"If you let me swallow up domam's spirit, any meaning of his existence will disappear.".

"Ha," William rolled his eyes, "do you think I'm an idiot, or are you in the United States these days? It's so cool to play with those scum souls,

even seduce an idiot named Johnny Blaser, no one bothers you, so you think I'm too easy to talk?"

Being ridiculed by others, Mephisto can only resist the anger in his heart and gasp a few times from the corner of his mouth. He really didn't expect that William would know about Johnny Blaser.

And as soon as William mentioned it, Mephisto knew that William was taking the next generation of evil spirit knights to coerce him.

"If you don't want the devil to devour domam, kill all the people who believe in him, including satanish, who worked for domam.".

"Ha ha, Mephisto, I find that you demons can't listen to or believe your words.".

William squinted at Mephisto and said, "will a demon like satanish still believe in domam after his death?

On the contrary, I'm really against satanish, the guy who has a grudge against you. In order to save his life, he will try his best to revive domam.

"What's more, demons are merciless. Once domam loses power, no one will believe in him.

Even if there is, you demons will find one and kill one, right.

Mephisto grinned. "Don't you worry that I said it on purpose?"

"I only know that I would rather let domam come back to life in the future, not knowing how many years later, than let you, or any demon king devour his spirit.".

While thinking, William began to make up his mind to get the soul gem of the mutant world.

Of course, this time he will not use the soul gem to absorb and trap domam, but use the soul gem to completely destroy domam's spirit, that is, the soul.

The conditions to get the soul gem are really asshole.

Offering sacrifices to the soul of a person you really love, normal people will not do it, let alone have no reason to do it.

It's hard for people who want to revenge when they are faced with death. They have tried dozens of combinations of father and son, husband and wife, brother and sister, but they all failed.

In the movie, the only example of getting a gem is that mieba gives up his personal feelings to exchange his daughter's life for a soul gem in order to achieve a higher ideal in his eyes.

The eagle eye and the black widow both gave up their lives for half of the universe before they got the soul gem.

That makes William do it? Do you artificially create a cosmic crisis and let people treat him as the ultimate boss and take the soul gem to deal with him?

No, there's no other way.

In at least three dimensions of 2025, three US captains have sent gems back to their previous planes.

More directly, he made his own PIM particles and ant man armor, and teleported them to the moment when Hawkeye and the black widow were looking for soul gems.

After eagle eye gets the gem, it can be borrowed for a while and then returned to him.

Anyway, according to the movie, no matter how long Hawkeye, who are looking for gems, stay in another time and space, when they finally return to 2025, time is the next second of the moment when they transmit.

If you don't feel at ease, or want to have that soul gem all the time, just follow Hawkeye back to the fourth year 2025.

Anyway, after three battles in 2025 and one soul extermination, William killed him four times. Killing him the fifth time would not be a burden to his heart. On the contrary, he thought that the soul exterminated him too quickly and was killed by infinite gems, which made him a little unhappy.

Thinking of this, ten Holy Light Magic parts, increase energy, and start to really destroy domam's body.

The projection of Mephisto was thrown back to the United States by William.

Mephisto couldn't help muttering in his heart. Who was William calculating or doing something.

After thinking about it, Mephisto still sleeps his projection in a valley of the United States, so as not to be calculated by William again, or hit the muzzle of a gun and killed by William.

William, who felt it through the space mark, laughed, and then felt that it was the old devil Mephisto who had made it for himself.

Either way, Mephisto was showing that he would not meddle in anything to do with domam.

More than ten minutes later, while destroying domam's body and weakening his soul as much as possible, William's real body suddenly appeared in the dark space.

With a grasp of the void in his right hand, domam's soul, which was weak enough to flicker, was snatched out of his body.

Then without hesitation, he wrapped domam's soul with sentinel material to form a dark, baseball sized soul ball.

As soon as domam's soul is controlled, William feels the will of the dark space and wants to put the domination of the dark space on his head.

Without even thinking about it, William's body grabs the ball of soul and goes back to the manor in Rome.Ten magic parts of the holy light completely destroyed domam's flame body, and then, with William's signal, appeared around Hella,

together with the magic part who had been by Hella's side, slightly bowed his head and said, "Congratulations, your majesty, Hella Odin's daughter.".

Magic separation does not represent William himself, but only William. Therefore, although the noumenon does not salute Hella, everyone knows that William is pushing Hella to sit on the throne of the dark space.

Without any choice, the will of the dark space begins to strengthen Hella without any hesitation. Once the strengthening is completed like strengthening domam, it is equal to recognizing Hella's rule over the dark space.

But the power of the dark is not so easy to absorb.

Countless negative emotions suddenly appeared in Hella's mind.

The magic of ten holy lights is divided into three parts. With one idea, William begins to release the holy light field and neutralize the negative emotions of the power of darkness by force.

a set of whiteboard sentinel armor, just like William absorbed the power of Phoenix, appears beside Hella, and presses her hands on her shoulders to act as a second filter to help her absorb the negative forces, so as to avoid Hella and domam As well, the energy is completely darkened.

Even William would rather Hera not be the master of dark space than the second domam.

If the situation is any more dangerous, he will destroy his family.

Fortunately, as soon as HeLa accepted the power of darkness, she was entered into the field of holy light. With the appearance of sentry armor, she always remembered the sweet feelings between her and William a few days ago.

Let Hella himself not want to be completely darkened.

Heart does not degenerate, even if the use of the dark force, then at least this person is not the devil, thoroughly chaotic camp.

As for the matter of making Hella a a good camp, William thinks that he is not that kind of person. He does not care whether Hella is orderly, neutral, evil or chaotic neutral.

In short, as long as it's not chaos and evil.