Pei Shan's expression is more serious. "No, just answer my question. What's your biggest weakness for yourself?"

Lingxi blinked a few times. Her biggest weakness is xiaonuohe's recollection. But what sister Pei emphasized just now is "self". After a little thought, she said: "just Face blindness

"How serious is your face blindness?" Because this task is extremely important, they can not tolerate the slightest carelessness, so the higher authorities put forward this request.

"I can't see people's faces clearly. It's very fuzzy."

"When did it start?"

"In fact, it suddenly became like this five years ago."

Pei Shan gently pick eyebrows, she thought that Lingxi's face blindness is congenital, "if not congenital, your face blindness can be cured?"

"It should be possible! Several times before, I saw it clearly.... "

Pei Shan knew that she might say her husband or son, so she immediately interrupted her, "OK, I see. One day I'll ask an expert to help you diagnose."

"No, some experts have shown it to me before. He said that my face blindness and insomnia are caused by psychological factors. Now my insomnia is better, and maybe my face blindness will get better in the future."

Hearing Ling Xi's words, Pei Shan thought, they can't wait too long, "OK, go on to the next question, what's your biggest advantage?"

This question is good, Lingxi gently hook lips, "good figure."

As soon as her voice fell, Pei Shan's eyes fell on her, which was really good. "Well, I saw your performance in" blue sky dream ". Your physical fitness test seems to be pretty good, including shooting and fighting, which are not what an artist has. Can you tell me what's going on?"

"Sister Pei, didn't I tell you before? I learned from master XuanZhen, but what he taught me was "fishing", not "fish."

Pei Shan nodded gently, "well, the last question, if You are a lifeguard. On one side are your family members, and on the other side are strangers you don't know. They are equally injured. Who will you save? "

Lingxi instantly lowered her head, fortunately this is not old stem, "sister Pei, I'm not as great as you think, one side is relatives, the other side is strangers, naturally there is no suspense, I will choose family."

Although Pei Shan knows that this is human nature, she also exposes her biggest weakness. I don't know if her superior will agree to let her be an "informant". It's probably cold.

"I'm done with my questions. You can go."

"Sister Pei, what are you asking me these questions for?"

"It's nothing. I just want you to give me the bottom line. In case you have an affair like last time, I'll make a timely response."

"Oh, so it is. By the way, sister Pei, I have another thing about Xiao Nuo now."

Pei Shan thought she was going to leave, but she mentioned Xiao Nuo here. She waved her hand and said, "I'm a little busy now. Let's talk about it later."

Lingxi had to nod, "well, I'll go first, sister Pei!"

I don't know what happened today. I always feel that sister Pei seems to dislike her.

Even the tone of speaking is not as mild as before

Lingxi out of the office, also looked back inside, Pei elder sister buried in writing something, may be really because too busy!