Chapter 41

The reason why he didn't say a word all the time and let Yin Bai go down was that he wanted to see how capable this good grandson who never got involved in the family business was.

Facts have proved that he really belittled this good grandson. In such a short time, he will be respected by Yin Mo's subordinates. He also found out that Yin he was the internal ghost. Although he helped a little in finding the internal ghost, he knew that even without his own help, it was only a matter of time for Yin Mo to find out Yin he.

"Dad, I'm your son! Dad Hearing that master Yin asked Yin Bai how to deal with himself, Yin Hejian trembled. He had been tortured by the devil in sheep's clothing for several days. No matter how he begged for mercy, he could not get a moment's rest on his skin and flesh. If.. If Yin Bai is really allowed to deal with himself, he can't think of it.

"Don't we have a drug lab?" There was no extra expression on Yin Bai's face. That's it. "

The clear voice made all the people in the hall hold their breath in surprise, especially those who knew Yin Bai's oral medicine laboratory very well. They even focused on Yin he who was also frightened.

Compared to the drug lab..

Yin he.

It's better to die.

"Good." Almost without hesitation, he agreed to Yin Bai's request. Mr. Yin didn't want to take a look at this mediocre little son. Being betrayed by an internal ghost was the thing he hated most. What's more, he was a member of the family. More importantly, he killed his favorite successor. Yin he was worthy of his death!

However, Yin Bai's grandson surprised him very much. All along, his impression of Yin Bai was that he was a good boy, kind-hearted, naive, and very different from his twin brother Yin mo. It is precisely because of Yin Mo, the most effective successor, that he is willing to let Yin Bai grow up freely without being contaminated with his family business. Now, he suddenly found that he was wrong. If from the beginning, he insisted on leaving Yin Bai in the family and receiving the same education as Yin Mo, today's Yin Mo would not die of revenge because of Yin Bai.

Alas, with a deep sigh, Mr. Yin quietly cast his eyes on the boy not far away, maybe.. Perhaps, Yin Mo's death, in fact, is not as hopeless as he imagined. At least at this moment, there is Yin Tian to support the overall situation.

The whole hall fell into a short silence again. Yin he, who had been kneeling on the ground and was injured all over, fell to the ground and was unconscious. Yin Bai winked at his subordinates behind him, and Yin he was almost thrown out of the door with a drag, leaving some ferocious blood on the ground.

The people in the hall looked at the scene in silence. No one dared to break the silence first. No one dared to leave their seats or walk around at will. Standing or sitting so stiffly, even the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.


Yin Bai stood up from his seat, straightened the collar of his clothes, walked respectfully in front of master Yin, and bowed cleverly, "master, I wish you a happy birthday."

A casual birthday message surprised Mr. Yin. He even looked at Yin Bai strangely,.. Master yin?!!

The whole Yin family, I'm afraid only Yin Mo dare to call himself?! This title is almost his exclusive use! Why would Yin Bai..

Will be surprised deeply in the eyes, Yin master silent, just a pair of frightening eyes firmly looked at the eyes of Yin Bai, gently nodded is the answer.

Yin Bai's action broke the deadlock of the whole banquet, and everyone began to echo the words of blessing the old man. All of a sudden, the atmosphere of the banquet became active, and everyone avoided talking about what happened just now. Laughter and congratulations came one after another, and the residual blood on the ground was replaced with a new carpet by the sensible servants, just like nothing happened just now.

But just when everyone thought everything was back to normal, the accident happened again————

Yin Bai, who is drinking to the old man, suddenly faints and is unconscious. He is just a young face, pale and frightening. The wine cup in hand spilled on the carpet, causing panic again.

——————————Pull back thoughts, phase original and music Yang face at the same time become gloomy.

They are the playmates who grew up with Yin Bai. Different from Yin Mo, they live in foreign countries since childhood like Yin Bai, far away from family interference.

If it wasn't for Yin Mo's death, Yin Bai would not have been too taciturn because of his excessive self accusation, nor would he have been so naive and frank because of his guilt.

After Yin Bai fainted in public for the first time, Mr. Yin rushed him to the hospital. It was at that time that the core medical team of the Yin family discovered that Yin Bai extended his second personality. During hypnosis, doctors and onlookers found that this second personality was very similar to the dead Yin Mo, and they learned from hypnosis, Compared with the real Yin Mo, Yin Bai's second personality is more courageous, more intelligent and more fierce!

Of course, it's an internal secret. Xiangyuan and LeYang didn't know what happened to Yin Bai at that time. They only learned from master Yin that Yin Bai was so weak because of Yin Mo's death that it took him a long time to recover. I hope they won't disturb him again.

It wasn't until three years later that Yin Bai knocked on the door of LeYang's house, where he was studying in the United States, on a rainstorm night. Yin Bai, who was soaked by the rain, looked pale and tired. Before he fainted, he only had time to tell LeYang a word.

“。 Don't tell anyone where he is, including Mr. Yin! "

Later, Xiangyuan and LeYang only know a few things, which probably means that Yin Bai has a dual personality. But for a long time, he didn't know what he had done, and he couldn't remember what he had done. If he hadn't seen the video taken by someone in an accident, I'm afraid he would have been kept in the dark.

Under the panic, Yin Bai went to question the doctor who treated him and Mr. Yin, but the reply was to let him continue to take drugs to relax his spirit. But at that time, Yin Bai began to feel that something was wrong. There were always some inexplicable wounds on his body. Although he could see that he had been treated carefully, he was still frightened.

He began not to ask, began to secretly use their own way to record their memory, but more terrible things happened, he recorded the log has never been a complete day!

Yin Bai began to panic, he found that the problem seems to come from his side, he also found that people around him seem to acquiesce in his illness.

He suddenly realized.

As long as he doesn't leave that house, he will never know what happened!