William didn't mind Athena and Artemis joining hands on unimportant matters.

After all, really speaking, after marriage with two sisters, the three have a relationship that can not be easily separated.

Besides, they left the most precious things for countless years, but they easily got cheap. They didn't tell them, and they helped him master the whole Olympus realm.

In the past few months, the power has been steadily transferred to his own hands. Although the role played by the two people can not be explained clearly,

but the order in the divine world has not been in any chaos, which has made him want to find fault without any reason.

So, William just pretended not to like it, glared at his two wives, and ordered to build two sets of nano Zhenjin waistcoats for two new unicorns on Sunday.

"You like that style of vest, say it to Sunday, or let it give you some advice.".

Thank you, dear.

Artemis is happy to stand on tiptoe, in William cheek kiss, with the same smile Athena, to design their own harness and vest.

A few days later, when the ancient army marched, there were too many places to pay attention to.

The physical strength of the soldiers, the physical strength of the livestock, and the roads are mostly only four or five people walking side by side.

In ancient China, the cavalry did not dare to run freely. If they dare to run 100 kilometers a day, it would not take ten days, but only five days, and the horses would suffer a lot of injuries and physical exhaustion.

Therefore, even if the barbarians in Olympus are physically better than the people on earth, they can only walk about 40 kilometers every day.

Of course, grassland or plain is much better.

This makes the Barbarian King hain, who gets the bow of Epirus, have to suppress the idea of riding rashly.

The cavalry in his hands add up to about 2000 at most. In case of siege and shortage of food and grass, he can only be a bandit and a guerrilla.

Riding on a high horse, on a ten meter hillside, looking at the troops stretching for tens of miles, Hain was worried that they would be raided,

and worried that when the 50000 troops came to the hell mountain where Titan was sealed, he didn't know how many Greek city-state troops would be waiting for him.

"Your Majesty, you don't have to worry.".

The image of Semir, who is riding behind hain, has changed greatly from a decadent and dying old man to a bloody faced, neat haired and hopeful running dog.

"We have difficulties in marching, and the Greeks also have to face this kind of problem.

moreover, from my understanding of the Greek city states, the nearest city states to us should still be arguing in Parliament at this time, whether to fight or send someone to negotiate with us.

When we arrive at hell mountain, the city-state in charge of guarding hell mountain may not even issue mobilization order.

I want to rely on the wall built in the middle of the mountain, waiting to negotiate with us, or simply offer some food and money, and nominally submit to your feet, in exchange for the army not to attack them.

There are even city-state councillors who want to do business with you and sell you the property of the army and the idea of slaves.

"Ha ha ha," Hain said with a noncommittal smile, but he was sure that he hoped that it would be the same as Semir said.

"If everything is the same as you said in a few days' time, you will be my staff officer, and you will be equal to the centurion.".

"Thank you, thank you," Semir said excitedly.

Theseus, who was half a horse away from hain, nodded back to Semir with a happy expression,

and then asked hain, "Your Majesty, do you want me to lead a team of 100 horsemen to drive out more poor people for the army and enter the city of hell mountain.

In this way, even if the huge wall built in the valley of hell mountain is closed after the arrival of the army, more poor people can be used to consume the food in the hands of the City owners and councillors.

If you spend a lot of money, those who only have money in mind may be in a hurry to negotiate with you.

And you can also take the opportunity to let the troops who have marched for about ten days settle down and repair for a few days, and rush forward for you in their heyday. ".

"Ha ha ha", in Hain's laughter, people can easily tell that he is in a good mood.

He reached out and patted Theseus on the shoulder, "go, my Centurion. When you have made enough contributions, I will let you take the position of centurion,

and let you set up your own thousand troops to help me attack other cities.

You will be the Lord of the fifth big city when you fight down five big cities.

You and your descendants will be aristocrats for as long as the kingdom of Crete exists.

As soon as he said this, not only Semir was surprised, but also the barbarian guards and generals around him stared at Theseus with astonished eyes.

Haien did not look back at the marching army and said with a smile, "don't worry, my loyal generals and soldiers, you also have the chance to be the city leader."."Roar", "roar", "roar".

All the savages who heard this were all excited, patting their chest with their right hands, and shouting their loyalty to their king.

Hain thought that when the Titan was released, the divine world was in chaos, and the gods had no time to pay attention to the mortal world, the 50000 troops in his hand could not conquer the whole ancient Greek city-state.

Even if we continue to fight for ten cities in a row, we will be lucky to survive 20000 people in the end.

Therefore, it is urgent to call up the same Greeks as Theseus and set up various troops dominated by slaves and poor people to fight for themselves.

There is the example of Theseus, plus the use of stolen food and money to buy, let alone slaves and poor people. Those unsuccessful generals and nobles must dream of becoming city masters or even greater nobles and join their own side.

When Greece is really unified, it is the God who lives in the world without the permission of the gods.

This idea is good and feasible, but no one can guarantee that the City owners and nobles of the new kingdom will always be loyal to the king, will endure the benefits promised by the gods, and will not fight against him.

Moreover, in Athena's and Artemis' eyes, William, who is very similar to Zeus, will not just look at him.

At this time, on the marble floor more than ten meters away in front of him, there were eleven members of the paladin order kneeling on their knees, wearing dwarf armor and a white robe.

Strauss of the ascetic group, with his legs on the ground and his forehead on the marble floor, spoke out a dozen words of praise in a very excited mood, and then solemnly waited for William's command.

William looked at eleven knights with a smile, who obviously felt the magic of the holy light. These knights, who had experienced several crises with him,

even met the devil, Mephisto, and went to Warner Heim to fight side by side with Asgard, were his most loyal men.

"Get up.".