Chapter 180

Ten thousand snakes carrying Qi Yu, so zigzag march in the dark cave.

It's a cave, in fact, just because the top of the head is a solid rock, which gives Qiyu a feeling of being in a cave. However, the space here is really large, there is no narrow meaning at all.

At least, tens of thousands of meters long snakes March here, without the feeling of crowding.

Sitting on the head of ten thousand snakes, Qiyu squints her eyes and adjusts her body.

With the advance of ten thousand snakes, more and more other snakes appear in Qiyu's sight.

They are either alone in the corner or in groups talking about something, but as long as ten thousand snakes pass by, they will definitely bow their heads and dare not make any sound, and some even dare not look up.

Qiyu naturally saw the performance of other snakes, and her evaluation of wanshe was improved again.

I didn't expect that wanshe's reputation in Longdi cave is really great. Although I knew it was more powerful in Longdi cave before, today I saw it with my own eyes and I know what it means to be overbearing.

The other snakes Qi Yu saw were not as big as ten thousand snakes. They were not as long as ten thousand snakes, and they were not as thick as ten thousand snakes.

With the bad character of ten thousand snakes, no wonder other snakes are so afraid of it.

The most important thing is that some snakes don't look as fierce as ten thousand snakes.

Among them, among the snakes that impressed Qiyu deeply, there was a golden Python whose body was only a little smaller than ten thousand snakes.

However, when ten thousand snakes carrying Qiyu passed by, the golden python, which looked like a king, was scared to shrink into a lump and did not dare to look directly at ten thousand snakes.

After careful observation, Qiyu found that the snake was very similar to the golden Python in the memory of previous life, but it was bigger.

If it's really the kind of golden python that humans keep as pets, it's not impossible to be so timid.

After all, in Qiyu's memory, there are examples of golden Python being scared to death.

No snake without eyes came forward to ask why ten thousand snakes brought human beings in, so one snake, one person, quickly went through the complex space, kept advancing in the zigzag fork road, and came to a palace gate with obvious artificial signs.

On both sides of the gate, there are two Python which are not smaller than ten thousand snakes.

Moreover, one of the snakes looks very similar to wanshe, and should be of the same species.

"These two should be the existence of the gatekeeper. This kind of immortal level beast, especially the three holy places, which have lived for thousands of years, has a lot of details there. It's really full of noodles!"

However, as soon as the ten thousand snakes approached, the two serpents, who had curled up and closed their eyes, suddenly stood up, widened their eyes and stopped ten thousand snakes.

"What do you want to do, snake, white snake fairy said, don't disturb it at ordinary times!"

It's the python with purple scales and black stripes, which is similar to the skin color of ten thousand snakes.

The other is a python with red scales and dark spots. He didn't speak. He raised his head and looked vigilantly at Qiyu sitting on the head of ten thousand snakes. His vertical pupil twinkled with thinking.

Because Qiyu has a strong pressure on it, no less than several elders who serve snake fairy.

"Oh... This is the new contract ninja. He said he wanted to see the White Snake fairy, so I brought him here!"

Ten thousand snakes face these two snakes, the attitude is still good, the head is close to the python that talks to it, the tone is a little helpless.

"Oh, you wait first, I'll go in and ask!"

Python nodded, eyes swept very indifferent Qiyu, turned to push open the closed stone door before, wriggled in.

And the red Python stayed where it was.

These two Python seem to have a better temper than ten thousand snakes. After knowing that Qiyu is a new contract ninja, they didn't continue to send out malice.

Qiyu was not surprised. She watched the python disappear in the dark corridor in front of her. Then she continued to narrow her eyes and close her eyes.


Entering the stone gate is also a huge space, but it is colder. There are more stalactites hanging over the head.

In the deepest place, there is a huge and incomparable throne.

On the throne lies the ancestor of the whole Dragon Cave, who is called the snake of white snake fairy by all other snakes.

No one knows the specific name of the White Snake fairy, perhaps only a few opponents of its peers, such as the ancestors of other holy places.

At this time, the White Snake fairy coiled on the throne, and the huge throne could not hold its body, so that in the shadow behind the throne, there were constantly wriggling bodies.

White Snake fairy is different from other snakes. Its body is full of magic chakra. Its strength is only one of its characteristics.

As a snake, it also has hair. It has long bright orange hair.

On the forehead, there is a purple silk cloth wrapped around it. On the top of the silk cloth, there is a military green horn shaped ornament.

At the top of the head, the White Snake fairy is also carrying a huge red night pearl. It is said that through this pearl, it can see anywhere in the whole world of tolerance.

He always leans his head on one side of the throne, and then holds a huge pipe in his mouth.

It seems that powerful psychic beasts like them like to carry their pipes.

This is true of miaomushan's Wentai, and so is it.

With the White Snake fairy twisting slightly on the stone seat, there is a green cat's eye stone on his chest. Does it emit green light.

On the whole, the White Snake fairy's dress is very elegant and does not fall in price, which is in line with the identity of the Holy Land patriarch.

The air is very quiet, as if it doesn't flow. The oppressed space is shrinking with the White Snake fairy breathing. It seems that this space is under its control.

In such a second, the White Snake fairy opened his eyes and showed his yellow eyes, which showed his humanized look.


He murmured to himself, slowly raised his head from the stone seat, looked forward, as if through countless stones, saw the scene outside.

As the founder of Dragon Cave, one of the three holy places, white snake fairy, like the toad of miaomushan, has a kind of ability similar to prophecy.

Of course, this kind of prediction is hard to figure out, and it depends entirely on luck.

One day a few years ago, the White Snake fairy woke up from his sleep and ended his long sleep.

In that dream, he saw a giant, waving powerful weapons, changing the pattern of the whole world of tolerance.

Just like the six immortals in those years, they brought the world of tolerance into a completely different situation!

The prophecy is very vague. It just vaguely feels that the people in the prophecy are connected with their Dragon Cave. The fight in the dream also uses the magic of Dragon Cave!

After living for such a long time, white snake fairy's state of mind has been strong enough that no one can shake it. Such prophecy also didn't make it very excited.

No matter how the world of tolerance changes, it has nothing to do with the three holy places. The power of these holy places' ancestors is accumulated by time. It's hard for other ninjas outside to imagine!

This is the capital of its self-confidence, so even if it knew this prediction, it did not let the snake go out to look for it.

But not to look for, and others have come to the door, are two concepts.

And since others find the door, it will not neglect, making friends is not difficult.

He took a deep breath, and the light on the pipe flickered faintly. In the next few seconds, he slowly exhaled a mouthful of white smoke.

When he was young, he used to travel in the world of tolerance for many years, and then fell in love with this comforting thing. He has been smoking for thousands of years.

The yellow eyes twinkled, it turned its body, the curly body began to flow, the scales rubbed on the stone seat, and soon sat up straight.

At this time, the python who came in to ask the White Snake fairy for instructions also came here.

"Lord white snake, there is a human Ninja outside who wants to see you. Ten thousand snakes brought him here!"

The boa constrictor bowed his head and stuck his head tightly to the ground. He did not dare to look directly at the snake fairy sitting above, because he was the patron saint of these snakes.

"Well, I see! Let him in

White Snake fairy eyes deep, said to the python below.

"Yes The boa constrictor nodded and went out.

These snakes are born with a strong fear of snake fairy, which comes from the natural pressure after practicing snake fairy art!

This is the residence of the White Snake fairy, and there are countless stones with weak light inlaid on the rocks, so that this place will not be as dark as the outside.

But the light is only here. The hazy light makes the atmosphere more strange.

The White Snake fairy was still holding his pipe, and the white smoke came out from the corner of his mouth.