Odin sighed, put on a sad expression and said to rocky,

"Rocky, even if I took you as a hostage from your biological father, louffy, when you were a baby, and finally imprisoned you, it's normal for you to hate me.

Can you bear to see her killed when she raises you and teaches you magic? And what good is it for you to destroy Asgard? "

"What are you talking about?" Rocky, who has been reducing his sense of existence, can't help frowning when she hears that "I never thought it would be bad for my mother.".

Odin was very happy and angrily accused, "but you released Hella, which forced sol and I to get here from Asgard, and then sent someone to attack Asgard. How do you explain?"

Rocky, who had been prepared for a long time and was sure to be used by his rescuers, was worried about the safety of Scarlett when she heard that Asgard was attacked.

"What are you waiting for?" Rocky grinned at Odin and asked, "it seems that you have to choose one from the other. Is your queen important, or are the two rebellious people, HeLa and I?"

It's nothing to Odin and sol, but HeLa doesn't care about the future safety of Scarlett. Instead, she wants her to die.

And if she wants to go back to Asgard, she must have a chip in her hand, otherwise Heimdal would never open rainbow bridge to her.

Now Odin and his son, who are eager to return to the realm of God, are putting their chips in front of her. It's strange that HeLa will let them go.

And once the start, the mentality of the impatient Odin will show flaws.

If she killed Odin, or captured one of Odin and sol, she would be called the new king of Asgard from the moment she set foot on Asgard.

After all, Odin is not the powerful Odin more than a thousand years ago, and Asgard is not the divine realm of that year.

Since Odin began to capture her, HeLa herself killed Asgard, and countless elite soldiers, even the female warrior forces of the card type, were killed by her.

Thinking of this, HeLa raised her hands, folded her black hair back, turned into a black antler like helmet, and threw a black sword at Odin.

"Dang ~ ~".

The eternal gun in Odin's hand easily blocks and breaks the sword of the night sky.

But since HeLa can abandon Thor's hammer, it means that the sword of the night sky is definitely more powerful. The right sword, which was knocked open, splits several sharp swords after several turns, turns around in the air and stabs Odin straight.

However, since Odin was able to fight Haila and escape from Asgard, they must have fought each other. Of course, they knew the characteristics of the night sky sword.

The gun of eternity stabs several shots one after another, and the golden power immediately smashes the sword of the night sky and flies further. Then the muzzle of the gun turns around, and a golden energy light rushes to Haila not far away.

"Dang ~ ~", another night sky sword on Hella's left hand, easily blocked the divine light, summoned back the night sky sword of her right hand, staring at rocky, and said, "what are you waiting for, the descendants of ice giant?".

But Rocky's reaction made her frown.

If it wasn't for "ice giant's offspring", rocky, who was worried about the safety of Scarlett, might not have made up his mind so quickly to let sol go back to rescue Scarlett.

But it is this sentence in Hella's eyes that reminds rocky that ice giant and Asgard are enemies, which makes rocky extremely dissatisfied.

He even killed his father laofei, in addition to trying to ascend the Asgard throne, in order to hide the secret that he was an ice giant?

Staring at HeLa's back and guarding against rocky, she squints and shows a sarcastic expression on her face.

After 20 meters, he said to sol with a smile, "what are you waiting for, sol? Go back to Asgard to protect my mother.".

Solton was overjoyed when he wanted to call hamdal, but he saw the white haired Odin waving the eternal gun and fighting with Hella.

For a time, he left Odin alone to face Hella, but sol was not at ease.

After all, rocky is known for his fickleness and resourcefulness. It's because of Scarlett that he doesn't do it now.

But who knows if rocky will join hands with Hella to deal with Odin again after he leaves.

No, it's not possible. It's certain. After all, Rocky's hatred for Odin is not fake.

One side is his mother, the other side is his father. It's hard for him to make a choice. He can't help thinking of William and Angela.

If they were there, rocky and Hella would be all meat on the chopping board.

He waved Thor's hammer and roared, "damned William, damned Angela.".

With a bang, sol, who had just finished scolding, was hit by a hammer and flew more than ten meters. He was covered with frost and bumped into rocky, who could see clearly.

Angela, wearing a gold helmet with flying wings and a frost hammer in her hand, jumps to rocky, who dodges away from sol, and hits him with a hammer.As soon as Rocky tried to dodge, he saw the smiling William in his eyes. He raised his hand to himself, and then found that he could not move any more,

he could only watch the frost hammer getting closer and closer. A hammer hit his face, flew more than ten meters, hit a rock on one side, and made a human dent.

"Odin is on the road. You two bastards are finally here.".

Sol, who was hit by a hammer, got up from the ground without any anger and wanted to hug William not far away.

But he didn't walk a few meters before he was sent back to Asgard by magic.

William, who has been watching for a long time, has been secretly scolding Hella as a waste. If she can kill Odin, William will not appear.

But after fighting for such a long time, HeLa couldn't help Odin, who was wearing the destroyer armor. Odin probably didn't want to kill his daughter himself, and he never killed her.

Or they deliberately show weakness and want to lead to the real mastermind behind the scenes, so they always stay.

So fighting with each other, William finally understood that the father and daughter didn't mean to fight with each other until now.

On the contrary, Asgard is on fire and exploding everywhere. The only reassuring thing is that there are no traitors in the city who belong to Asgard and make trouble together, which shows that the enemy comes from the outside.

Besides Odin's life, the external enemy may want to destroy Asgard.

If Asgard is really destroyed, what's the meaning of Angela's accession to the throne?

What's the difference between taking a group of Asgard refugees to London and the young Asgard people Angela recruited to work for?

It's just more people and less people.

In addition, if Scarlett died, Odin would be crazy. He would never forgive William and his wife for the rest of his life.

Angela can not sit on the throne, and the original reliable, close allies, forced into a cold relationship, even do not know when to stab in the back of the black hand, it is not worth the loss.

So don't let it go for William.