"God, what is this?"

The soldiers who surrounded the tiger were all shocked by the huge bright silver mecha that suddenly appeared.

Then looking at the giant tiger kicked by the mecha, we suddenly felt the joy of being saved.

Everybody, back up.

After alerting the soldiers around, stark, who was driving the giant mecha, put the damaged helicopter on the ground and yelled at the scared pilots, "get out of here.".

He turned his head and looked at the giant tiger who had been kicked out more than ten meters and got up shaking his head. "Come on, Kitty, it's only fair now.".

"Qiang ····", two bayonets with a length of more than one meter and flashing red heat were ejected from the mecha's hands.

"Dong, Dong, Dong", a dull sound of footsteps came. Stark controlled the mecha, waved his double blades and walked around the giant tiger for more than ten steps.

when the giant tiger was no longer facing the crashed helicopter, he suddenly roared at the giant tiger.

The roar, which was amplified many times by the mecha, suddenly caused the giant tiger to roar a few times and rush towards him.

"Melee and evasion assist system on.".

After hearing this, stark grinned and let go of his direct control over the armour,

he only kept control of the double knives and weapon system, leaving Jarvis to control the mecha.

Just when all the people watching thought there would be a fierce bloody battle, he Juhu was only ten meters long and needed only two steps to cut it.

The magazine on the mecha's shoulder suddenly opened, revealing a row of dozens of small anti tank missiles.

"Whew, whew, whew", the sound of a series of missiles was heard, only a second later, ten missiles were launched at the same time,

directly hit the giant tiger with a look of fear in his eyes and wanted to avoid it.

"Boom, boom, boom", the violent explosion was accompanied by bursts of cries and wails.

When the fire and dust overflowed, in a burst of "jingling" and full screen fire, stark took back the master control of the mecha, regardless of the fragments produced by the explosion, and took three steps instead.

the huge right arm of the robot slashed down in the fire. When stark felt the knife passing, he stopped and didn't know whether it was a cut,

left hand The bayonet followed and stabbed at the place where it hit.


The bayonet heated by energy can easily penetrate into the body of the giant tiger, and the bayonet used to burn the parts in the mobile phone armour with huge heat has the same effect when it is used to deal with biological enemies.

After the energy is enhanced, the bayonet immediately emits extremely high heat energy on the back of the giant tiger.

When a "squeak" sound came out, a large area around the bayonet was scorched in a few seconds.

When the tiger couldn't bear the pain and ran into the mecha, the burnt wound not only tore out a bigger wound, but also cut it across when the bayonet was pulled out.

In addition to the previous knife cut on its forehead, and a series of explosion damage, when the fire disappears, the smoke and dust dissipate,

the American people watching around can see the standing mecha, as well as the bleeding tiger lying on the ground howling and roaring.

"FK, FK, FK, this, this is the end?"

In the headquarters, when a group of officers were stupidly looking at the picture displayed on the big screen, these officers, who were excited about biological weapons, immediately looked at the standing machine armour with shining eyes, just like their officers and the big men far away in Washington.

Then someone began to play ghost idea and said, "do you want to tell stark to take this machine?"

This, this, this.

Before the commander at the scene made a decision, he saw stark stab the seriously injured tiger in the head,

then, in the eyes of the American, he pulled out the bayonet and sent out two fierce flames at the tiger.

A few seconds later, seeing that stark didn't stop at all, everyone didn't understand what he was thinking.

"Hell, stop him.".

Although commander Roddy agreed with Stark's action to destroy the giant tiger's body, he had to obey the order from his superior.

But the way he spoke was different from before, and stark immediately understood what Roddy meant.

Pretending not to receive the same signal did not answer, only with the hands of the machine armour flamethrower, constantly burning the tiger's body.

Procrastinating for dozens of seconds, Roddy pretended to be helpless and said, "I'm sorry, sir, it should have been during the battle that the communication system was damaged.".

The commander glared at Roddy angrily and yelled to the signalman, "let the soldiers at the scene stop him.".

But after receiving the order, the soldiers at the scene looked at more than a dozen broken and smoking military Humvees around,There was also a helicopter that crashed and exploded, a helicopter rescued by stark and two other helicopters that made an emergency landing.

No one hopes that after so many people die, he or other comrades in arms will have to face this kind of monster that has no pity and only knows how to devour human beings.

After thinking about it, stark, who hears someone yelling at him with a car loudspeaker, flies out of the mecha.

wearing mark 4, he flies to the lieutenant who yells at him and says with a smile, "would anyone like a hamburger, French fries and coke?"

The soldiers who thought stark was flying over in a mark 4 and were still wary of holding guns, look at me, I'll see what you don't know what to do.

Lowering his helmet and looking at the burning mecha in the distance, stark said to the lieutenant, "man, it's none of my business now. If you have any questions, you have to go to the guy William Devonshire,

now I just want to have a hamburger, a coke and go home to get some sleep.".

After two helicopter pilots rescued by Stark came to thank them, one of the captains said with a smile,

"I know there's a store in Chicago that has a very good hamburger flavor, but I don't know if they will deliver takeout tens of kilometers away.".

"Ha, man, I'm Tony Stark. Tell me the name of the store and I promise they'll send it.".

The captain laughed a few times. "If it's your treat, I'll have two cheeseburgers and a bucket of coke by the way.".

Then the guy took a printed badge out of his pocket and said, "this is my trophy in the desert. Thank you for saving me, Mr. stark.".

Stark took it and looked into the sun. "Are you sure, man, this little thing should be worth your salary for a year?".

The captain shrugged. "But you've got me paid for decades more.".

"Ha ha ha", a burst of laughter around, and then all the sound of ordering.

This delay, five or six minutes later, the mecha burned the giant tiger's body, told stark on Sunday, and started the mecha to fly into space.

More than ten minutes later, a helicopter with hundreds of hamburgers and coke and other food, in time to catch up with the American a few Black Hawks, landed at the scene.

After a few minutes, three Black Hawks began to land. The soldiers chatting with stark with a hamburger in one hand and a coke in the other hand saw several military uniforms with stars hanging on their shoulders get off the helicopter, and immediately noisily took stark away from him as a hornet's nest.

Stark, who is boasting that he once dated a model of Sports Illustrated for a whole year, is very upset.

Beckon to Roddy, who is on the way. After finishing the rest of his hamburger, he takes a big sip of coke. He puts the glass on the folding table, puts down mark 4's mask and closes his legs together.

With a bang, he flew into the sky and headed for Los Angeles.

"This, this, this," is going to introduce the boss of his immediate boss to commander Roddy of stark. He can only look at his boss awkwardly.

Fortunately, the old man with two stars hanging on his shoulders waved his hand and said, "forget it, let the people in Washington get upset about some things.".

In the afternoon of that day, the strange animal attack that shocked the whole world spread all over the world.

By the time stark got on the private plane to London, someone on TV had already looked at him and William.

They were accused of slow response and untimely rescue, otherwise hundreds of people would not have been killed and thousands injured.

Some even accused him of burning the tiger's body for an ulterior motive with William.

"Are these people crazy?" Pepper a face of discontent and puzzled looking at, the face of the same bad stark.

"If you hadn't led that tiger away, I don't know how many people would have been killed. Now," he said.

Before he finished, pepper frowned and said, "this is not the sister and brother of white group. In order to divert their attention, they did it on purpose, right?"

Stark nodded, his mouth turned up. "I burned that tiger to ashes, and broke Claire White's last hope. She didn't hate me.".

Then stark sneered and said, "except for Claire, there must be people who want to get mark's armor,

want to follow this up and force me to hand over my armor.".

Pepper nodded, then pointed to the TV, some are accusing stark of ordinary humanity,

"but you just solved a crisis endangering the security of a state, shouldn't more people appreciate you?"

Yeah, stark doesn't get it himself.

Before he saw the reaction of the soldiers, he thought that he would definitely be welcomed by the people,

but he didn't expect that it was only half a day later, as if everything had changed.

Jarvis, check it for me.

"I understand," Jarvis replied after a pause of more than ten seconds. "Mr. stark, someone deliberately controlled the source of the interviewee,The interviews on TV are all about people far away from Chicago and around the Great Lakes.

"Ha, these bastards are really calculating," stark said with a black face.

The place where giant tigers attack humans is tens of kilometers away from Chicago, and those who don't feel the fear of attack are easily induced.

Pepper hesitated and asked, "are we also like Mr. Devonshire in mastering some media industries, so that when something happens, we don't even have a voice position?".

Stark shook his head. "It was a problem many years ago, my father and oba.

When it comes to obadai, stackeling hesitated for a while before continuing, "there are too many consortia in the United States. Unlike England, William can do whatever he wants as long as he has enough money.

Now it's too late to access the Internet.

Pepper thought about it, nodded helplessly, and then heard stark say with a smile, "since we don't have it, it's good for him to borrow and borrow William's media in places like England and Europe, as well as on the Internet.".

Pepper's eyes suddenly brightened, but without thinking for a moment, she frowned, "but I'm afraid Mr. Devonshire won't care about it.".

"It's simple.".

Stark quietly chin, grinning out of the mobile phone, call up mark 4 battle a recorded from the contact with the 10 meter mecha, to he watched the mecha burning giant tiger video.

Then he asked Jarvis to edit a video of him flying into the sky, combining with the mecha in the air, then landing rapidly, kicking the giant tiger flying towards the falling helicopter,

and then catching the helicopter out of control and saving the pilot.

After Jarvis finished editing, stark watched the video with pepper three times, and then Jarvis said,

"help me upload this video to Devonshire's Facebook.".

"By the way," stark looked at the interior decoration of the private plane, went to the bar, thought about it, and put all the homemade whiskies in the cupboard on the table.

Then he said to pepper, "take a picture of me and these wines, pass them on together,

and then write that besides McCarran, William Devonshire should try Tony Stark's recommendation.".

Chili immediately understood Stark's meaning. While pulling William into the water, it also provoked netizens to argue about American whisky and Irish whisky.

Those in the United States who love their own whisky will definitely stand on Stark's side in this matter.

After a big discussion, it's also good for McCullen whisky, which has been acquired by William, and it won't cause any big negative impact to just argue about which kind of wine is better.

Soon, the video and photo appeared in front of thousands of Internet users, and the result was just as stark expected.

It is no surprise that the super burning picture of mecha's landing in the sky has aroused the admiration and support of most people.

In the whisky fight that stark deliberately provoked, not only ordinary lovers joined in, but also American wine merchants took the initiative to join in, supporting stark in the media and on the Internet.

It's easy to turn the eyes of the American people away.

By Stark's interference, the plane had not reached the Atlantic break when a phone call came in.

When I got on the phone, commander Roddy said, "Tony, someone wants you to remove the video of the mecha.".

"No, don't even think about it," stark said, squinting. "I didn't make up the facts. As long as I met the rules, I could do whatever I wanted.

Maybe I should tell my friends that someone and the white group who caused the accident wanted to cover up the facts.

"Well, have a good time in London," commander Roddy whispered. "If you can, you'd better talk to William Devonshire about the right to use the mecha.

in the past few hours, several states in the United States have received alarm calls from witnesses of monsters.".