his closest son, and his grandson, who finally had feelings, suddenly wanted to leave. The old man was caught off guard; Second, during the time spent with Lingkong, the grandson, the old man saw Lingkong's great potential and finally understood why his son insisted on finding the reason why he didn't want to give up for so many years. As long as he was willing to give him enough time, Lingkong's ability was no less than any one in his family.

But Lingkong's decision made the old man suddenly recall the reason why he was estranged from Mo an. How similar the reasons were between them. He was estranged from his son for so many years and finally regretted it. Would he want to repeat this tragedy on him and his grandson?!

In desperation, the old man made a pact with Lingkong. Lingkong had to stay with him for a month every year, otherwise he would not give up until Fengshan was leveled. For Lingkong, the old man is the master's father. Naturally, his grandfather has to return to the old man every year to do his filial duty. There is no doubt about this. Naturally, there is no difference.

In this way, all the young and the old keep their promise to not interfere with each other, but care about each other. When they spend that month together, the old man tries every means to make Lingkong feel the charm of the metropolis. Power, wealth, women, whatever the old man can think of, have all been experimented. Unfortunately, Lingkong is not interested, Even in order to fight against him, he did not hesitate to use the forbidden technique to change his face. Looking at his grandson, who was older than him, the old man almost fainted without fear, and then he didn't dare to play tricks again.

It was not until a few months ago that Lingkong came here for the first time to tell the old man that he wanted to save a person and then stay with her that the old man realized that Lingkong's persistence in Taoism was far less firm than that of Mo an. He was so ecstatic that he quickly asked about the background and found out the identity of Qianwei. The old man's eyes were shining. He didn't expect that his grandson with a wooden head would not move, Move unexpectedly to find a girl of so big.

Although the old man was old, his brain was still flexible. Although he was extremely satisfied with Lingkong's transformation, he was reluctant to face it. He told Lingkong that if he wanted to protect Qianwei, his family would face unprecedented challenges. After all, Qianwei was wanted all over the world.

Condition 1: Lingkong will work for the family from now on.

The second condition is to marry this girl called Qianwei, which can completely cut off the idea of Lingkong's re cultivation.

As a reward for the elderly, it is to completely let Qianwei return to justice and ensure the future safety of Qianwei.

Lingkong agreed to the old man's request without saying a word, which made the old man almost jump up. Both happy with the official return of Lingkong, and began to have a strong interest in the girl called Qianwei, what kind of girl actually let Lingkong this rotten wood suddenly bloom?

Since he was seriously ill many years ago, he began to retire to the second tier and assigned the family business to the family members. However, he lived a leisurely retirement life. Although he had heard about Qianwei, he didn't know much about it. So before they get married tomorrow, he must see what Qianwei can do, I can't believe I've been able to disturb the whole world. Even though I'm wanted all over the world, I've lived so well.

"It doesn't matter to stand and let you fight. Anyway, you are old-fashioned and have no strength, but that crazy girl is not! She's crazy. She can kill a cow!! Instead of letting her die, you'd better kill me now! " Lingkong was very cooperative and went directly to the old man's side. The strange appearance made the old man even more angry.

"You know a P, if I don't try what this little girl can do, how can I explain to the younger generation at the bottom?"?! Don't forget that they are responsible for the safety of this girl in the future. Isn't this little girl the most perfect carrier of x-may? Don't blame my old man for not reminding you. If this girl's ability in Alice's Wonderland is not as strong as we expected, don't blame my grandfather. I'll cancel the wedding tomorrow. Although she is your favorite, the Morse family will never do anything meaningless. "

"Hum," Lingkong snorted coldly. Then he looked at the people on the big screen and glanced coldly at the old man beside him. Don't say that I didn't remind you. I think the Alice in wonderland that you spent a lot of money on will die today. Don't cry and faint at that time. "

That crazy girl's ability, Lingkong, can't understand any more. If the madman doesn't destroy Alice's Wonderland, Lingkong will definitely cut off his head and sit on the stool. Thinking of this, Lingkong's face suddenly collapses like a bitter gourd. It's miserable. Does he want to take some tonic or something first to be easy to beat?