Maybe William will fight back. According to the idea of exterminating hegemonism, William will give him a story about exterminating half of the population of his forces first.

maybe he will feel that William and himself are the same kind of people.

After being beaten, he felt that he couldn't fight, so he took the initiative to contact William and talk about the ideal together.

If that's the case, William will probably smile, promise him, and destroy half of his power to see how he will react.

It's interesting just to think about it.

As for the question of whether he can win the battle, William thinks that if he has two infinite gems, if he still can't win the battle, he will.

Immediately go to Odin and Guyi for the gem of reality and time.

Maybe we can also find those alien races who have killed half of the population of mieba and form a coalition to attack mieba's territory, so that he can also understand what it's like to kill his own people and not dare to stand up.

Of course, William doesn't think that he, with two infinite gems, can't be a purple potato monster.

Mieba, who didn't wear infinite gloves, was very hard to fight the surprise team leader. When he bumped his head against the surprise, the surprise didn't do anything. He almost flashed his neck.

If it wasn't for the power gem, maybe the infinite gloves on his hands would be torn off by surprise.

William's own sentinel armor, however, is amazing. He has already stored hundreds of sentinels in the storage space, as well as four sets of energetic armor: flame, thunder, holy light and frost.

At the thought of this, William felt an impulse to fight with mieba now.

If you want to find mieba, you have to rely on rocky.

At least when Loki wanders in the universe, mieba will let the Zetas contact him.

The purpose is to let rocky be the pioneer to test the earth's defensive power, and Odin and Gu won't do it for a while, so that he can simply estimate who is better and who is weaker between them.

However, after rocky realized his idea of injecting energy into space with transformer energy cores,

happily, he planned to take all five transformer cores in his hand and inject energy into the space bridge.

However, after three injections, the space bridge stopped absorbing energy, which made rocky more excited.

This means that an energy core can open the portal once.

And as long as the transformers do not die out, as long as he has left space coordinates where he has been, he will be able to instantly reach any place he wants to go in the future.

With this treasure that can escape at any time even if the usurper fails, rocky, who has no worries about the future, takes out the predator's interstellar communicator after thinking about it,

sends a mission to make them create more chaos in the divine realm in the next two days.

Sol, who is driving a truck type mobile laboratory, doesn't know that a 12 person mercenary team, with a deposit of $5 million, is flying from South Africa to Liverpool to find him.

The next evening, sol pulled his truck off the road, stopped on a hard gravel floor, and began to prepare dinner with Jane foster.

But Jane foster probably thought that his cooking was too bad. When Saul put up the grill, he rushed him to prepare the folding table and chair.

After setting the table and chair, sol is comfortable on the couch with a bottle of beer. He is watching Jane foster barbecue not far away and drinking beer with a smile.

Since he worked as a driver for Jane foster and took the journey as a road trip, sol not only realized love,

but also because he had no divine power for seven or eight days, he was restless for thousands of years, and his heart, which was hard to calm down, calmed down unexpectedly.

When driving alone, he often recalls his past life when no one talks.

These two days, he suddenly felt that he had been walking on the road of fighting for thousands of years.

When he felt that he should change his way of life and get up from the recliner to offer help to Jane foster, who was barbecuing, a sniper shot smashed the back of the recliner behind him.

"Hell", the sniper 600 meters away, annoyed that he should not pursue the idea of hitting Saul's head.

If this shot was aimed at Sol's chest, he would have been hit in the stomach even if he got up.

Immediately, he took a manual shot and aimed at sol who was still in doubt.

When he took aim, Saul remembered that he had brought a container of guns to Shenyu.

Knowing that he was attacked by a sniper gun, he fell to the ground and dodged the second sniper bullet.

"Get down, Jane, get down.".

Saul crouched behind the recliner and folding table, shouting to Jane foster, who didn't understand, "we're under attack. Get down.".

Jane foster realized that she had been sniped.Accustomed to gunfight every day, she immediately fell on the ground and cleverly climbed to the bottom of the truck, then covered herself with huge tires.

Seeing that Jane Foster was more skillful in hiding than herself, sol was relieved and yelled at the truck, "Sunday, Sunday, do something.".

"Kun fighter is descending rapidly, and the battle robot is expected to arrive in ten seconds.".

Sol and Jane foster were just breathing a sigh of relief when they saw two men with long guns 20 or 30 meters away. They pointed their guns at their side and forced them to come at a constant speed.

This is not the worst. Jane, hiding by the tire under the car, looks around through the edge of the tire,

and sees at least seven or eight armed people coming from Sanbao.

And don't think about it, there must be people around the invisible front of the car,

"sol, do something, we have armed men all around us.".

"FK", looking at the approaching killer, sol looked back at Jane with a face full of fear, "I'll distract them, you hide on the suspension under the car.".

"Don't," he said.

As soon as she heard Sol's words, Jane foster instinctively felt that sol could not escape the shooting of several automatic weapons within 20 meters as long as he stood up.

Fortunately, sol is very fond of the sniper gun, which is a powerful weapon. When he is in the divine realm, he has nothing to bet with the three warriors in the fairy palace who is the most accurate shooter.

therefore, for the sake of gambling, he has watched the video explanation many times and is most familiar with the sniper gun.

Suddenly he raised his head, counted "one" in his heart, and lowered his head back.

Sure enough, the sniper in the distance fired unexpectedly. Sol immediately got up and rushed to the stone pile more than ten meters away.

"Dada, dada, dada".

A heavy shower of bullets came from behind him and on his left.

"Poop, poop, poop," the sound of three successive bullets hitting the back and arm, came into Saul's ears.

When the blood fog was flying in the air, a sharp pain suddenly hit sol, who was in the sprint, fell to the ground and rolled several times before he lay down on the ground.

Seeing that the target was shot and fell to the ground, the mercenaries who had been close to the truck didn't kill Jane foster immediately,

instead, they looked at sol lying on the ground and planned to confirm whether he was dead before killing Jane foster.

But in three or four seconds, there was a roar in the sky.