Needless to say, Mia must have been impatient.

William reluctantly released Ambrosius, "this weekend, I'll take you and Mia back to London. If you have a gift, ask Sunday, he knows what my mother and Abigail like.".

When she opened the door, she saw MIA staring at herself angrily. William took her daughter's hand in a funny way. "Well, well, daddy is talking to your mother about the new house, and we have decided to give you the choice.

As long as you like the house, daddy will buy it for you.

"Let me choose?" Mia immediately forgot why she was angry and was led downstairs by William with a smile, thinking whether to choose the house on Beverly Hills or Malibu beach.

Down the stairs, William turned back to Ambrosius and said, "honey, remember to prepare gifts for the Wilsons as well.

Little Louise, like his cunning father Wilson, has been loved by my mother and Abigail since childhood.

"I know," Ambrose nodded. The relationship between William and Wilson has long been no secret to the outside world.

At that time, Wilson even took a spaceship and flew to the moon, and he became the first person outside the Devonshire family to board the spaceship.

As for little Louis, William was even willing to ride a horse with that little thing in his arms, and he openly said that Louis would become a qualified king.

"Since we are going to prepare a gift for the Wilson family, do we need to prepare it for King Philip and Prince Charles?"

"No," William said with a smile and shaking his head, "I will prepare their gifts for you, and the older ones will only care about the magic wine I give them.".

After kissing Ambrosius, William looks at MIA in jeans, T-shirt, tights and boots. "You can't wear that in London, do you understand?"

"Oh, daddy, you're so wordy," MIA said impatiently. "I'm going to school. Of course I have to wear this.".

William a Leng, immediately smile to shake head, oneself this is to have a daughter, also began to become stupid?

However, looking at the blue diamond earrings on Mia's ears, the pink diamond deer head ring on her right hand, the nano Zhenjin mark 50 storage bracelet on her hands, and the home storage necklace on her neck,

we can see that although she is smart, she still likes to show off as much as other girls.

Let's go.

Holding Mia's hand and opening the door of the villa, she was dazed by a series of flashing lights.

Fortunately, Sunday's intelligence level is higher than that of human beings. It automatically releases nano materials from the storage necklace, forming a pair of sunglasses to wear on Mia's face.

After a few seconds, William's eyes quickly ignored the flash.

"Mr. Devonshire, are you sure that Miss MIA WD Ambrosius is your own daughter?"

"Mr. Devonshire, will you take miss Ambrosius home in defiance of the laws of the earth?"

Hearing that the reporter was not stupid enough to ask himself whether he would divorce Abigail and marry Ambrosius, William took Mia and walked behind a row of battle robots,

said by more than a dozen microphones, "MIA is my own daughter, which is beyond doubt. As for the question of marrying Ambrosius,

after thinking for a few seconds, he felt MIA holding her hand With a tight hand, William said with a smile, "because of the law, in principle, my wedding with Ambrosius will not be on the earth. Thank you.".

"God, what King Philip said is true.".

William revealed that the wedding was not held on earth, which made people all over the world pay attention to it and instantly understand that human footprints have really set foot on a livable planet.

"Mr. Devonshire, can you tell us about the specific domain of the new planet and how far our new home is from us? How big is it compared to the earth? "

William said with a smile, "human beings are not alone. I think you already know that.".

Hundreds of reporters nodded, and then listened to William continue, "there are many livable planets, and there are no less than 100 that I know.

But more of them are abandoned planets whose ecosystems have been destroyed by alien civilizations. Therefore, stepping into space is not a problem. How to protect our parent planet is a bigger problem.

However, now that I'm talking about this, I also tell you clearly that in my hands, there are two livable planets under my control.

The scene immediately boiling up, "God bless, God bless, we finally don't have to worry about that day, the world is destroyed, and human beings are also destroyed.".

"Don't worry, human beings won't be destroyed," William said, squinting. "We are the only ones who can destroy us, and this is also a warning of the rise and fall of countless alien intelligent races.

Moreover, entering the universe is not as simple as those who think optimistically. Although the universe has rules and constraints, it is still the law of the jungle.

Conquest and resistance are always eternal topics in the universe.So, finally, I would like to remind you that the livable planet is owned by the Devonshire family, not all mankind. ".

With that, William pulls mia, no longer cares how shocked the reporters are, how to ask questions, and even ignores some people's curses. He walks on the 100 meter long Zhenjin spaceship and flies to Mia's private high school.

"Daddy, what you just said is really, really appropriate?"

"Well, that's what I need to think about. When you grow up and have the ability to accept my assigned tasks or take charge of things on a certain planet, think about these things.".

With a smile, William smoothed Mia's frown with his hand. "The universe is not peaceful. A few years ago, it even appeared a crisis that almost endangered half of all the creatures in the universe. Therefore, love should be given, but you can't be a bad person.".

"Oh," MIA nodded solemnly. Her father rushed out of the earth and conquered the existence of other civilizations. No one in the United States can compare with those who make trouble every day.

In just a few seconds, the spaceship had actually arrived at Mia's school.

Father and daughter said, they walked out of the spaceship together, and then were quickly rushed to the school staff, please go to the principal's office.

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Devonshire. I'm Alan condra, principal of fulvin school.".

William smiles and shakes hands with the principal. "Hello, Mr. condra. I'm William Devonshire and this is my daughter MIA Winston Devonshire.".

Hearing that William changed Mia's surname from Ambrosius to Devonshire, not only president condella was pleasantly surprised, but also several other school officials were smiling.

William didn't have to say or hint in front of these people, and directly took out a check, "this ten million dollars, should allow your school, Mia to go to school by spaceship in the future, and install some necessary security equipment in the school?"