William's mouth showed a sarcastic expression. The purple power gem started, which immediately made Mephisto have to suspect that there were infinite gems in the other four grooves wrapped by sentinel materials.

"Satan is on the throne, two or six.".

But Mephisto didn't think about it any more. Just two precious stones made him understand that he could not do William in the abyss alone.

The power gem is known as the source of all power. If William uses the power gem as energy and transforms it into holy light energy infinitely, he will explode magic in his territory.

even if the territory is less than his own size, the cities and clan gathering places in the abyss are always limited.

After being bombed, William doesn't have to beat him, and other demons won't miss the opportunity to take advantage of the fire.

After thinking for a moment, Mephisto turned his eyes and said, "no matter how strong your strength is, you can't change. You have only been rising for 17 years, and I Mephisto has lived for millions of years.

there must be something you need here, either secret treasure or knowledge, or even all the demons I know, such as domam's Weakness ".

Anyway, William knew that Domaine was scheming against him, whether to sell Domaine or not, but if William was interested in the knowledge in the abyss, or the knowledge he collected from Mephisto, it would be fun.

As for the secret treasure, he didn't think it was enough. Where could he really exchange good things for William.

William would not believe Mephisto when he heard it, but it didn't prevent him from seeing what the old devil wanted to do first.

The projection of matsukai Mephisto, while shooting the shoulder of the projection blatantly, puts the space mark into the projection.

Mouth is very kind to say, "if you say so early, where we will have so many misunderstandings.".

But with that, he frowned at the surrounding woods, and then the power gem flashed, and the purple energy swept around 500 meters around the vampire manor.

"These 500 meters are your entry and exit points. In the future, if you and your men dare to show up in London and Oxford, it means the war. Do you understand?"

"No problem," Mephisto nodded without hesitation. He was not interested in tempting William's family.

Don't say that the devil can't get close to William's family. Even if he uses human beings to calculate and tempt, once he does, or if he really succeeds in degrading William's woman.

I don't know whether that woman can live or not, but a life and death war is bound to happen.

Before finding a way to deal with William, it's a loss.

"So we've reached a preliminary agreement that you won't take all my hands off in the future?"

William narrowed his eyes and thought for a while. His face was calm and said, "don't talk nonsense. You are the demon king, my current supreme mage. There is only hostility between us. There can be no agreement.".

"You", "you", Mephisto became angry for a moment.

But before he scolded William for tearing down the bridge, William looked at the sky and muttered, "there are still too few battle mages in kamataji.

Just throwing out their hands, the people below reported that they could only clean in South Asia and Europe at the same time. Even in such an important place as the United States, they could only protect New York and the magic temple in New York.

If there's any big trouble in the United States, I'll have to deal with it myself. ".

"Hey, hey," Mephisto can't understand William's meaning. In the future, if he and his subordinates only engage in affairs in the United States and maple leaf countries,

arcane masters will not be as clean as they are now when they encircle and suppress each other.

When the time comes, the devil who smuggles is not lucky, that is life.

Moreover, William is also reminding Mephisto that if the devil exceeds his tolerance, he will do it himself.

As far as Mephisto is concerned, the place where he prefers to make trouble is actually North America.

Because of films and books, his reputation in the United States is greater than those of Lucifer.

In Europe, the reputation of the fallen angel is bigger than that of Mephisto.

Thinking of this, Mephisto suddenly understood why Lucifer and other fallen angels did not go to William's trouble.

It's really the delicious food on the plate. It's under William's eyes. If you want to make trouble, you have to think about whether you can't even eat in the future.

Among other things, as long as William is willing, he can secretly purge the underground forces of the European countries.

If we eliminate all the scum such as those who sell flour, arms and living people, the crime rate of the whole Europa will plummet.

People are good. What's the matter with them?

Mephisto's face was burning with pain when he thought of his demons, who had to depend on William's face.

However, this kind of thing can not be solved by Mephisto alone. In addition, he has already got William's secret promise that the United States will become his hunting ground. Where can he have the heart to talk with William again.And William doesn't want to fall out with Mephisto before he gets rid of Domaine.

Even if you have enough confidence, the worst is to take your family to Olympus.

But to avoid fighting against two or three demons, or even fighting on multiple lines, can also make the earth that you have lived on for decades suffer less losses.

No matter how selfish he is, he just doesn't care about the life and death of individual human beings. When it comes to the earth, the emotion he can't give up makes him really cold-blooded.

In a flash of thought, the figure appeared in the reception hall of falger castle.

After a while, the sound of walking came, and Haila, who was wearing a long black dress, walked to the sofa opposite William with a tray in her hand.

Put the tray on the tea table and pour two whiskies into two crystal glasses.

Hella is about to give William a glass, a glass will automatically float to William's hand.

After a sip of whiskey, William sat on the sofa and thought that he would never let Hella come to London.

But since he knew that Domaine was doing something, he was thinking, who will control the dark space after killing Domaine?

He certainly won't go himself. Among the women in the family, Serena and Nisa, who are of blood origin, are suitable in their attributes, but their strength is too weak. If they go to the dark space, they may be killed.

Finally, I think about it, either give up the dark space, or I can only choose Haila.

But HeLa wants to master the dark space, it is not so easy, at least she has to let William rest assured.

Looking at Hera, he said, "I'll help you find a way out, and you have to swear never to me and my family, not to Olympus and Asgard.".

"Asgard?" "Is it Asgard's nine realms, or Asgard himself?" she asked with a sarcastic expression