After playing with light element for a long time, she didn't intend to cultivate her Wilhelm, but suddenly came up with the idea that she would just spread some basic knowledge of magic in this world.

As for the first choice, of course, most of the magic is mild light magic, and it can't threaten himself.

Do it when you think of it, put your hand on Chin's forehead, and the magic operation principle of the Holy Light bullet appeared in her mind.

Then he said with a gentle smile, "try to release this magic. As long as you succeed, it means that the light element officially recognizes you.

In the future, even if I'm not with you, you can communicate and play with the light elements at any time. ".

The person with extraordinary mental ability is the existence of strong mental power. In addition, William directly imprints the method of magic operation into her mind, which saves her the stage of learning and groping.

chingley closes her eyes and thinks about how the holy light bomb works. In only ten seconds, a holy light appears in her palm and gradually becomes a ping-pong sized holy light ball.

"Very good, little fellow, when you release the holy light as big as a tennis ball, I will teach you the next magic of the holy light.".

"Well, well, well", after learning magic, he felt that he was no longer a freak. He happily grabbed William's hand and asked, "are you my teacher in the future?"

This problem immediately made John and Wendy's hands start to sweat. Because of their hesitation and doubt, they missed Qin's chance to be a princess. Now they don't want to have any more problems in recognizing the teacher.

"That's right," William nodded with a smile. "Teacher, I'm an all-round legendary magician, no matter it's five elements, or light and dark, nature, or even time and space magic.

Even if the magic and transfiguration of the incantation system are included, there is probably no magic I won't do.

As a child's Qin, he didn't care what kind of magic William would do. Instead, he was worried about a series of magic types and asked, "how long do I have to learn to be as good as you?"

William laughs nonsense way, "I spent 14 years, you probably only need 10 years.".

In addition to Wendy, Qin's mother, she got excited when she heard this. Qin's father and Charles muttered to themselves that William must be cheating on the child.

It's impossible for us to learn all kinds of magic in one year. Even if you can learn all kinds of magic in ten years, it's already a genius among the geniuses.

think again, ten years later, Qin will be 17 years old. How can he become the legendary magician William said?

Chin frowned at William and said, "it won't take long, long.".

William grinned and pinched her nose. "It's just homework. Learn one magic after another. Even pick those you like to learn first, so you don't feel burdened.".

But I thought, not to mention learning all the magic that could threaten him, I would not teach any of them.

After getting rid of Jean grey and her parents, William really took us to Lake George. It took nearly two hours for the intelligence of the spaceship to report that there was a treasure of Knights Templar under Trinity Church.

Now there's a treasure. Even if John and Wendy grey don't want to send Jean grey to mutant school, they are all fascinated by William's reward of 100000 US dollars and at least twice of the same salary.

In addition, their husband and wife did not miss their daughter. During the period of searching for the treasure, even if they wanted to take the piano home, they had no problem.

But William himself had been a treasure hunter. He knew that once he was fascinated by wealth, all he wanted was how to get rich overnight.

Before finding the treasure, unless there is no source of income, it's all in the treasure.

After receiving the $50000 start-up fund from William, John grey immediately wanted to pull up her friends in the history department and look for the legendary "Charlotte" together.

For William, not to mention $50000, even if it's $50000 a month or $600000 a year, if it's $6 a gram of gold, it's just 600 kilograms of gold.

Even if the value of gold will fluctuate in the future, he still has plenty of gold, which makes John and grey focus on treasure hunting.

Even the gold needed to build a golden winged beast is enough for them to waste years.

And just looking for clues in the early stage is enough to trap the couple in various libraries and check the information for several years.

Not to mention that if they really found the ship, found the pipe with the clue in the Arctic Circle, and put the next clue on the American Declaration of independence, it would be more difficult for an associate professor to get the declaration than to go to heaven.

On the other hand, the treasure that he and his wife were looking forward to was located by spider robot that night and sent to William in the underground treasure house of Trinity Church.

all the antiques were stored in the storage space, leaving only about ten tons of gold bricks and ten empty boxes with nine floors and nine jewels.In the future, if John and his wife find it here, these American history researchers will probably guess that this wealth has long been used by the founders of the United States who built this underground treasure house in that war with the English people.

Using his mind to put some dust on the place where the antiques were placed, William went back to the hotel by Lake George with a smile, carrying two barrels of beer barrels, and went back to the barbecue site by the lake with a smile,

holding Raven's hand as if nothing had happened, he poured a glass of orange juice for the piano sitting beside him, and ate the barbecue prepared by two girls.

That night, William, who was sleeping with raven in his arms, suddenly heard a report from the spaceship intelligence conference that "Sir, Bolivar and William Stryker were taken to the White Palace as soon as they arrived in Washington.".

Hearing this, William looked at the alarm clock on the bedside table. After the vice envoy of Yue was blown up by a cruiser, they were sent to the White Palace only 14 hours later.

It seems that the Americans are really worried that the technology of a generation of sentinels will be acquired by polar bears, franceans or mutants.

After smelling sweet on Raven's face, William got up and spent half an hour to wash, put on a suit cut by hand, and then appeared outside the White Palace.

He has been to the White Palace for several times in his own world. After being invisible, he simply floats in the air to avoid the busy staff who even walk like jogging, and the number of security guards has increased several times.

Fly out of the Oval Office, walk through the wall, enter the most famous office in the world, and you will see men in suits and military uniforms standing in the room.

Sitting at the oval desk, the U.S. general barrel was frowning and listening anxiously to a uniformed man reporting the whole process of the theft of a generation of sentinels.

After listening to a few words, he suddenly put his eyes on the three dogs. When he saw that the collars on the necks of the three dogs were actually hung with crosses,

his face suddenly showed an inexplicable smile and released a natural animal affinity skill to the three dogs.