Let the magic take raven, Logan and pitero to the spaceship and stare at the information of the sentry taken away by the vice envoy of Yue.

William took out a bottle of whisky and wine glass, lying in the air, holding the bottle in his mind, poured half a glass of wine in the wine glass,

then the wine glass appeared in front of Ororo, and his voice came over immediately.

"Help make a hockey.".

Listen to William let himself make ice hockey, auroro heart secretly scolded sentence, eyes can't help but put on the only not imprisoned flashing body.

I was just wondering why William let go of the flash when I saw her shaking her head in a panic and gesturing that her transmission ability was limited.

People can't help thinking that William said before that what he is good at is space magic. They immediately mistakenly think that William doesn't worry that he will jump out to make trouble without the twinkling of super power.

Once the ability to blink is limited, even if you want to enter the stone room and see if Professor X and magneto are safe, you can't do it.

Fortunately, when people just think about it, they think that since William didn't do anything to himself, he should not do anything to Professor X.

And even if there's something wrong with Professor X, now we can't move, even if we want to save them, we can't save them.

William, who had been waiting for a while, saw that aurolo didn't make ice hockey for himself, and soon thought that these people were being imprisoned,

with a wave of his hand, aurolo found that they could move.

Then Ororo's eyes were on the absorber again, and the absorber who just put his hand on the mirror space barrier soon shook his head, "I have a voice in my heart telling me that if I absorb this kind of energy,

it may be torn up by the energy.".

"It's the power of space. Don't mess with it." flickering, you can't even care to use sign language. "It's more mysterious and weird than the energy of mind and spirit,

and this energy is controlled by people. If you don't know how to use it, you can absorb it casually, whether you can transform it or not,

in the process of transformation, once that person thinks you have offended him Let the energy burst in your body, then you.

Twinkle although did not continue to say, but the presence of people understand that the result of absorbing people is certainly not much better.

Not to mention that we all know that there is an upper limit to the energy that can be absorbed by absorbing people,

and William's strength makes us know that so many of them are so easily crushed by William. At this time, instead of taking risks when the enemy and ourselves are unknown, it's better to have an honest look first.

Auroro, who wants to understand, sighs to the glass and releases a little ice hockey smaller than the inner wall of the glass. The glass disappears instantly and appears in William's hand lying in the air.

While he can make ice hockey, William, who is made by aurolo on purpose, can't help laughing when he sees that all the mutants are honest,

if these people have not disappeared because of the change of the past history, do you want to take advantage of the opportunity to destroy the sentinels and completely accept them?

"Hell, where's that lightning ball just now?"

A group of people are silent, absorbing people worried and said, "he should not be the same as me, can absorb energy?"

Auroro, they follow the words of absorbing people, when they look at William, they do not find the lightning ball that William had been holding in his hand before.

"Space, energy absorption, through the wall, blink, confinement, hell, what can't this sudden bastard do?"

"Ignoring the energy attack of the fire system", the fireman said dejectedly, and ganglishi added, "his power is definitely a lot stronger than mine, and he must have the same mental power as gengery.".

"There should be mental perception ability," said Ao Xing, who was holding double knives. "Otherwise, he could not easily find me in the stealth,

he could easily find your attack when he turned his back to ganglish and Ororo, and defuse it in an instant.".

Hell, after listening to the mental and spiritual perception, it was clear how powerful Professor X and Jean grey were. At the same time, they immediately thought that William had come out of the stone room.

That is to say, Wan ciwang and Professor X, as well as the Iceman with potential level 5, didn't stop him, and even were crushed like everyone else.

"What are we going to do now? Are we going to watch him lead the sentry robot over and put everyone in danger?"

"Maybe we should think in a better direction," ganglish said as he turned to knock on the door of the stone chamber. "Since he can send us together at will, that is to say, even if he can't win, it's no problem to escape.

Besides, don't you think it's strange? "

"What?" Aurora doubts at the same time, the heart suddenly flashed a clear language, with shaking said, "you mean, he may be Logan from the past to find help?"

"That's right," ganglish nodded. "Otherwise, why have we never heard of such a powerful person,

let alone in the years when mutants were facing extinction crisis, and those ordinary people who are close to and sympathize with us were wantonly persecuted and killed?If he is so cold-blooded, now that he can control and suppress us, why don't he kill us?

Moreover, a person with such strength doesn't need to please the current authorities and let the sentry robot kill us. ".

When people heard this, they could not help nodding their heads in agreement. Then they heard Gang Lishi continue to say,

"the only explanation is that he died before he grew up.

Or at some time in the past, before the sentinel crisis, he left the Earth early with the ability of portal to explore outer space. He did not know what happened to the earth in the following years.

But when logan goes back to the past, maybe something happened, saved him, or met him, and then said everything, this person didn't want to see the world go to the edge of chaos and fragmentation, and then came to help us.

Even if Logan asked him to move on the condition that he was king of mutants, if his way of doing things was the same as that of the professor, but not that mutants were supreme,

I would like to be his servant for a while, and then I'll have a look. ".

"This, this, and" when the people were hesitating, the door of the stone room slowly opened with a click, and then Wang wanciwang came out with a cold face and looked at William for a while,

he sighed helplessly, "it's a pity that he's not a mutant, but a human wizard.".

"Eric, no matter he's a mutant or not, at least he's here to help us," followed by Professor X, who showed us that he was in a good mood.

Then they explained to auroro, "I took a chance to look at Logan's memory and know that he and this great wizard William Devonshire are working hard to change the future,

and this most powerful wizard in human history has a good attitude towards us.

The only problem is that these magicians take a zero tolerance attitude towards any mutant and ordinary people who have the desire to destroy the earth.

If we want to cooperate with him, we have to face the differences between mutants and ordinary people, who are sentenced to death without trial. ".