When I took Logan down the stairs, I heard him mutter, "I think you should be a priest or a priest. That hand healing magic can not only make people trust you easily,

your deceptive words can also dispel most of the parents who love their children deeply, but also have to be careful not to be found out because their children are different.

Even if there are teachers like you in the mutant school, I think the teaching level of the school will go up several grades.

Teach mutant kids?

Go to see you. It's better to spend more time with the women at home. And really, if you don't know how to look for the power of the Phoenix, the ghosts will care about the affairs of the mutants.

As long as you have the power of Phoenix, you don't need to use infinite gems for any problems in the future.

If it is used more than once, it will lead to a transcendent existence beyond the power of infinite gems. Even if it wins, it will be a trouble.

"I'm the Supreme Master of arcane magicians and the head of the Knights of the holy light. Hundreds of arcane magicians and more than 100 Knights of the Holy Light need to be managed.

If I only go to the mutant school for a few classes every month, it's hard to say that it's impossible for me to be a permanent teacher.

If it wasn't for the light elves and the great magicians who were the assistants to help teach the magicians and knights, "William, who deliberately mentioned the light elves, shrugged," I probably didn't even have time to help you solve Raven. ".

"Light spirit?"

Two confused voices came into his ears. As he walked into the basement, William said to quicksilver with a smile, "agent or something, I believe you won't believe it, but Logan and I did come to solicit you.".

"Wait, wait," quick silver interrupted William, who still wanted to speak, and said curiously, "don't talk nonsense, let me see what the light elves are like.

If the mythical spirit of light, who represents justice and holiness, recognizes you, then I think you are a good man.

Fast silver Pietro will never be the last to be fooled by the light.

But William can't really summon Alice, the light elf, to this plane.

"Alice can't do it. I've been trying my best to avoid exposing her existence for so many years. However,",,

Yu Guang turned his eyes to Logan. Seeing that he also showed this idea, William continued to say to Peter, "Phoenix and unicorn should be able to make you believe that I belong to the just side, right?"

Phoenix and unicorn in the myth and legend, the same is only with a good heart, can contact the existence.

When Logan and Pete lorry look curiously, a cockatoo suddenly appears on William's shoulder.

After releasing a mirror space, William points to pitero and Logan, instead of giving orders directly, he pretends that his relationship with Phoenix Dani is equal,

says to Dani with a smile, "Dani, they are my friends, they are full of curiosity and worship for Phoenix, so you can let them see if there are divine beasts in the world.".

Although Dani was surprised at William's tone, as a contract Warcraft, she would not disobey her master's will. She is no less intelligent than a smart person, and she would not be silly to expose William's words.

After getting William's confirmation that the place she is now in is a mirror space, Dani flies into the air and instantly transforms from a parrot into a giant beast with golden wings, more than ten meters in length and more than twenty meters in length, bursting with fierce flames.

Logan was shocked when Dani showed her whole picture, but pitero, who also felt the intense heat, immediately cried to William in horror,

"let it put away the fire, my mother and sister are still upstairs.".

After shouting, he wanted to rush upstairs and escape from his home with his mother and sister.

But when he ran up the stairs, he noticed the abnormality after only a few steps. When he stopped, he heard William say with a smile, "don't worry, we are in the mirror space.".

Let Dani put away her flame and stand on her shoulder like a cockatoo. With an idea, William begins to stretch the basement floor and walls in the mirror space.

Then in pitero's surprised eyes, standing still, the stairs at his feet automatically sent him back to the living room in the basement.

Bringing people from his own world, William will of course guard against the Phoenix and the unicorns after him. He will be discovered by the extraordinary people in the mutant world, and then follow the Phoenix, and the unicorn will find the place where he lives.

An idea stops the fluctuation of mirror space, and the unicorn Elise and Gemma Duran, as well as Lilia Duran and Assia Duran, appear in front of Logan and pitero.

"Devonshire in the crown.".

As the oldest unicorn, Gemma Duran bent her front legs and bowed her head to William as soon as she saw him.

When the other three unicorns followed, William said with a smile, "get up, Ms. Duran. Say hello to Alice for me.

Tell her I'll go back to the castle to see her when it's over."Understand, crown," Duran nodded. The four unicorns and the Phoenix were sent back to the elf forest in Oxford and the manor in London by William.

"Well, now it's time to believe me?"

Pietro nodded, four unicorns covered in snow white, with golden unicorns, so that he didn't know how to doubt even if he wanted to.

"What do you need me to do?"

William took out two rare Havana cigars, sat down on the sofa, lit one, threw it to Logan and said, "you can explain.".

Listening to Logan's explanation that the mutant would be killed by a robot in the future, pitero, who was only 17 or 18 years old, couldn't believe and was afraid. At the same time,

the first question was, "in the world before you came, was I a survivor?"

"Here," Logan hesitated for a few seconds, shaking his head solemnly. "I don't know if you are still alive, but I don't know about you and your sister Wanda in the rebel forces I know.".

"Hell, that's hanging up very early." as soon as Pietro's face darkened,

he probably felt that since he and Wanda had hung up early, it must be because they had been living in the dark and honest as they are now in the future.

as soon as the crisis appeared, they could not compete with each other and had no friends.

In this case, if you join William, who has a strong strength and influence, you can not only live a better life, but also have to face Wanda alone when you are in danger.

Just as he wanted to join William as his younger brother, pitero suddenly asked Logan, "what about him?"

Seeing that Pietro's eyes were on William, Logan hesitated and took a few puffs of his cigar before saying, "I don't know. I haven't even heard of William and the magician.".

This made William's eyes bright. Does it mean that in the future mutant world where Logan lives, there is no Guyi, no arcane master, no kamataji?

In this case, there may not be Guyi and arcane master in the world. Otherwise, a visitor from different dimensions will suddenly appear. Even if Guyi is worried that two time gems will encounter, there will be a big problem,

he should also hide the time gems in kamataji and come to have a look.

With this conjecture, William took a few puffs of cigars with a smile, "the duty of the arcane master is to guard against demons, demons, and creatures from the dark world entering the earth.

therefore, if I hadn't inherited the duty of the Supreme Master, through the arcane master's treasure, I would see that there will be mutants who will destroy the world in the future, forcing me to appear in front of you to solve the problem In the crisis,

I and other arcane masters will not care about the war between humans and mutants.

After all, to put it bluntly, the wars between you and ordinary people are no different from the wars in various countries and ethnic groups in human history. Even the vampire and werewolf disasters in the past are larger than your scale. ".