"It's not too much of a dilemma.".

Maybe I saw that William was very concerned about Louis, and he didn't even hide his magic. In front of Louis, he changed a special saddle.

when he wanted to get along with William, Wilson, who was very cheeky, soon put down his burden.

with a funny face, he said, "my grandfather is going to take my grandmother to Windsor Castle in the south of England for a holiday, my father My parents, mother and brother went to Scotland on holiday,

now Kate and Louis are the only ones who have no place to go, so why don't we go to Oxford Castle together? "

When William heard this, he shook his head. Old Philip was really thoughtful. He knew why he didn't put eggs in a basket.

Scotland, Oxford and Windsor Castle are equal to the top, middle and bottom three places. Unless it affects the whole of England, their family can leave a group of people no matter what.

Moreover, Scotland and Windsor Castle were originally away from London. In fact, they would have nothing to do. As for the Wilson family hiding in Oxford castle.

If Oxford castle were not safe, there would be no safe place in England.

William bowed his head in equal anxiety, and little Louis, who was wriggling around, asked, "how about Uncle William taking little Louis to Oxford Castle tomorrow?"

"Good." Louis, who has never been out of London, doesn't know where Oxford castle is, but it doesn't affect his trust in William. His head nods without any hesitation.

Wilson happily took out his cell phone, found a number to dial out, and ordered people to pack up their daily necessities and prepare to go to Devonshire castle.

Wilson, who is no longer in charge of smiling, has a thought. The rein turned from sentry material appears in his hand. He whispers to Louis whether he is ready. When the little guy nods excitedly,

with his legs clamped, the unicorn starts to walk and run.

Not long after, he took Louis, who was less than three years old, to ride a white horse in his manor. The picture of jogging appeared on two major television stations in England and on the Internet.

All the Englishmen who saw this scene, whether they supported aristocracy or didn't like it, were shouting "God bless you.".

According to the Devonshire family's status and strength in England, if William has other thoughts, social instability, the final misfortune must be their wallet.

The nobles are not only happy, but also ecstatic. How friendly and close the two nobles, who are the biggest and most influential, get along with each other means that everything is the same and they can continue to enjoy the days of being superior.

And although the nobles did not get direct benefits because of the existence of the Devonshire family, their economic situation has been greatly improved in recent years.

Not to mention anything else, the gold that has been continuously transported back from Mars for more than a decade has enabled the English to use the influence of gold to promote many new cooperation.

Of course, everyone knows that the English dare not put a large amount of gold into the market, otherwise countries all over the world will fall out with England.

But a lot of gold means a strong currency, which brings endless invisible benefits.

Therefore, anyone may wish William bad luck, but 80% of the people in England absolutely want William to keep the status quo forever.

After running for five minutes with Louis on horseback, the Holy Light swept around his body to make sure that the little guy was OK. Then he slowed down again, almost as fast as walking, and took him to walk around the manor aimlessly.

When they rode to the iron fence near the street, the flash flashed wildly.

Fortunately, William didn't wait for Louis' eyes to be stimulated by the strong light, so he put out his hand to block his eyes. Then he waved his other hand, and the fence suddenly glowed red.

the experienced paparazzi quickly closed the camera and stepped back, while the inexperienced Rookies soon found that the camera in their hands was pungent.

Most of the paparazzi who stay at Devonshire manor all the year round laugh and scold William in their heart.

Taking advantage of technology, and no one can find out the reason, they burn the camera circuit in their hands.

Once the smell of coking, it means that there is no need to repair the camera.

As for the ordinary hands of the mobile phone, William did not care, although the heart is not happy, but this is a modern society, not Olympus or Asgard such a kingdom of supremacy.

And when Abigail got angry, he didn't do anything to let ordinary people burn their cell phones on Sunday. But he was sure to win a lawsuit, and he could drag it on. Ordinary people were exhausted, but with more times, lawyers were not afraid of trouble, and Abigail himself was in trouble.

The next day, the Wilsons and their family went to Oxford castle.

When he left, Wang pangzi, who was ordered by William yesterday, dealt with the secret deployment of the magic temple in New York, and came to the magic temple in London from the New York temple through the portal.

The first thing to see Chen Qinfeng is to give him a holiday and go back to heaven.Chen Qinfeng, who has been in London's magic temple for several years, doesn't understand that something has happened.

When I took out my mobile phone to check the news, I saw that the TV station reported that the Wilsons and William went to Oxford with them. Philip and char took a lot of nobles with them yesterday. They would rather be scolded and accused than go to the country hunting ground for autumn hunting.

This makes Chen Qinfeng, who originally wanted to stay, immediately deliver to the magic temple on Hong Kong Island without hesitation, and then fly back to the magic capital.

Besides, he was not the only one who was smart and didn't care about fame. Many thoughtful people soon left London.

After driving away Chen Qinfeng, who William specially ordered, Wang pangzi, as the garrison mage of the London temple, was unable to stay in the temple,

instead, he went back to kamataji and secretly joined with several magicians to implement the policy of loosening the outside and tightening the inside.

While William was on holiday in the castle, he was waiting for Domaine to do it first, or waiting for Domaine to enter the main material plane.

However, secretly, they sent a large number of magic bodies and spaceships into the mutant world to search for the other four infinite gems.

Although the gem of space and power gives William enough confidence that he can win even in dark space and even kill domam, who will think that he has more cards and stronger strength?

And he was ready to force Mephisto not to move in case of an accident.

He will focus on Mephisto instead of other demons. He bullies Mephisto too many times. Ghosts don't believe that Mephisto will stay in his own territory when he has a chance.

Fortunately, there was an agreement with the abyss will that the dark forces belonging to the abyss, let alone hurt his family, could not get close to him.

Therefore, William himself is not too worried about the safety of his family. Instead, he should guard against the degenerates who take refuge in the dark forces.

And because of this agreement, he can't take the initiative to destroy the dark space. After all, if he really wants to, no matter how big the dark space is, can he still block the Red Mercury impeachment or even the antimatter impeachment?

As long as the weapon can emit strong light, it can control the devil.

Or, as in those days, through the portal, the huge light energy from a star like the sun can be drained into the abyss. As long as the time is long enough, the demons and dark creatures in the abyss can be burned to death.

This is probably the reason why Mephisto, who knows William's means, has been afraid to fight with him.