After completely frightening raven, William said with a smile, "you say, what would happen if Bolivar, the dwarf, misunderstood the representative of Yue as a mutant, arrested or killed him?

Or maybe there is a mutant who makes peace talks. When he goes to the White Palace to sell his sentry plan to Nick song,

what happens if he suddenly turns into a werewolf? "

What will happen? Of course, either he was directly shot by Nixon's secret service, or he was sent to a special base to be locked up as a research target.

And the Sentinels he created will surely be regarded by the upper echelons of the United States as the weapons for werewolves to invade the human world, or they will be abandoned or completely buried.

In the future, even if someone wants to regain the plan, it will be several years, even more than a decade, after another change of president,

and he will never copy Bolivar's research achievements on sentinels. More likely, he will learn from them and move towards pure robots.

Besides, without the gene of the magic girl, the second generation of sentinels would not be formed.

This kind of insidious idea, if Professor X is here, he may object to it.

But the three mutants present, wolverine, grew up with the killing all the way, and this way of changing history will certainly help future mutants get rid of the crisis of extermination.

At this time, raven, the evil woman, had been arrested by the dwarf Bolivar wantonly to do research on the mutants. She even dissected several mutants she knew, and she was very anxious for Bolivar to die.

she didn't care whether the means of the enemy were insidious or not. Maybe she was looking forward to being bitten by the werewolf Bolivar.

It not only retaliates against the upper class of the United States, but also makes the eyes of the American people shift from mutants to dark creatures such as werewolves and vampires.

As for the quick silver Pietro, he is not a good boy. On the contrary, his excited expression shows that he is not generally interested in this plan.

Raven thought for a moment, then asked, "what's the specific action plan? And where can we find werewolves? "

"Werewolf's problem is simple," William said as he took out a ball detector the size of a baseball, which was specially used to search for werewolves and vampires.

"technology has changed life, and it also makes it easier for me to find enemies.".

Looking at the detector suspended in mid air, raven and the others were happy and worried.

Since it can search for werewolves and vampires, does it mean that it can be used to search for mutants with only a little modification?

"Don't worry, I will make this kind of detector, the main reason is that the werewolf has attacked me, as for the blood clan," William shrugged and said half truely, "mainly to help me two blood clan women, kill a blood clan elder who has hatred with them, and drive the blood clan away from my city and country by the way.".

"God, do you accept a vampire as your lover?"

At the same time, Logan quickly classified William as a guardian who didn't care about blood lineage, but only about the safety of the world.

Pitero wants to ask what it's like to be with a vampire, but he doesn't dare to ask. As soon as raven's eyes are bright, he can't help thinking whether he's taking the initiative to approach William.

While dozens of spherical probes were released, more spider launchers were released by William. While releasing spiders, they were used as ground signal transfer stations of spaceships to connect the signals of the United States and France.

And these spider robots, William does not intend to recycle, let them be the monitoring probe of France.

During the waiting period, he also thought that if there were no vampires and werewolves in the world, the werewolves who had been imprisoned in Yellowstone Park base would be useful.

They even need to throw werewolves and vampires into the United States. Some of the craziest and degenerate Americans in the 1970s take the initiative to join the ranks of vampires and werewolves.

Fortunately, the appearance is bright, and there are indeed werewolves in Paris, which is a mess in the mainland. Even in a sewer, the detector found more than 100 large-scale werewolf groups.

More in a suburban manor, found a vampire nest.

With more than a dozen pale faces and tusks exposed during the conversation, raven, who was surprised by the virtual imaging, felt uncomfortable and even disgusted.

Mutants are a group of genetically mutated human beings. Although they think they are evolved human beings,

most mutants, as long as they have not been deeply hurt by ordinary people and become weary and crazy, are no different from human beings in terms of thinking and attitude.

For vampires and werewolves, who live on blood, instinctively dislike, hate and even have the same fear as ordinary people.

What human beings fear is either limited or imprisoned, or to understand and eliminate them.

Therefore, pitero and Logan not only did not hesitate, but also could not wait for William's order to catch a werewolf. At the same time, they also planned to take the initiative to clean up the werewolf's nest.With a crooked mouth, William took out a few quick fire pistols, silver bullet bullets and a few silver daggers. "If you are willing to help clean up the alien species, I will not object to it.

however, if you have seen the war history of human beings and alien species, I suggest you only clean up properly, rather than launch a large-scale and comprehensive war.".

Pitero, who was holding a dagger, immediately asked, "why?"

William shrugged. "To wipe out werewolves and vampires, we have to clear hell and abyss.

There are too many vampires and werewolves who once enter the main material world, are equal to the elder level.

Second, once vampires and werewolves die too much, they will gnaw at ordinary people in order not to be exterminated and to survive.

While making trouble for our clean-up work, we should hide ourselves like mice for several years or decades, and then come out when the war advocates are old and dead.

Therefore, we generally only clean up those who expose themselves and wantonly kill ordinary people, and let go of those werewolves and vampires who are afraid of being killed, or whose human feelings and morality are dominant and who are self-contained.

FK, pitero scolds. After thinking about it, he knows that it's not William who doesn't want to clean up the vampires and werewolves, but there is hell and abyss. It won't be long before werewolves and vampires will appear again.

Even if you think about it carefully, William's attitude towards werewolves and vampires can reflect his attitude towards mutants from the side. The same is to kill those who make trouble and give the mutants the right to live.

With this conjecture, raven and Pietro soon thought that they had to convey to other mutants what William said today, which was 100% intentional.

Seeing Logan and pitello leave, raven stands up with a smile, goes to the wine cabinet, takes the bottle of whisky and sits beside William.