Enough, William.

Seeing that William pinched Hella's neck, Odin was worried about the power of the Phoenix power. At the same time, he immediately thought that the crushed Hella must not die at this time.

In the past, Odin thought that no matter how powerful William was, it was just because of the infinite gems. No matter how strong his real strength was, he was still a little worse than Odin.

But now seeing that the power of Phoenix is easily crushed, and HeLa, whose strength is only a little worse than him, Odin suddenly feels that even if Angela sits on the throne, the power will prevent William from covering the sky and taking full control of Asgard in the future.

when facing William, Angela and Angela can have confidence in speaking and making decisions, and Angela must have strong support behind her.

But just by himself and Saul, if you want to suppress, or let William worry about, how can you be more secure?

What's more, after today's contest, Haila, whose confidence and ambition have been hit, is not qualified to be rebellious any more. It will be much easier to win over.

After that, even if Hella has other thoughts, he can also find some trouble for William, and let William focus on the prevention of Hella. Then Saul's life will be much better in the future.

But Odin himself did not realize that he would think so, which means that he has no confidence in the match between sol and Angela.

After hearing Odin's stop, William put away the power of the Phoenix in his hand, looked into her eyes, and said with a smile, "are you stupid after being locked up for more than a thousand years?

Or do you really think that Asgard is the highest combat power in the universe, and you are the best except Odin.

Hella took William's right hand in both hands and said with difficulty, "if you want to kill, you don't have to humiliate me.".

Kill or not?

Within three seconds, William decided to speak again after Angie's accession to the throne. He looked at the space mark on Hella's forehead, and did not care to loosen Hella's neck.

he quickly came to Odin's side. "A month later, Angela and Sol's challenge arena will decide who is the new king of Asgard?"

"En", looking at Haila coughing violently on the ground, Odin nodded helplessly and recognized what he said. And after seeing the super power of Phoenix power, he had no confidence even if he wanted to recognize it.

"That's a deal," William whistled, and Angela, who was riding on the unicorn's back, was transported to him and turned on the unicorn's back.

Holding Angela in both hands, he left a sentence: "if you have something to do, go to Devonshire castle in Oxford and find the magic part I left behind". Then he took Angela to appear on Mount Olympus in an instant.

Then, while talking to Angela about her plans and the challenge arena one month later, she releases her magic to enter into all planes and abysses, filling the hundreds of positions killed by mieba to replace him in guarding, monitoring or other duties.

Although Angela didn't care much about the throne, she was stared at by William several times, and she didn't dare to say more.

In order to dispel Angela's resistance, William put his arms around Angela's waist and explained, "Olympus will become the territory of Athena and the children of Artemis.

the earth and other industries will be the common industries of Abigail and their children.

So if you want our children to have a good fortune, you have to take Asgard's throne to them.

Moreover, I promise you that in the future, you think that child is the most suitable, you can abdicate early and stay with me.

"Really, really?" Angela looks at William with bright eyes. She has been worried that William will push her to the throne in order to take over her identity for a period of time, and then take control of Asgard herself.

If so, when she becomes a puppet God King in the future, she will certainly have serious conflicts, even wars, with Odin, sol and Asgard.

But now it means that since the heirs can make her mother's decision and pass on the throne early, they can avoid a lot of infighting and the whole family will not turn against each other.

Thinking about a bright future for her children, Angela immediately decides to fight with sol.

After talking about Angela, William takes his mother and other women to play around the Olympian world. In his spare time, he goes on the stage to fight Angela.

But only three times, a artifact, even Medusa's shield are used by Angela, easily hit by William empty handed, no confidence.

If you want to restrain Medusa's shield, you just need to close your eyes and use mental and mental power as your eyes.

Finally, Athena and Artemis became Angela's new companion. Fortunately, William told Angela in advance that she only used the frost hammer and put away the other artifacts.

Otherwise, Athena and Artemis will definitely find William for Angela's artifact.

Time unconsciously past twenty days.

That day, Lina and Abigail, who had been in Olympus for more than a month, were taken back to London manor by William.

But not long after returning to London, William looked up into the sky and a rainbow bridge landed directly on Devonshire castle in Oxford.As soon as Saul appeared outside the castle, William came to Saul.

Looking at Thor's hammer in his left hand, a double-edged short handled one handed Tomahawk in his right hand, and wearing the destroyer armor, he was fully armed.

As soon as William frowned, Saul said with a smile, "how are you doing, man?".

"Not bad.".

Seeing that William didn't talk much, sol just stared at himself and said with a helpless smile, "well, I'll be frank. All of a sudden, he came here to have a fight with Angela.".

A luxury equipment, William of course know that sol is to fight, but this battle ten days ahead of time, don't say, sol also plans to duel in private, which is very surprising.


Sol didn't show off much. He put the hammer and axe on his back, clapped his hand to show that he didn't mean anything and said, "Jane is pregnant. I don't want to affect Jane and her baby because of the duel with Angela.

And you know, if I'm on the throne, I'm less likely to marry Jane.

After all, few asgards can accept a God who does not live to a hundred years old, and then have heirs who live only a few hundred years.

And I don't want Jane to die and leave me decades later, and I don't want to see my children go to see my grandfather bor earlier than me.

After Angela got on, my wife was your sister-in-law, and Jane and I had your nephew and niece.

You and Angela are the king of Olympus and the king of Asgard. You can't watch my wife and children die one by one when you have a way.

William narrowed his eyes and nodded with a smile. If he just gave some magic nectar to make people live long, he could make Saul give up the throne.

Let alone nectar, the seeds of blood orchid can not be considered.

To understand that Saul's coming today should be a walk, William asked again, "are you sure you want to give up the throne if you don't fight? Don't regret it after a few years.

"Don't worry, I'm sol odinson," Sol said, patting his chest. "I'll never go back on that, and I think Jane's right, even if I win.

Since I know you, you have been so strong. In the future, I will be oppressed by you and Olympus.

And if I want to seek more benefits for the people of Asgard, I will certainly have disputes and secret fights with you and Olympus.

Once there is a real fight, even if we are willing to sit down and talk, those people under our two hands will certainly continue to fight secretly. When the contradictions accumulate to a certain extent, there will be irreconcilable hatred one day.

In that case, let Angela sit on the throne.

At that time, the people of Asgard and Olympus will be your people. No one has to fight. You will be treated equally.

Even if it is not completely fair, there will not be a crisis of confrontation between the two realms.

The asgards can live as well as they do now, and I can stay with Jane and the children for a long time, not to mention thinking about how to guard against you and sister Angela, which is a good thing for me to kill three birds with one stone. ".