When William hesitated to take out the consequences of the white board sentinel armor, Artemis, holding his arms in both hands, said happily with his chest lamp,

"Your Majesty, you can't just think about Athena, I want this armor.".

"So this kind of Zhenjin armor is comparable to your Divine armor?"

"Of course," said Artemis, quickly realizing that there must be better armor in William's hand, or he would not have spoken in a confused tone.

But as soon as William heard that Zhenjin armour could match Olympus armour, where would he want to take out sentry armour again.

Without waiting for Artemis to speak, he suddenly had a better solution in his heart. He said to Athena with a smile, "try to see if the divine power can be injected into the Zhenjin armor, and then use the gold spear to attack again.".

The result is unexpected. The divine power is also a kind of energy. When it is injected into Zhenjin armor, the armor's defense is much higher.

William immediately took out his smart glasses, scanned Athena and Artemis,

and then said to Sunday in front of them, "build four sets of necklace style, defensive and close fitting Zhenjin inner armor.".

It didn't take long for him to have four Necklace style nano storage boxes in his hand, and give them to Athena and Artemis respectively,

then he said with a smile, "since Zhenjin can transmit divine power, if you put this set of Zhenjin inner armor on your armor, your defense should be greatly enhanced"

Artemis took a necklace and took off his robe, I don't mind wearing it around my neck.

In less than three seconds, a set of shining silver, small fish scale like inner armor appeared on her body, and then an idea, a set of golden God armor appeared outside the inner armor.

Taking out a dagger, Artemis uses the blade to gently stroke the Zhenjin inner armor on his arm. Then he looks at the sparks from the blade and Zhenjin, but the inner armor is not damaged at all.

Seeing this, William also said with a smile, "if you two don't think it will affect your action, you can wear two necklaces together. The inner armor will thicken from one layer to twice as much as you want.".

Artemis smiles and shakes his head. "I mainly use bows and arrows. I don't have to charge against the shield like Athena.".

Athena gave Artemis a white look and put on two necklaces at the same time. When the necklaces were fused together, she put on Zhenjin inner armor and Shenli gold armor.

Walking back and forth with a gold spear and shield, jumping and rolling, I am glad to find that Zhenjin armor can also improve strength and agility.

Finally, on Sunday's reminder, nano Zhenjin covered the hands and soles of the armor's feet, turned into four energy ejectors, and pushed Athena suspended in mid air.

This time, with the same idea, Artemis directed his armor to change, flying around Olympus.

The convenience of flying without consuming divine power was of course deeply loved by them.

For a long time, after adapting to the changes brought by Zhenjin inner armor, they landed on William's side, smiling and thanking him.

William shrugged. "You like it.".

But in a few seconds, Athena frowned and said, "many titans are more than 10 meters tall, so many times I have to change to 10 meters in battle.".

"Simple", William said with a smile. He knew that the real height of Zeus was more than 10 meters.

Athena was afraid that William would dislike her giant, so she used "change" to describe it.

As for more Zhenjin materials, William didn't care at all.

Let's make more spare nano vibrating gold materials on Sunday, and make two space rings engraved with Devonshire's deer's head and holy light's version, which immediately makes Athena and her two embrace him happily and make him fragrant.

Space ring two people don't care so much, maybe the holy light of recovering injury has a great effect on their two sisters.

To solve the problem of defense, William plans to test the threat of battle robots to Olympus.

After listening to William's explanation, Athena ordered the maid standing more than ten meters away to take a shield used by the elite soldiers of the divine world.

After taking the metal shield from the maid's hand, Athena said, "if you can break this shield, you should be able to hurt and kill the sealed Titan.".

But William didn't have to experiment with a combat robot at all. He used the metal control ability and pinched the shield in his hand.

"Creak, creak" a few times, after the shield deformation, it is easy to get the large rapid fire guns in the hands of the combat robot, it is difficult to break the shield.

However, the solution is also very simple. There are some penetrating energy weapons in the weapon system of Kerry and mieba.

"On Sunday, upgrade the weapons of 100000 battle robots.".

"Sir," he replied on Sunday, and dozens of energy weapons were displayed in the virtual imaging for him to choose from.

Soon an energy pistol that can automatically lock the user, which is obtained by unauthorized persons and can not be used, was picked out by William.As consumables, battle robots don't need to use expensive weapons. Even William wants to prevent the weapons from being too powerful, and the robots will be controlled by the race with higher technological level and attack him in turn.

And I still have a 10 meter, 20 meter mecha in my hand.

I don't believe that in the hands of mecha, the sword that can heat and laser cut will not hurt Titan.

Even struggling to consume 1000 or 10000 80 meter mechas, he was confident that he could pile up Cronus, the father of Zeus, by relying on the mechas alone.

As for the consumption of materials, let alone the fact that planet x17 is three times the size of the earth, and three moonlike satellites, three 2025 planes, there are three Mars bases and minerals of the whole planet for him to use.

As long as the construction of space warships is not unlimited and energy consumption needs to be considered, William is absolutely not afraid of any power.

After returning to the palace with Athena and Artemis, who are excited because of their initiative to send battle armor and care, and enjoying it,

the next day, William curiously comes to the sabrine temple in Cobos Bay, intending to see how the Epirus bow is made.

If it's better than the thunder, light, flame and frost bows you've changed with your sentry armor, you can take it to the dwarves and use URU metal to make your own artifact bow.

But when he came down, he found that the temple was built in the cliff of the bay.

FK, in the heart secretly scolded a sentence, no wonder people will be more and more disgusted with the gods.

In such a society with extremely backward productivity, it is impossible to excavate a rock mass 50 meters wide, 20 meters high and 78 meters deep in the rock wall without decades of time and a lot of manpower.

Moreover, people live in cliff buildings, and walk up the cliff along the path dug out on the cliff every day. Walking alone consumes a lot of physical strength, which means consuming more food. It's strange that life can get better.

However, while William was angry, he was surprised to see a familiar face.