When driving to Beidi wharf, before getting on the bus, raven turned into a beautiful girl,

opened the password box in his hand and just wanted to start the flat panel on it to check the information of the first generation sentry robot.

I heard that William, who had scanned the password box with his mental power for a long time and knew that there was a positioning device in the box, laughed and said, "wait, honey.".

Raven stopped and asked, "what's the matter?"

"Bolivar is a super villain, an inhuman devil, but he is a genius.

So, don't you think that such important information will be tracked in the box? "

He pretended to scan the box with his smart eyes, and then William continued, "once you turn on the device, the positioning signal emitted by the locator in the box will be ten times stronger than the static state.

Maybe as soon as we got to the dock, the Americans caught up with us in half an hour.

Raven immediately stopped, not to press the start button, but afraid to close the box, worried to William, "then how do we get the sentry information?"

This surprised William. "Wait, honey, why do we need this technology?"

This kind of sentry of the first generation can't even compare with the battle robot made by William himself, not to mention Mark's armour. The sentry of the second generation and the sentry armour that has been re evolved by absorbing the super power of Captain Marvel.

What's more, he didn't want Bolivar to have no chance to develop a second-generation sentry. Instead, he asked the mutants to develop a second-generation sentry to deal with human beings.

After all, there are many powerful science teachers among the mutants. Hank, the beast, made a jet spaceship man with advanced technology for decades in the 1960s.

And Professor X's brain wave enhancer, which hank developed.

If this guy really follows Bolivar's technology and continues to make in-depth research, and takes advantage of his identity, he may be able to create a second-generation sentry that is not aimed at mutants in a shorter time.

Therefore, William will never let Raven leave the information of a generation of sentry, "for you mutants, the pressure of survival does not come from sentry robots.

Besides, what do you want with robot technology? War with Americans and polar bears?

But for me, once the American people begin to survive, the sentry robot means that the balance between the bald eagle and the polar bear will be broken.

according to the virtue of the American people who have not had war in only 20 years since the founding of the people's Republic of China, it really makes them have sentry robots. Then there is no trouble in the world, and it is impossible for countless people to lose their relatives and be displaced. " .

When Raven thought about it for a moment, he thought that it was a pity. At the same time, he had to agree with William. Moreover, because William didn't have the idea of the sentinel generation, he was very happy.

"What do you want to do?"

"How?" William said with a smile, "of course, it's to let the Vietnamese carry the black pot and be overtaken by the Americans on the way to escape.

then our Deputy envoy of Yue took the initiative to blow himself up together with the code box when he saw the matter.

Then Bolivar will certainly be called back for examination by the American people. Even because of the intervention of France and polar bear, the top level of the United States will call Bolivar to inquire in person.

Instead, when Bolivar turns into a werewolf, what do you think will be the result? "

Raven's face suddenly smiles, but then he asks, "don't you worry that the United States and Vietnam will go to war again?"

William, who was driving, looked sideways at Raven and said with a smile, "do you care about the lives of the American soldiers who invaded other countries?"

Looking at William's sarcastic expression, raven knew what his attitude was. "But the war is not decided by soldiers, and many young people are forced to go, just like the students in X school.".

"As long as the nature of the war is unjust, no one will be innocent," William said. "The only American soldiers who go to the battlefield are deserters and those who take up arms for living or for other reasons.

therefore, I don't care how many American soldiers will die, and in the form of anti war in the United States,

" >

do you really think that the United States dares to continue to fight and let the polar bear stand by and watch the United States and the polar bear's younger brother fight each other and drag down their own financial resources? "

Raven pondered for a while, and then said with a smile, "well, you, the transcendent of human identity, don't care. I don't even need to care. I just hope you don't die too many people.".

Ha, William sneered in his heart. He was eager to continue the war. But if you think about it a little bit, it would not be good for China if the loss of the United States was too great.

In the 1970s, the polar bear's military strength reached its peak, its economic strength reached the eighth level of the United States, and its global influence and deterrent power were the strongest.

In China these days, the biggest enemy is not the American. What I want most is the fall of the polar bear.

Otherwise, even if we want to develop the economy, we will be forced by the pressure of polar bears to put most of our energy and financial resources on the defense of the north.Now it is not a big problem for the American people to continue to fight for the first half year or a year. If the war does not continue, the longer the negotiations drag on, the more humiliating the American Bai Hao will be in terms of both financial and human resources.

When I came to the North dyke bridge wharf, I drove directly to the wharf area with William, who had been scanned by his mental power.

Then he put on a pair of sunglasses and a baseball cap, carried the code box in Raven's arms and said, "you go and get rid of the car. I'll take Logan's car when I'm finished.".

"I understand," Raven nodded, and without much ado, he went from the co pilot to the driver's seat and drove away.

William did not put the car into the storage space directly, in order to leave some flaws for the American and the French rooster, so as not to be too thorough, but to make people suspect that it was not the Yue people who started.

Carrying the sentinel information code box, which was also used to send the positioning signal, William looked at the north bank, which had been abandoned for more than 300 years and could not keep up with the needs of Paris.

Before long, psychic scan found a small freighter with speedboat motor, which was engaged in smuggling business.

Jump on the ship, a bewitching magic, immediately the ship's three smugglers to captivate the mind.

Then he went into the boat and sent the vice envoy of Yue from Logan's van, which was also the release of bewitching magic.

After controlling the man, he whispered in his ear, "send this code box back to Vietnam. You'd rather blow up the box and sink it into the river or sea than let the American take it back, and then use your identity to fight against Vietnam.".

The Deputy envoy of the state of Yue and the three Frenchmen nodded their heads and took the box in William's hand.

There are a lot of grenades, M1911 pistols and ammunition left on the ship, but they can't find the source.

William, who is ready to leave and let the ship go, thinks about it and suddenly asks the artificial intelligence on the ship,

"have the French and American come after him?"