As soon as cassilias fled, the battlefield was soon completely controlled by the paladins.

Strauss rode on a flying horse with three escorts and landed at the door of the magic temple in New York.

he said to Wang pangzi, who was ordered to support him, "the battle is almost over. Can the mages take over the rest?"

Wang fatty nodded, "yes, before the battle, the biggest problem is the excessive use of mental strength, now as long as you can rest in batches, the defense problem is not big.".

Later, he turned around and didn't get the chance to fight. He didn't know whether he was lucky that he didn't have to go through life and death, or that he couldn't use his magic talent. However, he said with uncertain expression, "you apprentices who didn't take part in the war, guard the first four hours of this evening. When the second batch of mages who came to support you arrive, would you like to go back to kamataj, or You can stay. Do you understand? "

"I understand." after listening to what Wang pangzi said just now, strange could not help thinking about this war. Although some mages were injured, none of them died. Inspired by the amazing achievements of the paladins,

strange soon suppressed the idea that he wanted to learn magic to save people, not to fight. He commanded more than a dozen people who did not reach the standard of participation Master Zhun's apprentices, spread out, and release guard magic around the temple.

Half an hour later, the last three of the paladin fighting group, flying back on a flying horse, a portal appeared in the street.

A total of 700 paladins, trainee knights and knight retinues lined up in a neat line, went through the portal and returned to the holy city of Olympus.

In this scene, many people pay attention to the earth forces here, and they are frightened.

Come and go anytime, anywhere. Who can defend this group of knights with magic power?

Moreover, the minimum number of 700 indicates that the order of paladins has reached a certain scale. It will be easy to expand with the old to bring the new.

In addition, the degenerates with light weapons can't break the paladin's body armor with long and short guns in their hands. Even if someone is injured by hitting the gap of the armor, a holy light will go down, and in a few seconds, people will chop and kill again.

When the paladins left, it meant that the battle was officially over. Wang pangzi sighed and saw a Kun fighter coming down from the sky.

As soon as the cabin door was opened, Natasha, wearing black body armor made of nano Zhenjin, wrapped her legs around the holster, with two Sunday designed and made energy combat pistols hanging in the holster, walked down quickly.

From a distance, he raised his left hand and showed the deer head holy light ring to Wang pangzi.

Wang Pang, who knew Natasha and knew more about the relationship between Natasha and William, immediately bowed himself and asked, "Ms. Roman love, what can I do for you?"

"I'm here on behalf of aegis to ask if you need any help.".

"Aegis?" Wang pangzi couldn't help thinking that after the three space aircraft carriers attacked the United States, isn't aegis disbanded?

But considering Natasha's identity, Wang pangzi thinks that if William wants to, or Natasha wants to, set up the same organization as before aegis, it seems not difficult.

But it made Wang pangzi feel embarrassed. Fortunately, Natasha said casually, "don't worry, I just don't want to stay in London manor or Oxford Castle until I come back to aegis to find something to do. You don't have to consider my attitude on this.".

After that, Natasha's armor forms a smart spectacle in her eyes. According to William's instructions, she can see the surrounding environment and the best explosion point through the spider robot quietly released, and estimate how much damage Casillas will cause by the explosion.

After all, this is one of the magic nodes of the earth. If the power of the super big bang is too big, it will have an unknown impact on the magic node, then the trouble will be great.

Although he could calculate any data by himself on Sunday, William was still a little worried, so Natasha, who is experienced in this field, came to see for herself.

A few minutes later, Natasha sent a short report to Nick Frey, who indirectly sent the news that William wanted to be released to the top of the United States, and then a complete assessment appeared in front of William.

Two hours later, dozens of fleeing degenerates, under the command of Casillas, escaped the blockade of the U.S. police and entered the vicinity of the magic temple again.

While launching the suicide attack, cover the fallen mage Lucien, and use the portal to transport explosives to the sewer under the temple.

The battle started suddenly, which made the rookies frantic for a while. Fortunately, there were a lot of police nearby. With their help, the rookie mages cleaned up the fallen attackers.

But Lucien also got a few minutes to avoid being noticed by the arcane mage and open the portal.

Before the end of the battle, when Lucien closed the portal, more than 900 kilograms of explosives had been placed in the sewer near the magic temple.

It's a pity that the fallen mage's robbery of the American arsenals was reported to the higher authorities before long, and soon something unusual was discovered by Nick Frey, Minister Ross, and even other high-level Americans who were still nervous.Nick Frey and rose basically gave orders at the same time to make people fully investigate whether the bomb was planted near the magic temple.

After hearing the report on Sunday, William thought with a sneering look on his lips. Casillas doesn't understand that the power of magic depends on strength.

In terms of science and technology and calculation, a guy born to ordinary people like him is no better than the generals and Zhengke who have been tested for a long time and come out of all kinds of intrigues.

I just sent Natasha out for a walk and submitted some reports. Nick Frey, rose, and even at least a dozen American upper class members sent someone to come here for the first time just because they wanted to be stolen from the bombing.

Ten minutes later, a series of sirens, accompanied by the sound of helicopter propellers, spread from far to near to the ears of the left behind magician.

When strange, the left behind mages, was wondering if the United States was going to take advantage of the opportunity, he saw more than a dozen military helicopters hovering near the temple, landing seven or 80 heavily armed soldiers, and with the help of hundreds of New York police, he began to search for possible hiding places.

Such a large-scale operation, as William thought, was soon discovered by the degenerates who were ready to be cannon fodder for the second time.

When Casillas got the call, the guy thought for more than ten seconds, then gritted his teeth to make a phone call. After ordering the delivery of the explosives, he hid with the explosives in the underground degenerates, carried all the explosives, and detonated them as close to the temple as possible.