As soon as Natasha got on the Kun spacecraft, she said to Sunday, "help me get in touch with William.".

More than ten seconds later, William's figure appeared on the virtual imaging of the spaceship. Without waiting for Natasha to talk, the first sentence was, "Nick Frey is not dead, but hiding in the dark to watch the development of the situation.

therefore, whether the fight between him and Alexander pierce involves justice or evil, I don't want to bother about it.

And dear Nath, if I were you, I would stand by and watch, so as not to be investigated by the American people after the crisis is lifted, or even be regarded as an abandoned son.

Natasha, who wanted to persuade William to do so, frowned at this.

This kind of agent who rebel from the enemy will be regarded as an outcast when things are impossible.

"But if pierce takes three space carriers into the sky and suddenly launches an attack, the number of casualties will be more than we can bear.".

"It's none of my business," William said with a narrow smile. "Pierce is a member of the aegis, and the aegis is a weapon in the hands of the American people.

What does it have to do with me, an Englishman, if the weapon hurts the owner.

What's more, there are so many fighter planes, so many missiles in the United States, or people like stark, who need me to worry about them. I'm not pleasing to them, and I even worry about them

Well, Natasha understood that William really intended to watch the chaos in the United States. She shook her head helplessly and finally tried to persuade him, "but ordinary people are innocent.".

"Who empowered Alexander pierce?" William said, "if Americans want to blame them, they blame their elected chief barrel, members of Parliament, and those in power for not doing their duty to protect them.

moreover, after the accident of Nick ferry, they would rather believe hill and Colson than tell you the specific situation. Therefore, Nate, you are not a trusted role in ferry's eyes.

Or can you take this opportunity to do your best to make the American people really trust you? "

"Forget it," Natasha didn't recognize the irony,.

If you do this, the nano armor, the holy light space ring and the crazy warlord summoning gold coin from William will be taken back by William in an instant.

Natasha, who is more important to herself, laughs, "in a few days, your investment in the United States and worldwide industry will definitely suffer huge losses, and the housekeeper of your family may trouble you.".

"Abigail?" After William smiles and looks at the camera, the camera turns half a circle, and Natasha sees Abigail sitting opposite William.

"I has the final say in this family, and honestly, I never regarded it as a place to make money. So I deliberately did not invest in the us many years ago.

After all these years, the biggest industry is the stake of stark group.

When the Hydra dislikes chaos in the United States, Tony Stark and I may be worth another wave. After all, the American people need more weapons to retaliate against the hydra, don't they? "

"Asshole, you inhuman vampire" is probably to see Abigail's face quiet and drinking afternoon tea, while she is fighting hard outside. Natasha's heart is instantly unbalanced.

Unhappy, he turned off the communication, frowned and thought for a while, so he let Kun spaceship stealth, took her to a nearby town, stole an ordinary pickup truck, and took the country road to Washington.

Now that she is sure that William is watching a good play and watching the Hydra make trouble, it is very easy for her to find a reason to drag herself on the road.

In addition, in order not to let people say that they are passive, Natasha also calls Hawkeye button and Phil Colson, asking them to rush to Washington as soon as possible to help the US team stop the hydra.

Hawkeye easily agreed to go to Washington from his secret home in the middle of the United States, while Colson, who had been secretly monitoring the aegis, hung up the phone and thought for a moment, then reported the matter to Frey.

Frey, who always thought that it would take at least one day for an aerospace carrier to take off, just thought about it and comforted himself that it wasn't the last moment, leaving Natasha alone for the time being.

However, when the U.S. team and Dongbing escaped the pursuit of the U.S. police and arrived in Washington, it was already 2:30 p.m.

When they dodged to Sam's house, they pulled the Falcon into the boat for a while, and stood by the window to observe whether there were winter soldiers pursuing soldiers outside the house,

looked at the sky for a few seconds, and then, frustrated, they discussed with Sam, and Stephen, who went there to fix the Falcon flyer, yelled, "Steve, you have to see this.".

Sam and Steve look at Bucky in surprise, and then stare at the sky through the window.

See three huge aircraft carriers, are side by side up into the sky.

Hell, the U.S. team was a little dizzy and looked at the sky in a cold sweat. Within half a minute, the three Aerospace carriers went up several hundred meters. Then they grabbed the Zhenjin shield and rushed out of the Falcon's home and ran to the aegis Bureau.Now that the aircraft carrier has been launched, the only way is to capture aegis and try to see if the command room there can lock the weapon system of the aircraft carrier.

Watching the U.S. team leave, Dong Bing can't help recalling. In the past few hours when he returned to Washington, Steve nagged and told himself about their childhood. The more he heard, the more memory he had in his head. After hesitating for a while, he secretly scolded him and chased him up.

But how fast can two legs go? Even if winter soldiers grab a car and take Steve to aegis, they can't wait half the distance.

The aerospace carrier in the sky has already reached the minimum attack altitude. The Zola algorithm designed by Dr. Zola is calculating which people in the United States will threaten the Hydra according to the algorithm designed in advance.

In the air and space carrier command headquarters, it took less than 10 seconds for the number on the display to go from 1 to 10000, and then it went up to 1 million.

It is estimated that in less than 20 minutes, people who can threaten Hydra in the whole United States will be located by satellites in space, and then the space carrier only needs to turn on the optical stealth to clear these people city by city in the sky.

Within three days, the whole U.S. will be in a state of anarchy, and the Hydra hidden in the upper echelon of the U.S. will be able to take advantage of the opportunity to make a collective voice. At that time, pierce will not be impossible even if he wants to be a barrel.

Standing in front of the landing glass windowsill of the director of aegis office, pierce watched with excitement as he ascended to the sky. He looked like a small space aircraft carrier, but suddenly heard his subordinates report that they had found Steve and Dongbing.

Pierce was so nervous that he picked up the phone and said, "pass the picture.".

Looking up and waiting for a few seconds, you can see on the screen occupying the whole wall, a pickup truck chased by dozens of police cars is rushing to the side of aegis.

Pierce, who was suddenly afraid that he would fall short at the last moment, grabbed an encrypted walkie talkie and ordered the commander of the space carrier, "start the weapon system immediately, target Steve Rogers and the whole Washington, people who are threatening us.".