"What's the matter with Yang Yang today? Why don't you even have dinner? "

Asked Mrs. Meng in doubt.

Jiang Nan doesn't think, "Mom, you don't have to worry about him. Meng Yang must have eaten outside before he came back."

"You motherfucker..."

The old lady still wanted to scold her third daughter-in-law. Meng Jingyue interrupted, "grandma, didn't I tell you last time? I'm chasing a girl. I must have eaten outside before I came back. "

The old lady's curiosity surged into her heart again, "Yueyue, go and help grandma to find out which girl he likes and what to do at home."

Meng Jingyue called "terrible" in her heart, and her grandmother did not respect their wishes at all.

"I'm not going. It's my brother's business, so I'm not involved."

"You girl, if you don't go, you'll go on a blind date for me tomorrow."

"Grandma, you are dictatorial." Meng Jingyue's face was full of despair, "OK, I'll go."

In order not to go on a blind date, I have to sacrifice my brother.

The old lady nodded her head with satisfaction. It's a matter of time for Yueyue to go on a blind date. Now that Yangyang has someone she likes, she can shift her focus to Meng Yang and solve his life problem first.

Meng Jingyue went upstairs and knocked on Meng Yang's bedroom door.

"Brother, I'm in!"

Did not hear the movement inside, Meng Jingyue pushed the door into, "brother, I came in."

Just walked into the bedroom, he saw Meng Yang lying on the bed, a blanket to the body wrapped.

"Brother, why do you go to bed so early?"

Meng Yang's voice was tired, but also some deep, "you go out, let me be quiet for a while."

"Brother, are you rejected by Lingxi today?"

Meng Yang suddenly opened his eyes and wondered how she knew?

Without hearing Meng Yang's response, Meng Jingyue knew that she was right and sat on the bed very casually. "Brother, I tell you, it's no big deal to be rejected by a woman. If you think about me again, I fell in love with a man, but he got married and had children. Do you think I'm worse than you?"

Hearing Meng Jingyue's words, Meng Yang's heart really felt better. He sat up from the bed and said, "you are really miserable." Fortunately, Lingxi didn't give him the sun.

"How did you forget him?"

"It's not easy to forget someone? Just empathize and don't fall in love? "

"Then why don't you?"

"I want to empathize, but I can't find the right person!"

Meng Yang rolled a white eye to her, toward the bed a pour, "you this said equal to white say."

"Brother, what's the situation over there? Why did she refuse you? "

Meng Yang just heard her say that, he felt it was a shame to say it, so he said, "who said I was rejected?"

"It's written on your face! In front of me

"No, no, I just didn't see her today. I'm in a bad mood."

Meng Jingyue's face is full of confusion. Is he wrong? "Well Well, I'll go out first, and you'll be bored yourself

Hearing the sound of Meng Jingyue closing the door, Meng Yang fidgeted his hair

"How's it going?" Seeing that Meng Jingyue came back after testing Meng Yang, the old lady couldn't wait to ask.

"Well, grandma, the girl I like. I have a lot of money in my family. Although I can't compare with the Meng family, I'm also very beautiful, although I can't compare with grandma when she was young."