Looking at the towering crimson cliffs outside the window and the storm of shashuo in the sky, stark realized that he had arrived on Mars in a few seconds.

But just now I just sat in the elevator for more than ten seconds, and I can come to Mars like space transmission?

Looking back at the smiling William, stark asked in shock and amazement, "you, you have mastered the technology of space transmission?"

"You don't understand the world of magic." after that, William waved his hand and a portal appeared in front of stark. "As long as you want to get it and learn it, there is no magic that can't be realized.".

Looking at the door of the teleportation, which was the living room of Devonshire castle, stark suddenly said in a low voice, "I hate magic.".

William said with a smile, "let's go and take you to the treatment room. If it goes well, in about two hours, the fragments in your heart will be taken out, and then the healing liquid will accelerate the self-healing of your body. At four or five o'clock in the afternoon, if you are interested, we can ride a horse and go to the forest or grass to get quail for dinner.".

Said this, William laughed at the same time, and thought of what asked, "you are not against hunting?"

Stark shrugged. "I'm against hounds fighting and killing animals, but how can I be against shotguns?".

"Ha ha ha", this immediately made William laugh, joked, "the stark family is not qualified to oppose the shotgun.".

With an expression of displeasure, stark came to Mars base for emergency, cylindrical surgery and recovery integrated treatment equipment.

"It's controlled by Sunday. It's a fool type automatic therapeutic instrument. Lie in and have a sleep. Not only is the operation over, but the wound can recover dozens of times faster.".

Looking at the full healing instrument of the science and Technology Museum, stark hesitated and said, "are you sure it's ok?"

"Do you like to do it or not?" William rolled his eyes and left the treatment room.

Watching William leave, stark thought for a while, and finally had to lie in the curing barn.

At this time in the United States, the time is just early in the morning, many people who get up early to eat breakfast, habitually turn on the TV.

But when they saw the pictures on TV, they were shocked and couldn't hold the knife and fork.

Three heads often appear on some badges. Two large and one small giant white headed sea eagles are actually pecking at a three meter sailfish on the rocks by the sea.

As the sea sculptures spread their wings from time to time, the host hiding behind the rocks hundreds of meters away, holding the microphone, said with a pale face,

"the height of these two adult sea sculptures is at least eight meters, and the wingspan is close to 20 meters.

According to the fishermen who saw them yesterday, they only looked about three meters at most when they were found yesterday.

In just one night, these mutant sea eagles nearly tripled in size.

I, I, I don't know if these three sea eagles will grow to more than ten meters high with wingspan of tens of meters in a few days.

What's more worrying is that once they find it more difficult to find food from the sea than to devour us directly,

will they rush into our world like the tiger yesterday and treat us like insects, Swallow it one by one? "

God, all those who heard this, suddenly got scared.

Although human beings are the rulers of the earth, they occupy the absolute position and have the largest number.

And if we can ignore weapons, then for these monsters, humans are the best source of material objects that can be devoured at will.

Worried, the biggest sea sculpture appeared on TV. At last, despite the fact that the sailfish is half a meter long and has spear like spines,

pecked it with its sharp beak a few times, then it broke the three meter long fish bone into several pieces and swallowed them all.

People who know a little bit about it soon think that these three sea eagles are starving to this extent after eating hundreds of kilograms of swordfish.

That's not to say that the sea eagles, who are already so big, turn their eyes from the sea to the land after they can't find the right size fish to kill. It's just a matter of time.

All of a sudden, the sound of a helicopter propeller came from the TV.

The photographer on the ground immediately turned the camera to the sky, and saw a helicopter with TV station logo flying straight from the distance.

The male host at the scene immediately looked at the distant sea sculptures in a panic, then suddenly thought of something, and said to his photographer,

"God, Russell, these sea sculptures are not enough, we must immediately remind our colleagues on the helicopter,

don't get close to these three sea sculptures, or they will be attacked.".

Just then, "whew ···" a loud hawk sound came,

when the camera turned around, it saw the biggest sea sculpture. Staring at the helicopter, it flapped its wings and flew up to the sky.

"Hoo, hoo, Hoo" the flutter of wings, when haidiao passed two reporters hiding behind the rocks,The strong wind brought by the wings suddenly made the surrounding air flow curl up, which made the two people stand unsteadily.

As soon as the photographer on the helicopter saw it, he immediately yelled to the earphone in horror, "go, go, they're coming towards us. Get out of here.".

There is no need to be reminded that the driver only sees three sea sculptures flying one after another, and he doesn't care what news is in his heart.

Pull the lever, turn the helicopter, and you're going back.

"Hell, these fools will bring the sea sculpture to the city.".

The host, hiding behind the rock, got up and yelled to the photographer's camera, "no matter who sees the live broadcast, tell the pilot of the helicopter to land on the ground and escape,

otherwise, when they bring the sea sculpture into the city, we don't know how many people will be killed.".

Before the TV play, people watching the news suddenly reacted that yesterday was just a tiger, which caused hundreds of people to be killed and thousands of people to be injured.

Now there are three birds of prey that can fly. Who knows how many cities and people will be affected.

Some people immediately call the TV station, and in the TV station, there are also people who focus on the real-time news.

but when the helicopter receives the news, it's too late.

The four meter long sea sculpture with a wingspan of more than ten meters, after swallowing a person from the helicopter, flew in the sky and soon saw a small town in the distance.

With a cry, the eagle left his parents who were still in the attacker's helicopter, flapped their wings and flew to the town.

Not long after, with an explosion, the parents of the two sea eagles chirped. After receiving the response from the little sea eagles, they followed their children to fly to the small town.

In a short time, the town became a hunting ground.

Eight meter high giant Raptor, a paw down, a car will be scrapped, and more than half a meter of golden beak, it is easy to tear open the car or house.

Not to mention there are many people on the street who are shut out by stores and residents.

As for the dozen policemen in the small town, long and short guns are useless to the three sea eagles.

"Help, help, this is Travis, we're under attack, we're under attack.".

Several armed helicopters soon received radio signals for help. As they turned, four fighters took off.

In the temporary headquarters set up last night to deal with exotic animals, the commander, while mobilizing fighters and equipment to get there,

yelled to commander Roddy, "where's stark? Where's Tony Stark?"

"Hold, sorry, sir," Roddy stammered as he put down his cell phone to talk to pepper,

"according to William Devonshire, the woman named Serena, Tony and Devonshire are in the laboratory of Mars at this time.".

"FK, do you know what you're talking about, Roddy?"

Roddy nodded with a gloomy face. "Last night, Los Angeles time, Tony flew to London in a private plane to find Devonshire to help him with the shrapnel left in his heart.

After arriving in London at 9 a.m. London time, he and pepper Potts were taken to Devonshire castle in Oxford,

after lunch, he and Devonshire went to the laboratory, but no one knew that they were going to the Mars laboratory.

It wasn't until I called that pepper learned from Serena that they were going to Mars.

After hearing this, the headquarters was silent, and the middle-aged man with a star hanging on his shoulder lost his mind when he came back,

"that is to say, even if the spaceship on the way to Mars is notified, William Devonshire will return immediately, at least in a few hours,

and now we have to deal with these three sea sculptures ourselves?"

Roddy said helplessly, "I'm afraid that's the only way, sir.".

The commander had no idea of looking for a free hitter in his heart. He gritted his teeth and ordered, "order to take off two more combat units and blow up these three monsters with missiles.".

I understand.

After the reply came, four fighters loaded with air-to-air missiles took off from a base and rushed to a small town hundreds of kilometers away.

And the fighter planes, whistling past the town, attract the sea eagles who are wantonly devouring the Americans. They plan to take them to the air to attack with missiles.

I thought that the flight speed of the fighters must be much faster than that of the giant sea eagle, but when the first four fighters flew back to lure the sea eagle,

there was a shout in the communication channel, "speed up, speed up, the speed of these sea eagles is supersonic.".

However, it's a bit late for this warning. It takes nearly 20 seconds for F 16 to enter supersonic speed from Mach 0.7 of normal cruise,

let alone the lower the altitude, the longer it takes to enter supersonic speed.

"Flamingo one, emergency maneuver, emergency maneuver.".

Hearing the reminder from his teammates, the fighter pilot, code named flamingo, immediately pulled up the control lever, and the fighter immediately moved upward.There are also sea eagles that can catch the fighter within 100 meters. Their instinctive wings stand up. They flap their wings like they used to catch seagulls, and then they head straight for the oblique upward flying fighter.

There was a dull sound of "bang". Although the fighter made an emergency Dodge, it was still pecked by the golden beak.

The moment was torn like a rag.

"Damaged fighter, damaged fighter, I'm going to parachute, I'm going to parachute.".

With a bang, the pilot pulled the parachute valve and ejected the plane with the driver's chair.

But without waiting for the driver to come, a huge shadow appeared in the corner of his eye.

Just a few shouts of fear, he was caught in his claws by the sea eagles, pecked several times, and there was no sound.

Then another fighter was destroyed by another adult sea eagle, and the one attacked by the young sea eagle and the other one with the best luck flew directly to the high altitude without looking back. When they reached the altitude of 15000 meters, the two pilots were relieved to report the situation to the base.

The best luck is probably the four armed helicopters that started first but arrived five or six minutes late.

But the fighter threw the white headed eagle away, but the lost Eagle family circled in the sky, and then jumped to the ground again.

Fortunately, their goal this time is a ranch. In the face of thousands of beef cattle, the sea eagles swoop down and fly back to the sky with one of their claws, flying to the mountains in the distance.

It was half an hour later when we received the report from the ranch and the news that the second batch of fighters and the first two fighters formed three combat teams.

It's not so easy to use fighter planes to search for ground targets in mountainous areas.

In addition, the pilot did not dare to slow down, so as not to be destroyed by the sea eagle which can easily supersonic again,

therefore, even if two of the three sea eagles are eight meters tall, it is not so easy.

Fortunately, although the pilot couldn't find it, he heard the huge roar of the fighter plane, but the sea sculpture that was eating didn't intend to let them go.


There were several eagles in the sky, and a "diddidi" alarm came from the fighter plane.

The temporary leader of the combat team immediately yelled in the communication channel, "speed up, speed up, fly to the sea, we take them out of the United States.".

When the headquarters heard this, someone immediately calculated the flight radius of the fighter, and someone else calculated the three sea eagles that other fighters were taking off and ambushing.

Even the commander was still thinking about whether to lead the three eagles to England and force William to use the spaceship and mecha to kill the eagles.

After a while, the commander left the command hall with his mobile phone and made a call in a small room to report his thoughts.

As soon as the report was finished, the proposal was rejected.

Now that there are three giant sea eagles, the worst case is that they have to face the same giant attack as the giant tiger before.

If you offend William, you don't want to get the help of giant mecha.

But if there is any objection, there must be some people who are not happy with William, or have a bad relationship with him, or even have ulterior motives.

Just like the nine headed Snake game in which William and the United States are fighting, he said that since William is on his way to Mars, when he replies, he will ask us as he did the day before yesterday,

if we discuss and bargain again, these giants may have demolished a city.

And these three sea sculptures for William, just need to send a ship can be easily done.

However, some people who know William better and know more about the dirty people in the secret between the United States and William have to consider the possibility of being retaliated afterwards.

The new U.S. general barrel is the deputy general barrel of former Benjamin Arthur.

He knew a lot more than the people sitting here. After thinking about it, he said in a compromise, "if you can destroy these giant sea eagles, you can destroy them. If you can't, you can lead them to the islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean far away from the United States and think of other ways.".

Hearing this, some of the people sitting in the room thought, "master barrel, are you going to see God's will?"?

If the sea eagles fly back to the United States, they will fight to lose a lot of fighters and kill the three sea eagles.

if they fly eastward and enter England, they don't even need to. As long as they make the English feel that the sea eagles may threaten them,

someone will persuade William to fight.

But some other people think, this is not easy to say.

At the end of the meeting, someone called the commander dealing with the beast and said, "are you sure the plane can fly across the Atlantic?"

"Sir, we can take off the F-15 at sea. In fact, this kind of fighter is more suitable for dealing with air targets than the F-16, and its range and mobility are also stronger.".

There was a moment's silence on the other end of the phone, and then he said, "I remember William Devonshire building a Dinosaur Island on an island in England.

these flying giants are attracted by the same huge food. Should they be reasonably acceptable?""Yes, sir.".