On the ground floor of the aegis building, a subway with only one car is heading for the secret exit dozens of kilometers away.

Sitting in the carriage, the man with his legs up was Pierce, whose face was not a bit anxious.

To tell you the truth, Pierce is not stupid enough to think that three space carriers can completely eliminate all the threats to the United States.

It is not only the Chinese people who think of defeat before victory.

For an organization like Hydra, which has paid a painful lesson of near destruction because of its failure, it is unrealistic to know the most ideal state before taking action.

So, of course, pierce thought about how to save himself and minimize the loss when facing the possibility of failure again.

The only thing that annoys him is that in the future, he will never want to be a boss, he can only be a big man behind the scenes all the time.

As long as the three aircraft carriers that have been cleaned up in the U.S. capital attack Philadelphia again, Pierce is absolutely confident that the Hydra will occupy the third floor of the center of power in the future.

Maybe it won't be long before the new barrel is a hydra.

Unfortunately, his dream didn't last long. When the subway came to the secret exit, no one found that on the top of the car, there was leizang wrapped in the dark Ninja suit.

As soon as pierce and his four bodyguards walked out of the car, a dark shadow fell from the sky.

When the guard saw clearly that it was a thing the size of a mobile phone, an electric light burst on their heads.

A series of electric lights flashed by, pierce and the four guards didn't even have time to react, so they were convulsed by electric shock and fell to the ground to lose their resistance.

Then we can only watch leizang wring the guard's neck and throwing them into the prepared large SUV one by one.

Then to Pierce's relief, leizang didn't seem to have any plans to kill him immediately.

Carrying him into the back of the car, driving away from the edge of the city, all the way out of the city.

After driving for more than ten minutes to a remote dirt road, Lei Zang stopped his car in a forest under the guidance of Sunday. Pierce, who has recovered from electric shock paralysis,

saw a bright crack open little by little. Two battle robots came down from the spaceship, opened the trunk and returned to the spaceship with the bodies of four guards.

Sitting in the driver's seat, Lei Zang turned to pierce and said, "Sir, please leave some hair in the back seat, and then get off and get on the spaceship.".

After hearing this, pierce didn't understand that he had deliberately left evidence that he had been in the car. He hesitated for a few seconds and saw Lei Zang wrapped in armor. He turned his head and stared at himself with cold eyes,

he could only do as he did, smoothing his hair, shaking his hand, pulling open the door with bad eyes and fear of the unknown, and reluctantly walked onto the spaceship.

The spaceship takes pierce to the secret base of Yellowstone Park to detain Pierce, while leizang drives to the middle of rice.

An hour later, when he heard that three space carriers were attacking Philadelphia, he arrived at the first destination. He left his car by the side of the road, got on a pickup truck and drove on. After changing his car twice again, Lei Zang abandoned his car, got on the Kun spaceship and flew straight back to London.

In Philadelphia, with the help of stark, the American fighters fought with dozens of losses and hundreds of missiles, but within ten minutes after the attack, they shot down one aircraft carrier, injured two aircraft carriers and forced the two damaged aircraft carriers out of the city.

And these two damaged space carriers did not last long before they were destroyed.

When Frey, hill and stark thought this was the end, they were thinking about how to capture pierce and find out the Hydra hidden inside the United States.

All the hydras, who are terrified by failure, receive an order from the top to the bottom, asking them to hide completely, wait for restart, and commit suicide if they can't escape.

Some of the most hidden vipers, who are directly contacted by Pierce, also receive orders from Pierce, and some even ask for video calls when they are not at ease.

under the advice of Pierce's calm expression and clear language, they are relieved to forget their identity for the time being, and no matter what kind of investigation they are, they are just like other clean VIPs The same, do not do more, do not make trouble with the investigation.

When pierce and the last person worthy of his own video finish the video and take off his presbyopic glasses, he shows two dark eyes and says respectfully to William in the virtual screen, "what else do you want, Mr. Devonshire?"

William said with a smile, "your task now is to stay in the base quietly and wait for orders alive.".

"Understand", pierce, whose mind is controlled by the gem of the soul, but his mind is normal, smiles and nods, "with my understanding of the United States, maybe six months later, after those abandoned children are found out, everything will be the same as before.".

"Don't be in such a hurry," William said with a smile. "I'll let AI do a comprehensive inspection for you. When everything is calm, you and I can continue to carry out the plan to control the whole country.".Although he controlled Pierce, William did not regard pierce as a slave, but gave him a hope to control the United States again. He would try his best to reduce his habitual boss, who would resist the mind control in his heart after a long time.

If the Hydra controls the United States, it means that he controls the United States. And if there is something that someone has to carry the pot and die, it's better to use the hydra.

As for the problem that Hydra will lose its strength after this crisis, William didn't care at all.

As long as we don't catch all of them, the Hydra has ways to develop new people in the United States. In addition to the money society of American people, we can use money to support potential new people to elect members. As long as the money is in place, we will succeed in every ten years.

It's still in the dark. It's easier to recruit members who are used as cannon fodder and abandoned children.

Otherwise, where did so many Hydra come from? It's not that many Hydra came from year after year.

As long as you take a wrong step and get hold of it, the hydra, an organization that can start a world war, will not be able to quit if you want to, let alone get out of control if you want to go to jail and expose it.

It's easy to kill the traitor directly. It's worse than family. For Hydra, that's bullshit. Their favorite thing is to threaten you with family.

Pierce escaped from the aegis subway. After the Americans killed three air and space carriers and sent a large number of police, special police and troops to the periphery of the aegis,

seeing Nick Frey, who was unable to maintain the independence of the aegis, he only managed to get FB1 and C1a to join forces to enter the aegis and ordered everyone to lay down their weapons and kill some people who would rather die than die It didn't take long for Frey to find the secret subway.

Find the exit all the way along the subway. On the concrete floor, he saw leizang deliberately step on the accelerator to the end and get the black tire mark. Without thinking for a moment, Frey found stark and dug pierce out with the earliest speed.