After he promised Poseidon to go to Olympus, William watched Poseidon jump into the sea and felt that he was going to Honolulu at a very fast speed.

But within ten minutes, Sunday suddenly said in his ear, "Sir, the man Poseidon is looking for is miss dardardario.".

"How is that possible?"

William, who is fishing, immediately takes out his smart glasses, and sees Poseidon, who has changed his normal clothes, standing outside a villa by the sea, watching dardario sitting on a small wooden wharf and putting his bare feet into the sea.

A thought later, William quietly appeared in Poseidon's side.

Startled Poseidon, after seeing that it was William, he sighed with relief and looked at Dario anxiously.

"What are you doing here?"

William also looked at his girl in the distance, "I also want to ask you, what do you want to do when you look at my woman so affectionately?"

Poseidon looked back at William in surprise, and asked in doubt and joy, "are you with Annabeth?"

William shrugged. "I've been with dardario for almost a year, don't you think?"

Poseidon, who wanted to woo William with his illegitimate daughter, was furious when faced with this situation.

"Asshole, you already have Odin's daughter, how dare you provoke my daughter.".

"Who knows?" William said, "don't care about her as much as you say. If you really care about her, you will not recognize her for 20 years"

"this, this, this".

The angry Poseidon didn't know how to say it. Then he heard from William, "and I heard that the human offspring of your three brothers can hardly live beyond 20 years old, right?"

"I", "

faltered for several times, and obviously felt the discontent and anger in William's calm tone. Poseidon thought for a while, then stretched out his hand, and the Trident was revealed in his hand.

"Dong" a dull sound, Trident to the ground, a magic power along the sand into the sea.

Sitting on the dock, dardardario, who didn't know what to think, didn't find a stream of water like magic power pouring into her blood along the skin of her feet.

Then an inexplicable call came to dardario's heart. When she woke up, she suddenly felt that the sea had never been so kind.

And after this feeling became more and more clear, dardardario, who was a little excited, thought about it, took off his coat and jumped into the sea with a "pop".

Just a few strokes of her arm, she swam out several meters, scared her to make the action of treading water immediately.

Can step on step on, heart soon emerged a clear understanding, as if they do not have to do action, can be suspended in the water.

And the longer you stay in the sea, a stream of inexplicable knowledge and incantations constantly appear in your mind.

"What's wrong with me, me, me?"

After an idea, when I raise my hand, a stream of water will follow my hand and swim in the air.

"Annabeth, my daughter.".

"Who, who", is playing happy dardardario, in the sea after a circle, did not find anyone, at this time suddenly react, he is not afraid of it?

His hands paddled fiercely and rushed to the shore.

Poseidon was about to meet him, but William took him by the arm and said, "do you really want to involve dardardario in the fight of myth at this time?"

Poseidon was stunned, then shook away William's hand, "my daughter's name is Annabeth, and you can see that she is a natural water controller and has the ability to protect herself.".

William turned his lips. Dardardario's performance in the sea just now looks good, but in his eyes, it's no different from a child's house.

"Even if you think dardario has great potential, you have to give her time to adapt to her demigod identity and improve her strength step by step without interference and secrecy.".

Poseidon was about to retort, but Zeus's angry voice came from his mind. "You are ignoring my orders when you meet with human offspring without saying it, and you dare to directly use divine power to improve her ability?"

"No, Zeus, listen to me." Poseidon looked at William and quickly sent a message to Zeus through consciousness. "Annabeth, like Odin's daughter, has been with William Devonshire,

and he promised me that he would go to Olympus to help us fight against Titans.".

When he heard that William and Poseidon's daughter were together, Zeus immediately suppressed his anger. "Come back first, and you know why I don't allow the gods to meet their human descendants.".

Zeus's words immediately reminded Boston of some gods in the domain of Olympus. The longer they have been in contact with human beings, the more they will have feelings of pity and sympathy, and show that they are more like human beings than gods.

If it goes on like this, are they gods in the end? Or human beings who are much better than human beings?

Some gods did not mind, but Zeus and Poseidon, as rulers, did not.So, looking at dardardario, who had swam ashore and lay on the beach for a long time, Poseidon turned to William and said, "send me back to the castle, son.".

William immediately frowned and said, "please call me William, or master Devonshire or whatever, but don't call me child, understand?"

Poseidon laughed, patted William on the shoulder and said, "I've lived longer than Odin. I'm fully qualified to call you a child.".

William curls his mouth, lives long, but his strength is not so good. No wonder you Olympus Gods will leave the earth.

After an idea, they went back to the reception hall of falger castle.

Before long, Zeus and Odin walked into the reception hall with a smile on their face.

Nodding with William, Odin reached out and shook hands with Poseidon, then said to Zeus with a smile, "then I won't leave you. I wish you win the war with the Titans as soon as possible.".

Zeus nodded, "thank you. When the matter of Olympus is over, I hope you and your family will have dinner with my family at the Aegean beach to celebrate the friendship between the two gods.".

Join hands to defend the enemy?

When Williamson looked at Odin, he saw the old man nodding with a smile, "no problem, looking forward to that day.".

Zeus responded with a smile, nodded to Poseidon, and then said to William, "Olympus is always ready for you, son.".

This words immediately let William mouth a draw, see Zeus and Poseidon's body to upload a ray of light, disappear.

Then he felt that they were not out of the star, but in the ectopic plane.

Then hundreds of Poseidon's sea god guards disappeared, and the space mark immediately gave him a clear coordinate.

But he turned to Odin and asked, "is Olympus on the secondary plane?"

"Of course in the secondary plane," Odin replied, frowning. "How dare you cheat on Zeus and Poseidon?"

"I'm not an idiot," William said with a smile. "Don't forget the guards in the sea.".

Hearing this, Odin began to laugh.

With a funny smile, the smile on his face slowly disappeared. Looking at William with a straight face, he said, "it's time to give me a promise, right.".

"I will never take the initiative to attack Asgard's domain, or subvert the rule of you and your descendants over the domain, OK?"

Odin nodded, "although you've said that to me before, you can't help sighing," but you're growing up too fast to say,

after you have space gems, you still have the idea of other gems. I hope that you don't cause the worry and dissatisfaction of other extraordinary beings in the universe. Take care of yourself, child. ".

After the sound of "Dong", the gun of eternity sends out a rainbow, and Odin returns to the realm of ASAR.

Looking at the Disappearing Rainbow, William turned his lips. Those extraordinary beings in the universe, if they were so powerful, would not let mieba collect all infinite gems.

But then he thought that the time taken by the purple potato monster to collect gems seemed to be very short.

Even if mieba knew where the soul gems and the soul gems were, he didn't go to get them until the power gems appeared and the exact locations of other gems were available.

Of course, Odin and Guyi are dead, which also gives him the confidence to start.

In this way, purple potato monster seems to have nothing to be afraid of. According to the movie, this guy is an extraordinary fighter.

When there are no gems, even Captain Marvel and the Scarlet Witch can't fight. Maybe when William collects all four gems, mieba will come to the earth, and even have no courage to fight with him.

When I was in a good mood, I was just about to go to Hawaii to find dardardario, who had just acquired super power. I heard Sunday's words, "Sir, I remind you that according to the plan, Dinosaur Island will officially open yesterday, and the day before yesterday you will have to meet Mrs. Lina with Chen Feng.".

William a Leng, looked at his watch, time is almost noon, "tell Abigail, I'll go back in the evening, and then Dinosaur Island officially open tomorrow.".

After an idea, William appeared outside the villa by the sea in Hawaii.

Dardario probably overcame his fear and stood in the sea just to his calf again, controlling the sea with excitement and flying around in front of him.

"What are you doing?"

Hearing the familiar voice, dardardario looked back in a panic. After seeing that it was William in the night light, the girl suddenly became nervous.

Frantically smoothing the sea, praying that William didn't see that he could control the water.

"You, why don't you say a word, just come here.".

"I'm asking what you were doing?"

As William came closer, dardardario felt flustered and stammered, "I, I didn't, I didn't do anything.".

When he reached Dario, William asked gravely, "I'm asking you what you were doing.".Listening to William ask himself word by word, Daryl Orton almost cried out, "kiss, dear, I, I seem to be strange, monster.".

Forced dardardario to speak out, William just laughed, "tell me, if it's very serious, I'll take you to my laboratory and give you a comprehensive examination.".

"No, no, No." after listening to the lab, dardardario immediately retreated in fear.

When the sea water didn't reach her waist, the girl turned around and jumped into the sea, intending to escape from the sea.

Looking at an obvious straight line surge trace, appearing in the sea, William helplessly shook his head, knowing that he really scared her.

Mental perception of the next around, to make sure that no one, no monitoring, William flew up slowly to keep up with the sea is rapidly swimming dardario.

After a few minutes, it was tens of kilometers away from the coast. Dadario, who was relieved, just showed his head from the sea and looked at the direction of the coast.

At this time, Poseidon's voice sounded again in her mind, "Anna, you've been cheated by that bastard William Devonshire. He himself is the supernatural of magic.

And more than ten minutes ago, he and I were at the seaside watching you accept my divine power. ".

Dardario not only did not get angry, but happily asked, "you, you didn't cheat me?"

Poseidon, who is sitting in the temple of Zeus, helplessly looks at Zeus who is holding a smile, "I'm your father. I won't cheat you, Anna.".

"So William doesn't think I'm a monster?"

Dardario's happy legs swam fiercely, directly out of the sea, and then like a mermaid in the sea for a few turns, just lying on his back on the sea, thinking about how to revenge William when he came back, he saw his head more than ten meters, with a personal figure suspended.


Daryl Orton, frightened, sank into the sea, but this time, no matter how she used the magic power she just gained, her body seemed to be fixed, and she could not dive.

When I was in fear, as the shadow of the sky dropped, I heard a familiar voice saying, "have you had enough? Silly girl.

Dardario, who was trying his best to use the divine power and wanted to get rid of the control, suddenly stopped, "Wei, William?"

"It's not me or who," said William, landing and stepping on the sea. "I didn't expect that you were really born to control the water. You just got the magic power and swam more than 30 kilometers in less than four minutes.".

"You bastard", it's really William. When he heard this obvious prior knowledge, his worry and fear made Dario not to mention how angry he was.

The hand swung in the sea, the divine power released, and a wave of two or three meters rushed to William.

"Hua La, Hua La".

After a burst of water and sea sound, a mental shield appeared around William's body.

When I saw dada rioton, I was stunned, but then the girl was unconvinced and stirred the sea again to mobilize more power in her body. A few meters wide water tornado was formed quickly.

He directed the water tornado to fly around in the air, and ran straight into William.

However, he pressed his hand down and said, "be safe.".

A few meters high tornado was immediately pushed back into the sea by mental force, but the sea around it was stirred up and calmed down.

"You, how do you do it, do it, honey.".

With a smile, William hooked his fingers to dardario, who was so incredible that the girl floated out of the sea and flew to her side screaming.