Chapter 246

Feeling the strangeness between them, Dave suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart. He was just about to ask, but when he saw his teammates coming towards him, he didn't care so much.

"I happened to meet two..." Dave is about to answer, but he is interrupted by Qianwei.

“..。 We are also grave robbers, but only for amateurs. We have just been injured here. Fortunately, we met Dave. We are discussing whether we can take us with us. We promise that we will never rob things from you. "

Qianwei's tender and clear voice sounded in the cave, which made everyone look at it. There was a little girl in Qianwei, and behind her stood a beautiful young man. Both of them were delicate and thin. They all looked at each other with tacit understanding. They were all relieved. Where could the two people be their opponents?

Dave was stunned when he heard the speech. He was puzzled when he looked at Qianwei. Although he was extremely puzzled, he still didn't break the truth. Instead, he looked at his teammates and asked for their opinions.

The five people in front of him are his team-mates. Each of them is a tomb robber. They are familiar with the terrain of Fengshan mountain. Everyone has a unique tomb robber skill that no one else can. This time, their six partner just wants to find Wu Tuo's tomb in Fengshan mountain. If someone wants to join them in the middle of the way, it really needs the consent of the whole staff.

Seeing that people were hesitating, Lingkong said, "yes, yes, we won't rob anything." Why rob? When the time comes, all the people in front of you will be dead. You can take things slowly. You can choose!

One of the five men with glasses made a sound after pondering for a moment. His eyes narrowed slightly behind the glasses and kept looking at the two thin teenagers beside him. His eyes were overcast. "I don't have any opinions."

"Since elder brother has no opinion, we have no opinion either. What about you, brother Seeing the elder brother's attitude, Hu zhanan immediately agreed.

Dave was stunned. He didn't understand why the smartest elder brother of the five agreed so quickly. He looked back at the two people who were waiting for him and hesitated to answer. "Since you don't have any opinions, I don't care."

"OK, OK, don't worry. We'll follow you obediently." Qianwei almost jumped up without excitement, and his eyes under the goggles were full of uncontrollable ecstasy.

The eyeglasses man, who was the leader, gave a slight nod, and then turned his head to look at Dave. "When you just came back, I and some brothers just found a corridor, just in the place you said."

"Really?" There was a surprise on Dave's face. "Let's go!"

Dave's face is full of joy. His biggest hobby in his life is all kinds of adventures. This time, he bought an antique kraft paper painting. Unexpectedly, there is a secret about Fengshan tomb. He didn't want to be rich, just because he had a wonderful experience of tomb robbery as his life experience, so he teamed up with a group of people in front of him and came to Fengshan. They are for money, he is for adventure, the two have nothing to do with each other, there is no conflict of interest, naturally became a pair of the best tomb raiding gang.

A group of people walked quickly in the direction of the glasses man. Dave and his group walked in front, while Qianwei and Lingkong kept a distance behind. The random touch of their eyes reminded each other to be careful.

What Dave didn't expect was that the corridor would be on the ground, which.. It's a tunnel.

"Brother, what should I do?" Hu zhanan looked down at the tunnel for a long time, his face embarrassed. The tunnel is full of black, and you can only see one or two meters from the flashlight. In addition, it's in the tomb. Who knows what the hell is waiting for them?!

"Someone has to go down." The eye male didn't even think about it, and then answered aloud, they have come to this step, can they still get stuck in this pass?

Hu zhanan was stunned and looked at the black hole on the ground. He looked at the people beside him and said, "Hey, fifth brother, you are thinner, you go down."

"Me? I'm afraid The fear on the face of the man who was called the fifth younger brother did not hide his timidity.

"What the hell are you afraid of? Didn't you just be bold? "

"Then.. How can it be the same? I can at least avoid danger just now. You see, there is no room to turn around. If I encounter... "

Hu zhanan can't help choking when he hears the words. Indeed, the entrance of the tunnel seems to be able to accommodate only one person, and the size of the entrance doesn't allow people to turn around. If there are any poisonous insects or snakes at the bottom, there's really no spare time to stretch out their hands.

"Boss Hu Zha Nan looks at his elder brother with an embarrassed face.

Glasses man frowned for a while, suddenly looked to the side also looking at the thousand tail Lingkong two people, some words and stop appearance. It has to be said that the two teenagers in front of them are the most suitable. If they go down to explore the way first, they are better than they are able to cope with some unexpected situations, but.. If you dare to let them explore the way first, it will undoubtedly make them feel that they are white mice.

"Why don't we go down and find our way first?" Crisp playful suddenly sounded, let the glasses man suddenly relieved.

what? With a surprised look on his face, Dave looks at Qianwei beside him. He doesn't understand why Qianwei is so active.

"Go, old monster!" Pointing to the hole, thousand tail stuck in the waist, like shouting a dog in general, the expression on the face is absolutely superior to the queen.

"What?" Lingkong is surprised, he. He just didn't seem to say anything. It was the girl in front of him who accepted it!

"Go down and explore the way!" Thousand tail can't bear heart empty, meet danger, this bottom is nothing but poisonous insect snake ant what, anyway how bite also bite not to kill the guy in front of.

"By... By what am I?" Lingkong can't straighten his tongue. He is a wounded man who has just been beaten!

"Because you are the most useless!" Thousand tail's poisonous tongue made all the people present listen to it in a daze. Subconsciously, they all looked at Lingkong. They thought Lingkong would be angry, but they didn't want Lingkong to just pout and stop talking.

"Come on

"Can we talk it over?" This hole is really dark, and I always feel that it's a very risky thing to leave Qianwei alone. The sound of that shot just now scared him a little bit.

"Yes There was a playful voice.


"Of course, you can choose to go down on your own or be pushed down by me. People are very clear about the Lord. You can choose!" Spread out his hands, the expression on Qianwei's face is as innocent as possible.

Lingkong immediately speechless, looked at the people around, pouted for a long time, and reluctantly walked toward the tunnel.