As expected, Gu Yi said that she was wrong, and asked William if he saw the picture of the future just like Dr. strange,

William could not help saying, "how do I know?"

However, although he didn't admit it, he thought in his heart,

even if you are on guard against this and that, and prevent yourself from touching the gem of time, you still have to hand it in at last.

Unfortunately, Gu Yi, who has been in contact with William for so many years, can't guess that William is lying, "no, you know, right?"

"Wait, wait," stark quickly asked, "what are you doing in riddles?"

then he suddenly thought of something. He pointed to William and said with a face of disbelief, "it's impossible. No matter how powerful you are, you are also a strong man in this world. How can you know what happened in my world?"

William shrugged, like you believe it or not, but didn't explain.

This made the four Starks look at Guyi, hoping to get the answer from her.

Gu Yi explained with joy and worry, "stranzi is more talented than me. He must have a purpose to do this.

However, William is more gifted than anyone else. It took only 12 years for him to be the same as Odin and me. In terms of the affinity of elements and space magic, he has surpassed any magician.

since he and stranzi have seen a certain segment of the future, that is to say,, ".

Just talking about this, Gu Yi thought that if the fragments of the future were mentioned, the future might change again.

Standing and meditating for a long time, she made a magic gesture with her hands, and the eyes of Argo motorcycle suddenly opened, revealing the green time gem inside.

But at the moment when she wanted to hand over the gem, she hesitated. She looked at the time gem in her hand, then looked at William deeply and said, "don't let me down, William. We and the other world depend on you.".

William grinned. If there were any other world, he would worry about what would happen.

But the main world is also a movie world. Who knows if the power of exterminating hegemony there is not as strong as that of exterminating hegemony in our own world.

Moreover, as long as you snap your fingers in Banna and save half of your life, you will take back the precious stones of time and soul at the first time. Mieba can't do it even if he wants to snap his fingers.

If the space gems of other worlds can also be controlled at will, William even feels that he only needs to use his mind, not to mention killing mieba and his subordinates,

it's also very simple to expel them to another space or hell.

Even simply put away six gems and kill mieba as soon as he shows up?

But if it is true, it's not that I've been calculating for so many years?

With a wave of his hand, time gem never stopped Gu Yi from flying out of his hand and falling into his hand.

As soon as he started with the gem, William, who had been in touch with it once and almost mastered the power of space, immediately felt that his understanding of time was improving in a straight line.

With just a few breaths, there was a time ring in his hand that could control time.

"Up, God.".

The American team and Benner, who have seen meiba use the time gem, are shocked. At the same time, they suddenly understand why Gu Yi said that William's talent is unprecedented.

As soon as we start with this thing, we will use the person who uses and controls it. Maybe no one can steal the infinite gem from him.

Not to mention that, in the frightened eyes of the four Starks, the sentry armor of William's left hand turned into the style of an infinite glove in a moment. When he folded up the gem of time, the gem of heart and space also appeared on the glove.

The four Starks were shocked and immediately instinctively hostile to William. They spread out silently and surrounded William's reproach and asked, "hell, why do you have infinite gloves?"

The power of three infinite gems instantly entered his body and made him feel a little numb. When he was glad that he was worthy of the physical quality and was 100 times more than ordinary people, he felt as if he could not hold it down. His strength broke through the critical value, and he had a premonition that he had to break through at this time, otherwise there would be problems.

Turning his eyes, stark and hawk, who are the most threatening, stretch out his hand and pass by an idea. All the people around him are instantly pulled into the mirror space by him.

After imprisoning the four of stark, William looked at Gu Yi, who was full of worry and precaution. "It seems that I was overwhelmed by the energy of three infinite gems.".

"Then follow the trend." seeing that William is not only conscious, but also wants to suppress the growth of his strength at this time, Gu Yi immediately advised, "you have been breaking through the critical point for more than three years, and if you deliberately press it, things will turn upside down. Moreover, the stronger your strength is, the more responsibility you can shoulder.".

But I don't want to take your responsibility.

That's what he said, but William also knew that he would hurt himself if he pressed again.

After releasing the suppression of mental power, in addition to Gu Yi, stark, banner, Steve and Scott in the mirror space immediately felt a strong momentum,Pressure of their own not only breathless, the body was also invisible force pressure a little bit kneel down.

Fortunately, William's breakthrough in strength has always been as fast as just a layer of paper.

When Scott and Steve were kneeling on the ground in just a few seconds, holding their hands on the ground, they couldn't stand up.

If stark didn't have the help of battle armor, and if Benner didn't have more pressure and stronger strength, he might have been lying on the ground for a long time,

William, who had broken through to the same level of strength as Guyi and Odin, suddenly felt that his soul was not only saved Sublimation, even the body is reborn like washing marrow and cutting bone.

Then he took out the gourd, Gulu, Gulu swallowed a few mouthfuls of the magic nectar that he had kept over the years.

For a moment, a surge of natural breath leaked from William's body.

After a few breaths, the four of them felt relaxed. They even felt relieved to resist the pressure from William.

However, William swallowed magic nectar in Gu Yi's room.

when he was about to export the reminder, William himself responded and put away the gourd that had consumed most of the magic nectar.

For a long time, William clenched his fist while the four of stark were busy breathing in.

After a burst of crunching and creaking sound came to his fist, he felt that not only his life expectancy had increased several times, but also his physical fitness had doubled again, reaching more than 200 times that of normal people, and four or five times that of Saul and Angela,

he could not believe his mental strength, and then whispered, "I, I feel I can fight Ten old selves.


after the pressure disappeared, the four banners sitting directly on the floor were more afraid and adored when they saw William when they heard this.

Before William can easily crush them, then now he, not only need to move his mind, can kill himself four people?